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raf40928 said:
It wont matter whose more powerful.. Both systems will be using the same video card with nearly identical fill rates.. We keep hearing the Ps4 cpu might be more powerful, but the funny thing is in x86 gaming the games will be built mainly around the Gpu. The limiting factor will be the Gpu. Not the cpu. The gpu is somewhat dependent on the cpu.. But in my experience building custom PC's i saw you could run a mid range graphics card with a mid range cpu - and changing the cpu didnt change frame rates...

Last gen the ps3 was more powerful and it was also more expensive. SO FAR - the most powerful console has NOT won the console race of any generation since the original NES did which killed Atari..

Both consoles will be x86.. So guess what? Youll see more ports then ever! Which means you can count on many of the most popular multiplatform games looking almost identical - all over again !

Is it opposite day?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(