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Soriku said:
I agree, it would be hilarious to see the Nextbox cost $599 as a result.

Plus no used games, always online, and paid online services to boot.

 It was Sony that actually ( fact) patented technology to stop use of used games.  Fortunately they reasoned against it.

I'm betting Microsoft who was considering going to go along with Sony ( together ) is much smarter then you think and will not attempt to go alone by blocking used games.  

If any console will cost more the Sony console has a better chance- just like PS3 was more powerful then xbox 360 - PS4 is more powerful: a more expensive cpu.. And more exspensive ram which is great marketing if that ram wasnt slowed down the system bus it would actually be worth it.. In the end both system are limited mostly by the GPU of which games in x86 are built around - unlike CELL, in which games were built around thr cpu.  So you see it really doesnt matter.. John carmack said there would be improvements in gaming but the powerful cpu in both consoles would give better Artificial Intelligence in the games and that graphics wouldnt get much better. They will be 1080p..nothing new there.. Frame rates will improve obviously.. But a more powerful cpu wont help that..

Both system are x86 which means what?  If you thought games were ported alot last generation - you aint seen nothing yet!