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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Exec says GT6 is coming to PS3 this year (NEW UPDATE: Sony refused to deny the rumors)

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i seriously hope not because i don't care about new ps3/360 games anymore when we get the next gen but for sony it makes probably sense financially.

i think i twill also release on ps4 then with better resolution and so on but it won't be game made only for ps4.

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I would prefer it to release on PS4 but this will help Sony turn a huge profit of sales If it releases on PS3.

That would be a massively stupid mistake. At least bring it to both...

SunofKratos said:
Well this will fit my theoriy that GT6 will be release on both ps3 AND ps4. Are people really expecting Sony to ignore a userbase of more than 70 M people.That would be insane from a buisness point of view.

This is where I disagree. GT6 would drive PS4 sales like mad if it was exclusive (which would be excellent for business) and in the long run it'd probably sell as well as if it were a PS3 game.

Weedlab said:
I'm torn by this. I was hoping it would release on the PS4 to boost sales of the system, but with it going to the PS3 it will definitely earn more $. Well, hopefully Sony can sell Drive Club as a good alternative. I intend to get it day 1 with the PS4, but most comments I read concerning purchasing the system didn't have Drive Club as title with it (Killzone was in almost every, not a surprise).

Same here I m looking forward to Driveclub the most, team based driving is really intriguing if I assume what that means (same as F1, with two or more drivers in a team, racing for points) second will be infamous Second Son and watchdog. killzone comes last.. this list could change after E3, but driveclub will be on top. 

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I'd imagine across both at this point. Unless they announce at E3 and release before the PS4 launches, which is highly unlikely.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

i knew GT6 would be on PS3. next gen systems will start off very slow. PS3 will remain the primary system for another 2 years yet.

Next gen has already started better then this one.

Watchdogs, Starwars1313, Metal Gear Solid, Witcher 3, Destiny, Dragon Age 3... and I'm sure plent more 2014 titles to be announced. Although not many of them are next gen exclusive I still think we will see a much faster adoption rate in regards to early adopter (hardcore gamers). 

Cross gen title.

Turkish said:
Cross gen title.

I hope to god that this isn't a cross-gen title


The only game i hope to see become cross gen from Sony right now is Puppeteer(it would get a lot more attention on PS4)


GT6 prologue will hit before GT6

Nem said:
enditall727 said:
We will never see a Gran Turismo release on PS4 is this dumb sh!t is true

it's useless to release GT6 on ps3 at this point

Its not useless if they want to make money. Also, its probably been in development for a while now.

GT6 will explode on PS4!


GT6 will still sprint past 10 million regardless..