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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Paying for online gaming, THE OUTRAGE!

I think that paying for XBox Live is ridiculous and I think that paying to play an MMO is even more ridiculous.

Where is your argument now!



Playing this:


On PS3/PC/Wii U costs: $0 a month

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

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Hynad said:
bananaking21 said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Osc89 said:
Isn't the issue to do with how the PS3 does it all for free? It's like charging for Pepsi when you can get Coke on tap. It just seems a bit odd.

Guild Wars has free online, but World of Warcraft costs $15 a month. Guild Wars fans don't call Wolrd of Warcraft fans names for enjoying their game, but XBL Gold is seen as some kind of big scam when it's such a tiny fee that most people probably spend tripple on candy every month without noticing.

but when buying candy you actually get something in return, when paying for live you just get access to stuff that you already payed money for and should get for free. your comparison is false, this comparison explains the situation perfectly. its like toshiba forcing me to pay 5 bucks a month to use the internet. its a rip off, you dont want to accept that fact then dont, you think its not a rip off then ok, but it is, and dont go calling other people cry babies when they point a legitimate reason and actually have the balls to stick up to it

Yeah. It's like you go to the store, and you have to pay money to be allowed to then pay for candies. Why people try to justify this practice is beyond reason.

Try walking into Costco or Sam's Club without a membership subscription.

JOKA_ said:

I think that paying for XBox Live is ridiculous and I think that paying to play an MMO is even more ridiculous.

Where is your argument now!



Playing this:


On PS3/PC/Wii U costs: $0 a month

Wow, you can play Halo 4 on your PS3/PC/Wii U and it's free?

Where did you get this amazing PS/PC/Wii U machine? Did you make it yourself? I want one.

kain_kusanagi said:
JOKA_ said:

I think that paying for XBox Live is ridiculous and I think that paying to play an MMO is even more ridiculous.

Where is your argument now!



Playing this:


On PS3/PC/Wii U costs: $0 a month

Wow, you can play Halo 4 on your PS3?PC/Wii U and it's free?

Where did you get this amazing PS/PC/Wii U machine? Did you make it yourself? I want one.

I've got skills.  I'll hook you up.

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

People have problems with paying $5/month to play online, but have no problem paying $8/month to watch old movies and TV shows. Go figure.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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It's about the principle really not the price. The competition does it for free. Back in the beginning of the gen I never complained about the online fee, it was a brilliant service and no one had anything like it, but now that the PSN is almost just as good it becomes annoying.

This is Its not even about principle for me, its basic common sense. Im NOT going to pay for something that a competitor has for free, thats dumb. Now if you have to play Halo and Gears so badly, then by all means go ahead. Luckily for me i dont care about those, so im not missing anything. LOL at people that think they know what Sony will actually do, you have no idea. ANd frankly i doubt Sony is going to start charging for ONLINE play, not sure about other features, but if they do. I just wont get PS4, its that simple.

I don't really care, Online gaming should be free, MMOs should be free as well.

its not 1997 where running a server is something difficult and you have to use dial up, this is 2013 , you can run a server using your phone and it will run perfectly.

Every online game should be free, period.

NightDragon83 said:
People have problems with paying $5/month to play online, but have no problem paying $8/month to watch old movies and TV shows. Go figure.

yes because people are paying 40-60 bucks per movie, terrible comparison.

I will never buy and Xbox console. To pay to play a game online on a console is just absurd. We pay for online already why pay more. Sony rules! Even if they charge I would not care I have played for free for yearrrrs!