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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are Ps4 fans getting annoyed by the "PC is better" people??.

Lawlight said:
chocoloco said:

No, according to some one on the internet everything will be better than what you like. Actually, if the PS4 and Next box blocked used games I was and am fully willing to leave consoles in the dust and go PC . As a consumer I look out for numerous uno.


But, yes, arrogance if any form is annoying.

It's already been confirmed that the PS4 won't block used games. Keep up please.

No, I do what I want. I heard pay station 4 was going to be $899 Australian. The Wii U just seems better. Sorry. 

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JWeinCom said:
Haven't Sony's fans established that being next-gen is solely a function of graphics? Keeping that in mind, it makes perfect sense to have PC gamers brag about their superiority. Better graphics= better system.

Lol. The PS2 would like a word with you.

pezus said:
wfz said:

PC fans are getting annoyed by the "Wow look at these PS4 graphics! They are THE BEST!" people. Us PC master race gamers are already past that point.


Use the new one, damn

My god, is that fat one supposed to be Gabe Newell?

raf40928 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
zero129 said:

So i have seen a lot of so called PC guys posting how the graphics on PC is better then the Ps4 and that console gamers are only now catching up etc etc.

Are you guys getting annoyed by this type of stuff popping inot almost every PS4 thread??.

No, because it is true. PC's have been running DX11 for years and the GTX 680 has been out for a while. However, a console will cost far less (hopefully) so that makes up for it all.

First off the PS4 is a PC in a console case.. They are not using high end parts or the PS4 would launch at 1000 dollars instead of 400/450 for the entry level and 500/ 550 premium.. They are using mid range parts.. anyone who understands pc architecture knows a high end pc will look amd run better...Essentiallynsony is admitting the Cell proessor was a mistake,  they abandoned plans to use an updated Cell in the PS4... And now Sony fans can eat crow.. Last gen all you heard was 'Xbox is basically a PC' .. sony seems to have changed its tune after announcing in late 2012 that its lost nearly 6 Billion dollars and has had FOUR straight years of losses... Most Sony fans look at comsole numbers sold without realising just how much Sony has lost on the PS3.. The PS2 grew Sony to new heights.. The ps3 has even caused Sony to sell assets to raise cash to make this console happen..

There are alot of people that play consoles that know what PC architecture is.. I used to be a computer technician and built many computers for myself and friends...


just go read articles on the PS4.. You'll see in FACT the ps4 uses an X86 cpu!  What does X86 mean?  The x is a variable number that represent the evolution of Personal Computer (PC) Cpu's..... In example 15 years ago they might went from a 386.. To. 486.. Eventually they began putting an X where the first number went..


The PS4 uses an AMD x86 processor for the CPU.. Ive been using AMD ( advanced micro devices ) in my windows PC for over 10 years since Amd came out with the AMD athlon... 

Anyone who doubts the ps4 is now using a PC cpu please go look up a PC at best buy .. Choose amd processor and look up archictecture... Further more the xbox will be using pretty close the the same GPU as the PS4- even made by the same company .. An ATI processor, which was bought out years ago by who....?  AMD

You are partially there, but wrong on most things.

Firstly, it is "like a PC", but very far from one as they wiull have a custom board which will be nothing like your standard mobo. Yes the parts are not great (bar the RAM), but they don't need to be due to the high efficiency consoles can achieve.

The Cell was a good idea, but the issue was that it was Sony and IBM, not AMD or Intel. Since the Cell, APU Proc have come to the market and been a huge success, and the PS4 does use a APU, but it is not the Cell, but probably an A10 or one from AMDs range. The only issue was that the Cell did not use X86 architecture, and this was a rookie mistake as it made programming for it different (not harder, just different).

Sony changed its tune due to a new CEO coming in who has blitz Sony and seems to be doing a great job with redesigning the companies structure and approach.

NB. I have a degree in Electronic Eng so I know a lot about this.

Max King of the Wild said:
KeptoKnight said:

well it is just as annoying hearing how the "graphics" looks on the PS4 lol when PC always leads.

*The "WOW graphics is awesome" moments is getting old. Been there done that for 13 years with PC already.

*....and no im not really a "fan" of anything. 

really? I could have sworn CS was the best graphics got 13 years ago. Youre not really a fan of anything yet you are clearly being ignorant intentionally. Also it doesnt matter how the PC leads the ps graphics are impressive

someone has comprehension problems.....

*I had a PC since I was 15 yrs old and what that implies? I have experienced amazing graphics many times upto date. Yes its getting old. i dont give a shit about how the Ps4 graphics is or going to look like. 

*Give me games please not polygon count. Give me Last guardian or Heavenly sword sequel not them other shitty ass generic titles trying to "impress."

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I'd still like to get an answer to my question - why are so many pc gamers feeling unsettled or insecure atm?

pezus said:
wfz said:
pezus said:

Use the new one, damn

My god, is that fat one supposed to be Gabe Newell?


Bookmarked. And possibly screen-saver'd.

PC graphics will always be better than console graphics, thats just logic. but what is somewhat annoying is when haters come up and try to downplay the ps4 for that, when mind you, there console of choice does produce graphics weaker than the PC as well

pezus said:
wfz said:
pezus said:

Use the new one, damn

My god, is that fat one supposed to be Gabe Newell?


Nobody can defy the almighty Gabe Newell. 

Nintendo and PC gamer

I think what annoys me is the logic that pops up in these console x PC graphics conversations of, "if yours is better than mine, but yours isn't the best, it's not worth talking about".

It's like saying, your car may be fast, but it isn't the fastest ever made, so it's not worth talking about.

It willfully ignores any context surrounding the property in question (in this case hardware power), which would otherwise reveal the property is indeed impressive without being the very best example of it in existence.