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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I don't understand how anyone could ever trust MS's Next after this gen :/


Do you still trust MS enough to get their Next Console?

Yes 265 34.06%
No 512 65.81%
9087 said:
i have a feeling PS4 is going to beat 720

I think 3DS will crush both.

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You know what kind of bothers me? The negative reactions this thread has garnered. Why? well, the points brought up are completely reasonable concerns, and based on what I'm seeing, Microsoft has done nothing to quell those fears.

They're not adding any extra value to their premium online service like PSN is doing.
They're focusing a lot on Kinect and outside of Gears of War, aren't bothering to get many exclusives.

And to make it worse, Their PR is doing NOTHING to make the nextbox appealing. All of the rumors are claiming the Xbox to be a weaker console than the PS4, There are many people claiming it will block used games and they've done nothing to confirm or deny (and as we all know, doubt is more dangerous than certainty), and much of the rumors are stating it comes with Kinect 2.0, which was a SALES juggernaut but failed pretty hardcore critically (tonnes of potential, no games worth having outside of Dance Central).

So why in the world would I support them? they've done nothing to sway me, and their nextbox is looking like it will continue their current trend of 'pretty much crap and nothing to look forward to.'

At least with PS4, the only complaint (and it's a biggie), is a complete lack of backwards compatibility. That hurts the value a tonne when you realize how much many of us have put into our PS3's. At least the PS3 is reliable and Sony will continue to support it, so I'll just not get rid of it. my Xbox, however, is NOT reliable and given the lack of reasons to own an Xbox (multiplat games I can get on PS3 and exclusives I don't care about), so unless they really turn it around and HURRY UP and quell the rumors, I see no reason to support them, and given their terrible track rate, I don't trust them. Even if I DO get a Nextbox, it wont be until at least 6 months after release to ensure the damn thing works well.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Wright said:
9087 said:
i have a feeling PS4 is going to beat 720

I think 3DS will crush both.

You cant compare a handheld to a console. 

forevercloud3000 said:

tl;dr version:

  1. no support into next gen.
  2. tech failures
  3. exclusives that are exclusives only for a while
  4. no games for the last 3 years outside the big 3
  5. charging for online 
  6. cheap but sold in pieces 

All valid points but my main reason for distrust is n.4

The 360 started off really well in regards to game variety but it went out of steam fairly fast. I don't think you can sugar coat MS treating gamers like that, only investing in the couple of titles that are huge sellers.

Objectively, I cannot show any faith in the new Xbox knowing MS will shortly focus only on the couple or three titles that sell COD numbers.


9087 said:
Wright said:
9087 said:
i have a feeling PS4 is going to beat 720

I think 3DS will crush both.

You cant compare a handheld to a console. 

I can. Can't you see it? I've already done it =P *Tangles up 9087's hair*

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9087 said:
Wright said:
9087 said:
i have a feeling PS4 is going to beat 720

I think 3DS will crush both.

You cant compare a handheld to a console. 

Since PS3 is last, your decision as to what can or can not compare has been vetoed. I say its cool to do so. When PS3 takes 2nd, you can change the rules if you like :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Pretty much exactly how I feel. Most people will never admit it though.

forevercloud3000 said:
freedquaker said:
We need to hand it to MS since they did many things right.

- They launched the console in time, good timing to steal enough market share to push it over. If 360 had not been shipped a year earlier, it would never stand a chance against PS3. MS already lost Europe and Japan, and the primary support came from US Gamers, who were directly addressed by an American Company, rather than a distant Japanese one, who acted too little too late, and whose priority audience were just not Americans

- They were affordable at different price points unlike the Cocky Sony, who demanded a second job!

- Their development tools were much better, and the system was way more approachable.

- They had deep pockets for huge amounts of marketing.

- They were pretty successful at convincing game developers for the credibility and reliability of the platform.


But I do hate Microsoft on so many accounts, that's true! I have supported Xbox efforts because I had detested the new PS3 (up until the release of the redesigned slim model) but now that the playing field is leveled up, lets come to our regular senses.

Microsoft is a soulless M3 (Money Making Machine). They do not respect anyone, they do not love or hate anyone, and they only care about your money. That's normal but they also have no style, no character, no principle, no "nothing"....

They are in the
-console business
-tablet platform
-smartphone platform

all because they are trying to sustain their "desktop / business hegemony", that's all. If there were no playstation, there would be no xbox! No iphone and android would mean no windows Phone! (please don't tell me about the half baked windows mobile! They were never serious about those endeavors!)

I abstain from using MS products, save Windows XP and Office XP because

The minute they release a new product, they retain zero loyalty to their all customers! I am still using Windows XP, and I get practically zero support from any MS Products (Direct X, Sky Drive, Int. Explorer etc are all gone) while almost everybody else still fully supports it. When their arch rivals support their legacy platform but they don't, they get to understand that there is something f...ed about those bast.rds....

I strongly urge you to avoid all MS products at any cost. I never bought one single MS Product in my life, except for those that came BUNDLED with the system (Windows XP and Office XP and prior). Hewlet Packard is another as$hole, which is a different story, but the vast majority of about "How slow those netbooks / laptops are" actually are nothing but a product of MS and firms like HP.

My friend's netbook was unbearably slow and laggy, for example. It had 3 main problems:
a) It had Windows 7 starter, possibly the worst OS for a netbook today
b) It had tons of HP and MS bloatware
c) It was swarming with useless junk and malware

after a good 8 hours of cleaning all this, it was much faster, at least bearably so, not bad for a windows system. Then I went ahead and installed Puppy Linux as a dual boot, and oh my goodness! My friends couldn't thank me enough and didn't believe HOW NINJA FAST the computer became! I told him that it was the FUC.ING WINDOWS that kept the system in its knees, due to its bloat and all those extra processes that have to run for security etc.

In a sentence, try to beware MS as much as you can.

1st Bold: Ok, I kinda understand why many might find that statement to be a tad off putting but is it seriously that offensive? I find the seriousness of that statement to be way overblown. The PS3 was well worth what they charged, knowing that it was worth almost $1000.  

2nd Bold: I have a recent issue with what you described. I loved WinXP, it worked like a dream. What I don't like is how every 2years MS tries to shovel another OS down your throat by sabotaging the old one's progression. Especially when the new ones so far are not much better than XP. I just got a new laptop, so for the first time I am using Windows 8......i F&%$# can't stand it. How the hell do I close Apps? I've searched it on the internet and apparently...YOU CAN'T! You have to let them close on their own or something, having them sucking up valuable RAM. It also gives you almost no control to what you put on your own computer. I had to go thru a lot of setting and configs to get it to stop deleting a legitimate download without my permission. Not to mention the constant ads via Apps I would never choose for myself plastering all over my Main Page, UHG! 

With the rumors of Nextbox utilizing Win8, I think I DEFINITELY don't want it.

Hopefully, I will not be banned again for talking negatively of Microsoft since this site seems to be dominated by Microsoft fans and supporters, whatever. Or hopefully nobody will claim that there is something wrong with me and I live in a different world or planet while I am a 33 year old Professor at University of Connecticut with a completely normal life except that I travel every year accross three continents for family visits, seminars and work! The only downside may be is that I have been using technology for the last 25 years, and like being a geek at times! But here I am just trying to make a serious point, talking to adults and mature youth. So if you are not, please disregard because I have no energy to deal with minors or evil-minded immature souls (not that I am claiming anyone is!)

Anyways... I basically agree with both of your points. PS3 was worth its price, but whether or not if it was, is rarely relevant. People have priorities, alternatives, and expectations. Entertainment at that price point is priority to very few people, who can find a similar alternative at lower (entry or overall) price levels, and/or may expect that its price will eventually come down. So did it! In economy, demand is a bitch.

Microsoft is a company that I used to like in the Bill Gates era. But ever since the release of XP (and incidentally Pentium 4), many things started to go down. The NT Core is extremely inefficient compared to the classic Win 9x core but they had to do it because it was lacking many vital features, even compared with the legacy Amiga Systems. Linux never had such problems, and Linux Core was always way more efficient.

I remember having 32 MB with my Win98 system, which worked like a charm! People upgraded to 64 MB just to switch to XP, and their system was horribly slow and bogged down! Horror stories! You had to have at least 256 MB RAM to have an experience comparable to 16 MB on Windows 98. This is rock bottom of efficiency. Of course when computers got more muscle, such inefficiencies were masked but thankfully XP got a lot more stable with SP2 but it still was never as efficient as Linux or Win9x.

Technical inefficiency is bearable to some degree but forcing a new operating system and new completely new UI every X years is just ridiculous. MS is being nothing but a bully by forcing people to use their absurd Metro Interface, using 20-30 GB for Windows installations, and removing much of the customization options. Well, I'd be still fine if I were given choice!

They are using the bully tactics by simply freezing development for older platforms. As I had stated earlier, there are no new versions of Internet Explorer or Direct X or Sky Drive for Windows XP, while every other developer still supports it? Why? Because Microsoft doesn't make money from those software, they just use them to leverage people's migration from older Windows versions to the very latest one. Others will earn money with further market share and Windows XP is on 1/3 of the PCs still.

That's the problem though. If there are so many people (obliged to) using Windows, you cannot justify being a merciless capitalistic company. You have to act, at least in part, with public interest. You have to support Windows XP, which is used by 1/3 of the PC Crowd out there. Also it is a very well known fact, if everybody else (even the smallest firms) support it, and you are not supporting your own legacy operating system, which is ranked 1st or 2nd in global usage, then you are just being malicious.

Another thing I want to mention that somebody was mocking... Puppy Linux is an ideal operating system for netbooks. It does support Ubuntu repositories, extremely easy for dual boot configuration, unbelivably fast and efficient (taking about 200 MB space for everything including office programs, codec etc whatsoever). There is nothing that it can't do with ease that windows can, at least for casual use. If you still insist on mocking it, then try KNOPPIX, which is also as fast, but a full featured operating system, much like windows, but ten times faster and more efficient (just give it a try). Also Windows 7 Starter is genuinely slow for netbooks. I have had 3 netbooks with similar configuration and WinXP, Win7  and Puppy. Puppy is leagues over the other two but XP is faster of the remaining two. 7, even after all the removal of the bloatware etc still lags and is very inconsistent. XP is at least tolerable with javascripts turned off etc...


Please if you intend to ban me, give me a warning first! and I will shut up! Every website has different reaches of democracy and maturity after all. I have never been a troll, and never will I. If you check my post per day count, you'll see "zero" (which is a misleading rounding, but makes the point).

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

freedquaker said:

Hopefully, I will not be banned again for talking negatively of Microsoft since this site seems to be dominated by Microsoft fans and supporters, whatever.

Now I am certain you are disconnected from reality.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Runa216 said:
You know what kind of bothers me? The negative reactions this thread has garnered. Why? well, the points brought up are completely reasonable concerns, and based on what I'm seeing, Microsoft has done nothing to quell those fears.

They're not adding any extra value to their premium online service like PSN is doing.
They're focusing a lot on Kinect and outside of Gears of War, aren't bothering to get many exclusives.

And to make it worse, Their PR is doing NOTHING to make the nextbox appealing. All of the rumors are claiming the Xbox to be a weaker console than the PS4, There are many people claiming it will block used games and they've done nothing to confirm or deny (and as we all know, doubt is more dangerous than certainty), and much of the rumors are stating it comes with Kinect 2.0, which was a SALES juggernaut but failed pretty hardcore critically (tonnes of potential, no games worth having outside of Dance Central).

So why in the world would I support them? they've done nothing to sway me, and their nextbox is looking like it will continue their current trend of 'pretty much crap and nothing to look forward to.'

At least with PS4, the only complaint (and it's a biggie), is a complete lack of backwards compatibility. That hurts the value a tonne when you realize how much many of us have put into our PS3's. At least the PS3 is reliable and Sony will continue to support it, so I'll just not get rid of it. my Xbox, however, is NOT reliable and given the lack of reasons to own an Xbox (multiplat games I can get on PS3 and exclusives I don't care about), so unless they really turn it around and HURRY UP and quell the rumors, I see no reason to support them, and given their terrible track rate, I don't trust them. Even if I DO get a Nextbox, it wont be until at least 6 months after release to ensure the damn thing works well.

These were my main issues with the Nextbox reveal. MS really dropped the ball.