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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: Did Sony show anything last night that Microsoft needs to worry about?

Well, it depends on how much Microsoft improves Live. Right now Live doesn't have that much over PSN and Sony really focused on improving that. So unless Microsoft improves Live Sony might have the superior network this gen.

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Gaikai With PSN promising the Fastest/Power Online Service(No ones really talking about that) that should definitely scare MS a bit... Not just Online Service with Gaikai.. but later down the road backwards compatibility with ps3,ps2,p1,psn games streaming over the net no download screens.. and demos streaming no waiting for download to complete... thus eliminating production costs for having to put a seperate chip set just to run/be compatible previous gen games for sony over ms and DDR5 RAM which i bet MS wasnt even suspecting

Buying a PS4 nuff said.


Power wise, as long as there isn't a huge difference, it won't be a big deal to anyone but the hardcore gamer.
Social features wise, MS is the software company of the two. I expect great things from MS.
The best game shown at the Sony event was a multiplatform game.
Streaming via Gaikai is cool but it will be cool for a small amount of people. It's not a system seller feature.

Price will be a huge factor. ALl indications are the Nextbox is weaker and thus cheaper. I expect MS to go all out with competitive pricing.

sales2099 said:
KingofRome said:
sales2099 said:

Eyetoy/kinect thingy is allready being done better with the next Xbox.
Smartglass allready exists with 360
Social features/apps MS has 0 to worry about
Cross game chat has been done on 360 for several years.
MS allready has cloud tech of their own, just more hush hush about it.
Forza 5 > their driving game
Halo 5 > Killzone

Destiny, Watchdogs, Witcher 3 will be on Xbox.
Throw in a LONG OVERDUE core Rare title, Fable MMO thats been rumored, Blacktusk Studios AAA game, Ryse gameplay, some 3rd party deal, and you got a winner.

Introducing Xbox Plus would also be nice

@Bold - Opinion. 

@Underlined - Hahahahahahahahah! OKAY seriously call me when you wake up.

Latest Metas: Halo 4 - 87....selling 7.7 million and counting

KZ 3 - 84....sold 2.42 million

Forza: Proven 90+ franchise with each main entry.

I have tangible evidence to back up my claims. You just rely on dated troll thinking. Also I love how usually when people say opinion they mean "your right but I can still disagree with you anyway" lol

Just saying the metas scores is such an bad scoring system for a game, Either way gt6 would piss all over forza and its next three installments total sales wise as well....but which is the better game, is completly down to opinion, not the meta critic

2Rare2Die said:
Gaikai With PSN promising the Fastest/Power Online Service(No ones really talking about that) that should definitely scare MS a bit... Not just Online Service with Gaikai.. but later down the road backwards compatibility with ps3,ps2,p1,psn games streaming over the net no download screens.. and demos streaming no waiting for download to complete... thus eliminating production costs for having to put a seperate chip set just to run/be compatible previous gen games for sony over ms and DDR5 RAM which i bet MS wasnt even suspecting

I really hope they can deliver on the instant play, boot up time, and loading time statements they made.  It's this kind of ease of use and fluid OS that wouldn't be possible on PS3 (it even takes too long to load trophies let alone that SLOOOOOOOW store loading).

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Nope. MS will have more innovation and little less power (most people don't care too much about power as long as the games look good), hopefully at a lower launch price. That's a winning combo IMO.

Flanneryaug said:
I think there is one thing they need to be worried about, their price point. The PS4 is clearly going to be expensive, and if Microsoft weakens their hardware a little bit to undercut them on the price($300/$350), Microsoft could get a huge advantage.

I don't think MS would need to weaken their hardware to undercut Sony's price. MS is in an infinitely better position to sell their hardware at a loss than Sony is.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I believe both PS4 and 720 will be on the same level.

Ji99saw said:
Yes Games, Microsoft has not given us anything to be excited about in years that is not a sequel

well what are most lookingfor onps4?  uc4, killzone, infamous, gt, etc...

face it people love what they grew up on... considering ms has mean shot in the game department the last few years do you think theyre worried about games.  now the reverse would be a truer statement.  what does sony have  to fear about the next xbox?  games.  a sad statement but true

Cheebee said:
Flanneryaug said:
I think there is one thing they need to be worried about, their price point. The PS4 is clearly going to be expensive, and if Microsoft weakens their hardware a little bit to undercut them on the price($300/$350), Microsoft could get a huge advantage.

I don't think MS would need to weaken their hardware to undercut Sony's price. MS is in an infinitely better position to sell their hardware at a loss than Sony is.

They are, but why not make a profit on the hardware? Honestly if I was Microsoft right now I would weaken the 720 specs to slightly above Wii U levels, and sell it at $300 for a profit. Doing so would make all of the PS4's extra power worthless, and would help Microsoft get a huge lead on Sony due to the lower price point. I doubt they will though.

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