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sales2099 said:
KingofRome said:
sales2099 said:

Eyetoy/kinect thingy is allready being done better with the next Xbox.
Smartglass allready exists with 360
Social features/apps MS has 0 to worry about
Cross game chat has been done on 360 for several years.
MS allready has cloud tech of their own, just more hush hush about it.
Forza 5 > their driving game
Halo 5 > Killzone

Destiny, Watchdogs, Witcher 3 will be on Xbox.
Throw in a LONG OVERDUE core Rare title, Fable MMO thats been rumored, Blacktusk Studios AAA game, Ryse gameplay, some 3rd party deal, and you got a winner.

Introducing Xbox Plus would also be nice

@Bold - Opinion. 

@Underlined - Hahahahahahahahah! OKAY seriously call me when you wake up.

Latest Metas: Halo 4 - 87....selling 7.7 million and counting

KZ 3 - 84....sold 2.42 million

Forza: Proven 90+ franchise with each main entry.

I have tangible evidence to back up my claims. You just rely on dated troll thinking. Also I love how usually when people say opinion they mean "your right but I can still disagree with you anyway" lol

Just saying the metas scores is such an bad scoring system for a game, Either way gt6 would piss all over forza and its next three installments total sales wise as well....but which is the better game, is completly down to opinion, not the meta critic