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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Official Resistance 2 Screenshots (breathtaking)

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Wojtas said:
DragonLord said:
Looks great to me....Can't wait.

And anyone who is deprived of games to play on their ps3 has way too much time on their hands...I own a 360 & a ps3...and I honestly spend more time on my ps3. In fact, I can't keep up with the games....haven't even had a chance to play Ratchet & Clank or Uncharted yet (playing UT3 & Rock Band on ps3, and Blue Dragon on 360 right now). But anyhow, doesn't bother me, 90% of the time the people making those comments are naive fools that don't even have a ps3 to know--they blab off hearsay--which I find funny.*prepares for the flaming that will make me sit back and laugh hysterically for the rest of the night*
So your gaming tastes apply to everyone then i take it? Whatever.


No, but your tastes don't either, so quit crucifying those who do think it looks good and DO enjoy the ps3 library. I don't knock on other consoles and blab in their threads about what I don't like about their fans, console, or games. Let the ps3 fans enjoy a AA title that was just announced in peace...not too hard to ask?  Whatever.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

Some interesting comparisons between R1 and R2.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

Retrasado said:
Insomniac needs to swipe Naughty Dog's Uncharted lighting engine.
Also, WTH with all the fanboys saying the PS3 isn't capable of rendering 1080p 60fps? When you've got the single most advanced chip ever manufactured as a CPU.... well, that just doesn't seem to be much of a problem... (and don't start about the PS3's RAM. 256MB XDR @ 3.2GHz + 256MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz > 512MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz)

 Nah.  As much as I love Naughty Dog and Uncharted, Killzone 2's lighting engine is where it's at.  As much as I have my doubts as to KZ2's success, the lighting in that demo was truly amazing.   

Hmm, the KillZone2 controversy repeat?

I believe the shots are pre-rendered. Because the enemy models look amazing, a big notch above the enemies in Crysis. The environment looks incredible inside that industry hall, where you can see 5 of those grunts coming at you.

This game is supposed to run in 1080p, and at least a 30 FPS? Compare these to Crysis screens, and what crazy system requirements that game has, even with double graphics 8800 cards it can't do 1080p with playable FPS on highest settings as seen on screenies.

Therefor I'm afraid it's probably pre-rendered (just like the best looking Halo screens were pre-rendered and used for cut-scenes, hype-movies or something like that, and Killzone 2 as well).

(those who say these screens look meh need glasses, or they're biased)

Around the Network
DragonLord said:
Wojtas said:
DragonLord said:
Looks great to me....Can't wait.

And anyone who is deprived of games to play on their ps3 has way too much time on their hands...I own a 360 & a ps3...and I honestly spend more time on my ps3. In fact, I can't keep up with the games....haven't even had a chance to play Ratchet & Clank or Uncharted yet (playing UT3 & Rock Band on ps3, and Blue Dragon on 360 right now). But anyhow, doesn't bother me, 90% of the time the people making those comments are naive fools that don't even have a ps3 to know--they blab off hearsay--which I find funny.*prepares for the flaming that will make me sit back and laugh hysterically for the rest of the night*
So your gaming tastes apply to everyone then i take it? Whatever.


No, but your tastes don't either, so quit crucifying those who do think it looks good and DO enjoy the ps3 library. I don't knock on other consoles and blab in their threads about what I don't like about their fans, console, or games. Let the ps3 fans enjoy a AA title that was just announced in peace...not too hard to ask? Whatever.

 Need i say more? Sure maybe you're not in a different's consoles thread now, but you're still insulting others and blah blah blah. Whatever.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Magnific0 said:
Wojtas said:

Yes, that's true, no doubt there. It's just a crying shame that Sony would develope an awesome piece of hardware without thinking about the simplicity of use first. Still it's not that much of a problem for me, as my primary console is still the Wii (love those games i tell ya).

It's called "forward thinking". Not everything is easy and handed on a silver plate. Revolutions take sacrifice. If it was for Nintendo we would still be playing cartridge-based consoles. They also never cared to upgrade the old Game Boy for like 12 years (and no, sorry excuses like GameBoy Color don't count) obliterating the handheld competition like always, and don't tell me they couldn't have created Game Boy Advance a lot sooner, they just didn't give a crap as long as it was selling. Sony wanted a different approach on its console design which of course influences game design, that's why they implemented the Cell. It's never nice at first for developers to work their games on something that's completely different. Sure Sony could have taken the easy way, and hell maybe they would've been better off with a normal CPU after having delays with the blu-ray lens which also inflated their costs. They would probably be making more money now, which is the story of all business right? make money. But no, they challenged themselves, they are challenging the industry. They believe this design is the one that will provide what a true next-generation experiencie is supposed to be and the next-level for videogames, not only for 2007-2008, but beyond. Frankly if I have to trust anybody's judgment and Designer skills I would put my money on SCE, they developed PS1 and PS2 and both of them where two out of this world pieces of hardware. They have carried us from Nintendo and Sega way back in 1996 and made videogames be cool, and the industry has never been the same again. That's the people I want to drive the progress forward. I understand is nice to play the Wii, I enjoy some of its games, but that's not forward thinking. The easy way, the Nintendo way. That's how they work. That's why they haven't even invented a new game franchise in ages. Look at their development teams, what's new? What companies have they adquired in the last 2 or 3 years? Wii Fit you would say, it's that new? It's that even a game? Seems more like an appliance to me or a tool. They would soon be competing with the whole American Fitness industry for pete's sake. They have strayed away from the core players, and they are happy, they are selling THEIR games. They said it once "a console should be made to play its own exclusive games" that's their filosofy , they don't care about third parties, as of today Nintendo is as Japanese centric as japanese can get.

 +1. You could be my brother.

Wojtas said:
DragonLord said:
Wojtas said:
DragonLord said:
Looks great to me....Can't wait.

And anyone who is deprived of games to play on their ps3 has way too much time on their hands...I own a 360 & a ps3...and I honestly spend more time on my ps3. In fact, I can't keep up with the games....haven't even had a chance to play Ratchet & Clank or Uncharted yet (playing UT3 & Rock Band on ps3, and Blue Dragon on 360 right now). But anyhow, doesn't bother me, 90% of the time the people making those comments are naive fools that don't even have a ps3 to know--they blab off hearsay--which I find funny.*prepares for the flaming that will make me sit back and laugh hysterically for the rest of the night*
So your gaming tastes apply to everyone then i take it? Whatever.


No, but your tastes don't either, so quit crucifying those who do think it looks good and DO enjoy the ps3 library. I don't knock on other consoles and blab in their threads about what I don't like about their fans, console, or games. Let the ps3 fans enjoy a AA title that was just announced in peace...not too hard to ask? Whatever.

Need i say more? Sure maybe you're not in a different's consoles thread now, but you're still insulting others and blah blah blah. Whatever.


Fool = Sexy Supermodel with blonde hair & big knockers in the US Lol, now I'm really laughing because I'm truly not sure where the insult was to you in particular...must be a cultural difference or something. Anyhow, enough of this folly, I wash my hands of this thread before we completely derail it. And just for shits and giggles--Whatever.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

Slimebeast said:
Hmm, the KillZone2 controversy repeat?

I believe the shots are pre-rendered. Because the enemy models look amazing, a big notch above the enemies in Crysis. The environment looks incredible inside that industry hall, where you can see 5 of those grunts coming at you.

This game is supposed to run in 1080p, and at least a 30 FPS? Compare these to Crysis screens, and what crazy system requirements that game has, even with double graphics 8800 cards it can't do 1080p with playable FPS on highest settings as seen on screenies.

Therefor I'm afraid it's probably pre-rendered (just like the best looking Halo screens were pre-rendered and used for cut-scenes, hype-movies or something like that, and Killzone 2 as well).

(those who say these screens look meh need glasses, or they're biased)

 Watch the gamelay trailer, then will you realise how great it looks

Munkeh111 said:
Slimebeast said:
Hmm, the KillZone2 controversy repeat?

I believe the shots are pre-rendered. Because the enemy models look amazing, a big notch above the enemies in Crysis. The environment looks incredible inside that industry hall, where you can see 5 of those grunts coming at you.

This game is supposed to run in 1080p, and at least a 30 FPS? Compare these to Crysis screens, and what crazy system requirements that game has, even with double graphics 8800 cards it can't do 1080p with playable FPS on highest settings as seen on screenies.

Therefor I'm afraid it's probably pre-rendered (just like the best looking Halo screens were pre-rendered and used for cut-scenes, hype-movies or something like that, and Killzone 2 as well).

(those who say these screens look meh need glasses, or they're biased)

Watch the gamelay trailer, then will you realise how great it looks

 Refer to my first post in this thread to address this subject...