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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

pezus said:
Turkish said:
Naum said:
If you can't beat them insult them

even if it's fanmade

You get offended easily don't you?

And lol @ "if you can't beat them". With WiiU in its weak state, there's nothing stopping Sony from beating Nintendo for the third time out of four.

counting portables its 3:2 for nintendo :*D

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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We all know Sony wish they had Mario.

No, "Oh, yay, another Monster Hunter"?

Oh snap Sony.

Hard to have respect for a big company after this. Yes it's true that Nintendo brings alot of Mario, but it really isn''t the only game they bring out, there alot of other games like Fire Emblem, Luigi''s Mansion, Animal Crossing. Mario is their most profitable franchise and any other company would to the same. Sony is doing it even worse by copying Nintendo games like All Stars, Move and LBP Karting. I would say; Yay, another 600$ console with inferior Nintendo-like games.

Turkish said:
Naum said:
If you can't beat them insult them

even if it's fanmade

You get offended easily don't you?

Nope i'm just bored of it, it is after all very childish.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Metrium said:
I'm pretty sure Sony secretly wish they owned an IP half as valuable as Mario. Such add seems to give even more weight to that belief.

You mad bro? lololol

No, because what he's saying is true. Nothing Sony have can come close to the power of Mario. 

I think that's obvious. What's sad is the fact that you people don't realize this is fan made and the fact that it's all in good fun. Hilarious. 

Well no, I wasn't referring to the ad in this case. I was just referring to the previous comment. Completely irrelevant of the legitimicy of the thing. 

I'm not particularly concerned if it's real of fan-made (but similar ads were Sony-made I believe, and do exist as I've seen them first-hand), and that's what bothers me. There's no need for such sly digs at other companies.

I see what you are saying but to be fair, Nintendo has pretty much done it before aswell


don't ever take these to heart, dude


do you know what i would do if a company made an ad saying something aboout a $599 price point? ......NOT A GOD DAMN THING!


I would probably laugh to be honest

morenoingrato said:
Oh! Yay! Another Mario game!

Anyway, with all this stealth attacking, Sony is raising the bar really high for this 20th. They better show something mindblowing.


No matter what Sony shows, fans will make it like something mindblowing.
They could show a turd with pencils in it and the internet will go nuts over this anyway.

It doesn't matter which games are shown or teased, the internet will go crazy. Look at the games Sony released last year. Some guys here said PSABR will be such a great game and even predicted sales in the 4-5 million region.

Look how people got crazy for The Last Guardian in... I guess it was 2009. It actually won E3 awards for best game of the show (which tells you something about those awards as well).

Look how people praised the NGP, which became the Vita. 3DS was basically doomed for months.

I expect a few teasers and trailers and the internet will be like 'Sony has the best 1st party lineup of all times!'. In reality, it is freaking hard to work with Sony as a studio these days.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

This is killing me. It's like reading printed gold. Thank you Sony or whomever, this has been interesting :D

If you're over sixteen and you're sullen about this, please, stop what you're doing, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that this is just advertising for video-game consoles at the very most. Chuckle and/or shrug and move on.

I have an image of Mario shaking an angry fist while reading some of these replies and it's just killing me.

As far as the idea I keep reading that Sony would love to have Mario, yes, absolutely, of course they would--but they don't, so what's the point? Should they make ads saying "Hey, look, another Mario game, we wish we had that franchise"? Tch, yeah right. In any competition, you look to make your opponent's strengths into weaknesses. That's all this is. They're looking to influence people who really might be growing tired of Mario. If you love Mario and want more, then this ad probably isn't aimed at you.

newwil7l said:
We all know Sony wish they had Mario Crash Bndicoot.




Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Conegamer said:
No doubt this isn't real. However, I'd happily play "another Mario game" if that game turns out to be as good as the Galaxy games over anything Sony does anyday.

All of this arrogance is only going to lead to a bigger fall, though.

You just said you doubt it's real and then continued to say this arrogance will be their downfall. 

Bro, do you even read?

There's two possibilites:

1- It isn't real, and the vocal PS fans will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles.

2- It is real, and Sony will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles. 


All possibilities lead to the end statement. And of course I can read. What an odd question.


You mean like how vocal Nintendo fans look now, that the WiiU is breaking every imaginable negative record?


OT: chill out people, its obviously not Sony made. Before we even start planning Sony's downfall, that is built on their arrogance, lets wait and see what they show us on the 20'th

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