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Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Metrium said:
I'm pretty sure Sony secretly wish they owned an IP half as valuable as Mario. Such add seems to give even more weight to that belief.

You mad bro? lololol

No, because what he's saying is true. Nothing Sony have can come close to the power of Mario. 

I think that's obvious. What's sad is the fact that you people don't realize this is fan made and the fact that it's all in good fun. Hilarious. 

Well no, I wasn't referring to the ad in this case. I was just referring to the previous comment. Completely irrelevant of the legitimicy of the thing. 

I'm not particularly concerned if it's real of fan-made (but similar ads were Sony-made I believe, and do exist as I've seen them first-hand), and that's what bothers me. There's no need for such sly digs at other companies.

I see what you are saying but to be fair, Nintendo has pretty much done it before aswell


don't ever take these to heart, dude


do you know what i would do if a company made an ad saying something aboout a $599 price point? ......NOT A GOD DAMN THING!


I would probably laugh to be honest