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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - US WiiU sales relatively low but consumers are satisfied

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happydolphin said:
Jay520 said:

What about Vita? Move? 2012 First party titles? Sony televisions? Clearly this chart does a poor job at representing the success of the entire company. So there's no reason to suggest that Nintendo's high placement represents all of Nintendo:s products. It's possible that the 3DS is highly received and the Wii U is not, or vice-versa. You're going to have to rely on speculation to make assessments on specific products from a company using this chart.

Not really, because you would expect a dissatisfaction in U to offset satisfaction in 3DS, and atm those are the only two that

why would you expect. The dissatisfaction from Vita, Move, televisions, etc. didn't offset the satisfaction of the PS3.

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pezus said:
happydolphin said:
pezus said:
I doubt much of this is due to Wii U to be honest. Not many have it and they asked only about Nintendo in general. More likely that Wii, DS and 3DS are what brought it up. After all, Wii had great word of mouth "on the street". If WiiU's word of mouth was as good it would be seeing higher sales.

I'd doubt it's Wii, not even DS. They were barely a blip in the market this year.

For reference here's 2012

Hmmm, that's interesting. So they go from 75 to 83. Interesting. How many did they ask? It's pretty strange that they would increase so much with only a million or so WiiU sales.

"Microsoft Xbox" - lol what.

Also, I just noticed that in your OP graph that they call Kinect "Connect" lulz.

Hehe, I'm glad you noticed. Yeah, I believe their sample population is 7500 people.

I wouldn't hold the Connect against them because when they do the survey, people will understand Kinect right?

@Jay I updated my post.

I would assume 3DS was low there because it had just come out and it should have boosted thet index but it didn't.

pezus said:

No, since fewer had a 3DS back in 2012. Or are they only asking new consumers?

No, I think it's just random sampling.

Edit: I'm honestly looking for details on this, but they charge like 500$ for a white paper...

Edit 2: Found a Q&A on their research, so yeah had to do business in the past 90 days:

Last week, I did a webinar on Forrester’s Customer Experience Index, 2013. We didn’t have time to answer everyone’s questions, so I thought I’d post answers to those we didn't get to.  

"Can consumers respond to having an experience with multiple companies?"

In some cases, yes, and in some cases, no. In the bank, credit card provider, insurance, consumer electronics manufacturer, airline, hotel, and rental car categories, they can pick up to two brands they’ve done business with most in the past 90 days. For retailers, they can pick up to four. For the other six industries, they are limited to one.

"What is the threshold to determine if the person is a customer? Interactions one time, over time? A recent experience?"

We don’t strictly require the person to be a customer. The person could be a prospect or a former customer. All we ask is that this person has done business with the company in the past 90 days.

"Why don't you track high tech?"

We do, actually. Two years ago, we added the consumer electronics manufacturer industry, which covers most of the latest high-tech gadgetry. We don’t include software in part because there are just so many types of software and so many brands. It would be hard to narrow them down to something manageable.


Gribble said:
And why on earth do people think this is positive? Nintendo fans are much too loyal. They are willing to wait six months to a year for a Nintendo game, and there's the problem. And then they wonder why they don't get much third party support? This is NOT looking good at all.

i think the rankings are in regards to hardware. Nintendo never lets me down in hardware. Software is hit or miss.. usually miss. I havent been happy with Nintendo software since the Gamecube. Scarface was the only game I truly loved on the Wii. Third party WiiU launch games are the only thing worth it on WiiU currently. But i think im an exception and by and large you are right.

snyps said:

Gribble said:
And why on earth do people think this is positive? Nintendo fans are much too loyal. They are willing to wait six months to a year for a Nintendo game, and there's the problem. And then they wonder why they don't get much third party support? This is NOT looking good at all.

i think the rankings are in regards to hardware. Nintendo never lets me down in hardware. Software is hit or miss.. usually miss. I havent been happy with Nintendo software since the Gamecube. Scarface was the only game I truly loved on the Wii. Third party WiiU launch games are the only thing worth it on WiiU currently. But i think im an exception and by and large you are right.

That's essentially what I mean though. Nintendo usually do very well hardware wise, but they suffer when it comes to support because they're fans seldom venture into multiplat territory. For the Wiiu to be truly successful and for hardware sell-through to mean anything of any significance to 3rd parties, Nintendo fans HAVE to embrace 3rd party support because it will eventually dry up entirely.  With the 720 and PS4 on the horizon, these 3rd party devs are going to be very prudent in how they manage their budgets regardless of how many Wiius sell.

Nintendo can't sustain a console on their own and I see no avenue for 'shovelware' this time around ... and as much as people hated it, it did offer some respite from the droughts in between 1st party support.

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happydolphin said:
pezus said:
I doubt much of this is due to Wii U to be honest. Not many have it and they asked only about Nintendo in general. More likely that Wii, DS and 3DS are what brought it up. After all, Wii had great word of mouth "on the street". If WiiU's word of mouth was as good it would be seeing higher sales.

I'd doubt it's Wii, not even DS. They were barely a blip in the market this year.

Those "blips" have both been selling pretty close to the Wii U in the US.  Here are Nintendo's HW sales since the Wii U launched.

Wii: 880k
DS: 820k
3DS: 1753k
WiiU: 1012k

So even if this only accounted for customers who bought hardware since the Wii U launch it would only account for 22.7%.  If it was for just those bought in 2012 it would be 10.9%, and if it was across lifetime hardware sales it would be 0.99%.

Yakuzaice said:
happydolphin said:
pezus said:
I doubt much of this is due to Wii U to be honest. Not many have it and they asked only about Nintendo in general. More likely that Wii, DS and 3DS are what brought it up. After all, Wii had great word of mouth "on the street". If WiiU's word of mouth was as good it would be seeing higher sales.

I'd doubt it's Wii, not even DS. They were barely a blip in the market this year.

Those "blips" have both been selling pretty close to the Wii U in the US.  Here are Nintendo's HW sales since the Wii U launched.

Wii: 880k
DS: 820k
3DS: 1753k
WiiU: 1012k

So even if this only accounted for customers who bought hardware since the Wii U launch it would only account for 22.7%.  If it was for just those bought in 2012 it would be 10.9%, and if it was across lifetime hardware sales it would be 0.99%.

The reason people IGNORE the Wii and DS is because looking at last years 2012 numbers it is much lower.  Like 8 points or something.  Isnt' it like 75 to 83 or something.  

My suggestion is to look at the original source:
Rather than the rose tinted text from a fan site, I'd say this is a much more neutral source.

Here's how the study was done:
"Forrester looked at 150 companies and asked 7,500 U.S. consumers these questions: How well did they meet your need? How easy were they to do business with? How enjoyable were they to do business with?"

And note that the basis for the charts is "Base: US online consumers who have interacted with each brand" so this does not mean the entire study group for each company.

irstupid said:

The reason people IGNORE the Wii and DS is because looking at last years 2012 numbers it is much lower.  Like 8 points or something.  Isnt' it like 75 to 83 or something.  

My point is that the Wii U install base is too small to be responsible for that increase.  Even if we just look at since the Wii U's launch, that is only 22.7%.  If the ratings from Wii/DS/3DS owners stayed the same and every single Wii U owner rated it 100, that would only bring the total to 80.7.  If we do the same thing for the full year it'd only bring it up to 77.7.

What is this based on? Satisfaction with products? Customer experiences when they had to call customer service?