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snyps said:

Gribble said:
And why on earth do people think this is positive? Nintendo fans are much too loyal. They are willing to wait six months to a year for a Nintendo game, and there's the problem. And then they wonder why they don't get much third party support? This is NOT looking good at all.

i think the rankings are in regards to hardware. Nintendo never lets me down in hardware. Software is hit or miss.. usually miss. I havent been happy with Nintendo software since the Gamecube. Scarface was the only game I truly loved on the Wii. Third party WiiU launch games are the only thing worth it on WiiU currently. But i think im an exception and by and large you are right.

That's essentially what I mean though. Nintendo usually do very well hardware wise, but they suffer when it comes to support because they're fans seldom venture into multiplat territory. For the Wiiu to be truly successful and for hardware sell-through to mean anything of any significance to 3rd parties, Nintendo fans HAVE to embrace 3rd party support because it will eventually dry up entirely.  With the 720 and PS4 on the horizon, these 3rd party devs are going to be very prudent in how they manage their budgets regardless of how many Wiius sell.

Nintendo can't sustain a console on their own and I see no avenue for 'shovelware' this time around ... and as much as people hated it, it did offer some respite from the droughts in between 1st party support.