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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm confident Bayonetta 2 and/o Wonderful 101 will end up on PS360 now

if bayonetta goes multi nintendo signed a really shitty contract.

not sure about the circumstances around wonderful 101, not sure anyone would really care regardless.

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Wonderful 101 is the same deal as things like Pandora's Tower and Sin & Punishment 2 and The Last Story.

Nintendo owns the IP. It's not ending up anywhere else. End of story.

If Bayonetta 2 bombs on the Wii U, I can see Platinum Games perhaps asking Nintendo if they'll allow them to do a pity port in hopes of trying to keep the IP relevant, but otherwise that's likely a no as well. Nintendo is the one paying for development since Sega bailed out.

Lol, not a chance. B2 and W101 is basically a Nintendo 1st party games, like all other games which Nintendo produced and published worldwide (or not) from Japan first. The Last Story, Fatal Frame, Sin and Punishment, Pandora's Tower, Fatal Frame 4, Fatal Frame 2 Remake, ASH, and many many others. Nintendo owns the rights of those games in the end.

It absolutely doesn't matter that Sega is Bayonetta's IP owner, look at example when Tecmo Koei was Fatal Frame's IP owner lol. When gamers asked TC for FF4 in West, TC answered: "It's Nintendo's game, ask Nintendo". When Nintendo is funding and producing a game this way, the game has Satoru Iwata (earlier H.Yamauchi) as executive producer in the credits and like forever exclusivity.

So all this bullshit about B2 and W101 is going multiplatform is a complete nonsense. Dream On.

Does the PS360 audience actually care about the W101? Really??

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Without Nintendo's money Bayonetta 2 wouldn't be released, so, no, it's Nintendo only. About Wonderful 101, well, only time will tell.

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Yes Turkish, they will be multiplattform, and here, there is more. DQ VIII is going to be on PSV

Nintendo should just quit, and sell all their IPs and stuff. They do not even deserve to stay as a third party.

Soundwave said:

Wonderful 101 is the same deal as things like Pandora's Tower and Sin & Punishment 2 and The Last Story.

Nintendo owns the IP. It's not ending up anywhere else. End of story.

If Bayonetta 2 bombs on the Wii U, I can see Platinum Games perhaps asking Nintendo if they'll allow them to do a pity port in hopes of trying to keep the IP relevant, but otherwise that's likely a no as well. Nintendo is the one paying for development since Sega bailed out.

W101 - yes, like that. And about Bayo 2, it doesn't matter bombs it or not, look how Nintendo do it when it comes to funding/producing/publishing contracts - look at Fatal Frame, for example, which was owned by TC when Nintendo released FF4. If Nintendo decides to produce/publish the game, it stays exclusive forever. They not gonna to pay for "nothing". So the situation w/Bayonetta 2 can't be different, lol. It's a Nintendo 1st Party Project, technically. Like Fatal Frame, Last Story, Sin and Punishment, Zangeki no Reinleiv, Pandora's Tower, Takt of Magic, ASH etc etc etc. The End of the Story.


Parallels with Microsoft and ME and "I don't know about W101" are extremely funny, lol. People should learn how Nintendo usualy do this things  (examples above) before write this nonsence. And Nintendo not Microsoft, their strategies are different.

I don't think that Bayonetta will go multiplatform since Nintendo is funding it. Unless a first party like Nintendo funds a game or it uses Nintendo properties in the game I can't see why any third party would want to remain exclusive to one console. It makes no business sense.

Having said that.. There will be a plethora of 3rd party wiiu exclusives but these will be games they made together with Nintendo and use Nintendo charctertics in them like Smash Bros ect.

Yes it is a Nintendo IP in collaboration with Mistwalker.

PSN ID: xwolf7 / NNID: xwolf_07 

  The Wonderful 101 GOTY 2013 - Bayonetta 2 GOTY 2014 - Xenoblade Cross GOTY 2015.







Why would PS360 audience will like two games developed originally in 7 years old tech while they have next-gen consoles?

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