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Soundwave said:

Wonderful 101 is the same deal as things like Pandora's Tower and Sin & Punishment 2 and The Last Story.

Nintendo owns the IP. It's not ending up anywhere else. End of story.

If Bayonetta 2 bombs on the Wii U, I can see Platinum Games perhaps asking Nintendo if they'll allow them to do a pity port in hopes of trying to keep the IP relevant, but otherwise that's likely a no as well. Nintendo is the one paying for development since Sega bailed out.

W101 - yes, like that. And about Bayo 2, it doesn't matter bombs it or not, look how Nintendo do it when it comes to funding/producing/publishing contracts - look at Fatal Frame, for example, which was owned by TC when Nintendo released FF4. If Nintendo decides to produce/publish the game, it stays exclusive forever. They not gonna to pay for "nothing". So the situation w/Bayonetta 2 can't be different, lol. It's a Nintendo 1st Party Project, technically. Like Fatal Frame, Last Story, Sin and Punishment, Zangeki no Reinleiv, Pandora's Tower, Takt of Magic, ASH etc etc etc. The End of the Story.


Parallels with Microsoft and ME and "I don't know about W101" are extremely funny, lol. People should learn how Nintendo usualy do this things  (examples above) before write this nonsence. And Nintendo not Microsoft, their strategies are different.