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Lol, not a chance. B2 and W101 is basically a Nintendo 1st party games, like all other games which Nintendo produced and published worldwide (or not) from Japan first. The Last Story, Fatal Frame, Sin and Punishment, Pandora's Tower, Fatal Frame 4, Fatal Frame 2 Remake, ASH, and many many others. Nintendo owns the rights of those games in the end.

It absolutely doesn't matter that Sega is Bayonetta's IP owner, look at example when Tecmo Koei was Fatal Frame's IP owner lol. When gamers asked TC for FF4 in West, TC answered: "It's Nintendo's game, ask Nintendo". When Nintendo is funding and producing a game this way, the game has Satoru Iwata (earlier H.Yamauchi) as executive producer in the credits and like forever exclusivity.

So all this bullshit about B2 and W101 is going multiplatform is a complete nonsense. Dream On.