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Forums - Website Topics - [Staff] The Monthly Ban Report - January

slowmo said:
slowmo said:
10 days is fine, but 20-30 days is a excessive. i'll never see the point or approve of a 20-30 day ban.

What's the big deal, you have to have done a number of offences to get a ban that long, its a final warning for them to consider before the permaban.

i respect all the mod's for the job they do cause it's not the most glamorous, and it doesn't gain you any friends and it's a tough job, but i don't see a reason for a 20-30 day bann no matter how many times a rules been violated.


then again exsessive trolling, flaming, or insults are exceptable, but i won't be comforable with it.


i got banned this time last yr. for tagging a thread. we all do it but i got bannd for spamming. now i could admit i spammed before then, but bookmarking, or tagging a thread is no reason for a bann that i wasn't even here for. i was gone for to months before the bann occurred.

Barioz you should look into over turning that one for me. then again i think you did it.

Fair enough, I think a lengthy ban for legitimate reasons is fine but I can understand other approaches too. I do like how our mods work, the recent permaban of a certain user that was always confrontational and had a serious attitude problem was a great call as he did nothing positive for the community. Sometimes you have to break some eggs, I know I've been hit with the mod hammer enough to mellow my posts down. I have some bans on my list that were harsh but with hindsight and a fresh pair of eyes I can see how the mod team maybe just got fed up and modded me (plus I think zexen had a crush on my profile).

all the mods are good friends of mine. well not all of them, but 90%. i'm sure any PB is waranted as most of the mods like amp, radishead, and Barioz are levelheaded, and amp, and radishead before becoming mods you hardly ever saw post.

all my banns were for spamming which i disagree with. 1 warning for spamming i do agree with.

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Random question, but I'm having difficulty clicking some some users profiles. It just goes into a search when I try.

darkknightkryta said:
Random question, but I'm having difficulty clicking some some users profiles. It just goes into a search when I try.

That's because those users have chosen to hide their profiles.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
slowmo said:
10 days is fine, but 20-30 days is a excessive. i'll never see the point or approve of a 20-30 day ban.

What's the big deal, you have to have done a number of offences to get a ban that long, its a final warning for them to consider before the permaban.

but there are people here that get banned for 30 days , when the  30 days are over they are banned again for like 20 days after 2 weeks , etc. IMO these guys should get permabanned cause they are always here to make trouble.

If they got banned for 30 days then only get a 20 day ban a short time afterwards for the same offence then that is not in line with the moderating policy so you should point it out to another mod.  I highly doubt your example has occured as a ban after a 30 day ban would definitely be a perma ban.  What you are complaining about is probably someone coming back from a ban and getting banned for a different offence which is fine.

that's right guys

0 infractions ;)

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darkknightkryta said:
Random question, but I'm having difficulty clicking some some users profiles. It just goes into a search when I try.

That's because those users have chosen to hide their profiles.

I never knew you could do that.