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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U graphics power finally revealed - "we can now finally rule out any next-gen pretensions for the Wii U"

KungKras said:
The little kid would be wrong, because he doesn't know any better...... and he is a little kid.....

Most amazing thing I have read this month. Please be my friend sir.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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superchunk said:
ninjablade said:

i'm just going from what i read and know, beyond3d had the gflops numers figured out a month ago, they tell me its on par then its on par, they were also the first one's to get 352 gflops from the chipworks most of the tech guys the post at neogaf are from beyond3d, they know there stuff and if you read there boards you would know they don't allow fanboy specualtion, so its not clutterd like it it on neogaf where guesses range from 400-800gflops, everyone is on point, your gonna sit here and tell me having 44% more bandiwdth and a better cpu is not an advantage. when i read techincal specs i try to not read wishful thinking like proelite or thrakter posts.

Again, I'm looking at the end results.

What has delivered so far are rush ports that run on average close to the native platform they were coded on (something PS3 took a couple years to match) all the while being pushed to a 2nd screen. To me that is more than obvious that it is better by default.

I think this will become painfully clearly as some hints from games like X and Bayonetta2 suggest even in their very early stages. At this E3 this may likely be resolved for you.

well were not talking about games at the moment were talking about hardware, at this point it's on par from the specs we have, even gamecube to xbox was a much, much bigger jump, but if i do see multiplatform games always running better on wiiu then i will call it more powerful, but at this point we don't know, if they will be inferior or better.

Mr Khan said:
ninjablade said:
Mr Khan said:
thismeintiel said:

What BS.  I guess that's why Nintendo got GREAT 3rd party support during the NES and SNES years?  Quit with the ridiculous conspiracy theories.  If Nintendo were willing to give 3rd party developers what they wanted, and sales for it were good enough, they would be getting plenty of support.

Because Nintendo was the only game in town in the NES era, and Sega was shit in Japan for the SNES era (the good Western 3rd party support all leaned in Genesis' favor).

There is no conspiracy. There's a bunch of individual haters, mostly localized in EA and their crony-studios, Zenimax and their subsidiaries, and Take Two and Rockstar. People who snub Nintendo consoles just because they can, and invent their own fiction to justify it to investors.

why do they support sony and not nintendo? i'm sure everybody wants to make money, unless they think it's not worth it.

Because Sony and Microsoft enable 3rd parties' bad habits

They don't enable third party devs, they give them the specs needed to make the games that enhance the visuals of feel, look and depth of gaming. They want to make money. People are always looking for a new experience. Japanese devs will use new controllers NIntendo makes to create new experiences but it still feels like last gen visually.

AgentZorn said:
As much as I am interested in the Wii U GPU, this is starting to get sad. We have to see it being used in the real world before making solid conclusions. Furthermore, I did not buy a PS3 because of the Cell and how powerful it supposedly was, I bought it because I wanted play games.

I bought mine for Uncharted 2 and fell in love with it because of HEAVY RAIN and VALKYRIA CHRONICLES, although I still think my Xbox360 is quite sexy.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
KungKras said:
The little kid would be wrong, because he doesn't know any better...... and he is a little kid.....

Most amazing thing I have read this month. Please be my friend sir.



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Flanneryaug said:
Mazty said:
And I got banned for saying the Wii U wasn't next gen....

It was obvious from it's load power consumption that it was not next gen aka on par with the next-box and PS4. Nice to have it verified from a different source though.

It is next gen. It is more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3. Was the PS2 not in the 6th generation, because it wasn't on par with the GameCube or Xbox? Generations are about what time they are released, not power.

1) How much more powerful than the 360 and PS3 is it?
1ii) Is there any game that shows this power difference?

2)If generation is to do with what time they are released then why is the PS3 super slim not next gen

3) How can a console be next-gen if it can't play next-gen games, as the OP states?

superchunk said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:

I thought I read before that the Wii U supposedly had the Radeon HD 6xxx series GPU. Or is that wrong now and it's supposedly the HD 4xxx?

I really can care less about all this. To me, it's just the games and the gameplay. I love the system regardless of it's supposed limitations. I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

 Rumors mostly showed R700 series which is a HD4XXX GPU, but a few others mentioned a variant of HD6XXX GPU.

Now with these breakdowns some are throwing variosu HD4XXX and HD5XXX GPUs as a comparison to the actually heavily customized chip that in reality doesn't fit into any of the known AMD series.

Emphasis on the "heavily custumized" part. This is actually a negative thing as it makes porting much harder and with 3rd parties, it won't be worth the effort. The PS3 had a hard time getting ports, but those games proved to have a huge audience and they sold well on it, the same can't be said for Wii U.

I think some of you need to stop being hypocrites, you've been drooling all over the last of us and halo 4 graphics for months now, the Wii U will easily surpass those. It will not stop looking good just because PS4 will produce better graphics :/

I wish Nintendo just dropped the whole pad idea and just released an affordable (or at least profitable) Wii 2 with similar specs to Wii U. While the Pad idea is attractive to me (I don't have a tv atm lol) it certainly isn't attracting people. Meh.

Mazty said:
Flanneryaug said:
Mazty said:
And I got banned for saying the Wii U wasn't next gen....

It was obvious from it's load power consumption that it was not next gen aka on par with the next-box and PS4. Nice to have it verified from a different source though.

It is next gen. It is more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3. Was the PS2 not in the 6th generation, because it wasn't on par with the GameCube or Xbox? Generations are about what time they are released, not power.

1) How much more powerful than the 360 and PS3 is it?
1ii) Is there any game that shows this power difference?

2)If generation is to do with what time they are released then why is the PS3 super slim not next gen

3) How can a console be next-gen if it can't play next-gen games, as the OP states?

1) People are still trying to know what the hell is going on with the GPU, but it looks like something between 1.5x-2.5x (absolute max). No game at the moment does this, the closest one is the Monolith Soft 'X' game which is still very early in development, by the end of the year we should expect to see something that looks better than current gen games.

2) The super slim is the exact same hardware as the original PS3 just smaller, there aren't any new specs added to the model so it doesn't classifies as new hardware and thus no new gen (just like all the console remodels)

3) If the game looks graphically better, then it's next gen, there are no pixel counts that decide whether a game should be considred next gen or not.

Nintendo and PC gamer

Why so cheap nintendo?

Dont they make like millions from their software?