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Forums - General Discussion - Are you with or against circumcision ?

Against it. The only advantage of it is cleaning it is easier.

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What an adult decides to do with his privates is totally his concern. Nothing to do with me.

I have stated before and will say it again that I think it should not be forced babies or kids by parents.

One of the annoying things of modern science and  medicine is that there are usually disagreements on issues as basic as this.
Are there health benefits or not? Generally German and other European medics say no the US ones say yes.

This is not surprising really as circumcision is big business in the US and where there is lots of money involved some medics and scientists have no morals. Wouldn't surprise me if cigarettes are suddenly found to have health benefits... not likely but you know what i mean.

For adults making the decision themselves? Fine.

But not for infants, as many others have stated. Seems unfair and overly dramatic, I think god would forgive a creature that is yet unable to form coherent though, read or write, speak or worship at all for not giving him their foreskin (allthough god is very obsessed with foreskins in the bible).

I'm against male genital mutilation unless the removal of the foreskin is absolutely necessary.






So being against circumcision on kids is 'right' because they don't have the 'brain' to make a balanced choice but imposing a certain believe on them is....?

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Im on my mobile so aont search nut this has been discussed to death already only few months ago



weaveworld said:
So being against circumcision on kids is 'right' because they don't have the 'brain' to make a balanced choice but imposing a certain believe on them is....?

No, brainwashing children or forcing them into religious belief or political agenda is not acceptable either. But there are those who decide to get circumcised at adult age due to other reason (aesthetics, hygiene, health issues etc) and that's fine by me. The OP did not specify that it was solely in a religious setting so we should assume that this is simply a moral issue about taking decisions for infants regarding their own body, like I said though; forcing belief or agenda upon kids is unacceptable for me.

Majora said:
And to all those who keep saying "massive loss of sensitivity" that's bullcrap! I am circumcised and it's so fucking sensitive I get wood if my phone vibrates too close to my schlong in my pocket! Stop making out you know all when you don't - and no neither do I but I find it insulting to be told I'm missing out or I'm not so good because I'm circumcised!

I'm not talking individual experience, I'm talking medical knowledge. Obviously there are exceptions to most such rules.

Although technically speaking, if you've been circumsized your whole life, how would you know any different?

Against, of course. There is factually not one advantage and mutilating little kids' penisses is not ok in my book.

Yeah don't listen to me! You're all right as usual. I just can't be bothered anymore.