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Forums - General Discussion - Are you with or against circumcision ?

With circumcision

-More sexual feeling
-More hygienic
-Less likely to get STDs
-Looks more appealing

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Turkish said:
With circumcision

-More sexual feeling
-More hygienic
-Less likely to get STDs
-Looks more appealing

Actually, both partners get more sensation with a foreskin; its sliding action increases sensation for women, and without it the glans hardens and loses sensitivity.

Yeah idc, but as many people have said child should only be done if needed. Though some people would be glad to have it done as a baby because then you do not remember the pain.

oh boy. Here comes yet another circumcision thread. Here comes the war between anti and pro cut wieners.

That said... uncircumcised dicks look disgusting! *run*

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Circumcision causes a heavy loss of feeling, and the major reason porn stars do it is because they can last unnaturally long periods of time, sometimes well over an hour. I don't know about you, but I think that would get kind of boring and make sex more like a chore than something pleasurable. If you really need more sex, there is nothing stopping you from doing it more times that night, and the second and third times will be longer than the first time.

I am heavily against circumcision, those who have the misfortune of being circumcised are really at a gigantic disadvantage compared to a fully equipped male.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Turkish said:
With circumcision

-More sexual feeling - This one is a misconception, the penis has allot of sensors which are protected by the foreskin, remove the foreskin and now you penis is on sensory overload (Just ask any adult how sensitive their penis is when they get medically circumcised) it in effect becomes desensitised, it by no means makes it useless, but it is no longer as sensitive as a penis with the foreskin, but I suppose it's a luxury you pay for having a more 'appealing penis' ey.

-More hygienic - if you’re a cave man, but if you ain't a lazy person then you'll scrub where it counts. Just like mum telling you to wash behind your hears...oh teh noes, gotta circumcise the ears to make them hygienic /sarcasm

-Less likely to get STDs - probably only applicable for africa, cuz if you’re in a 1st world country foreskin or not your wearing jimmy (AKA condom)

-Looks more appealing - subjective (But then I'm not looking at cock, I'm too busy enjoying pussy)


Why are men obsessed with other men's cocks? Unless you're gay why bother? And to all those who keep saying "massive loss of sensitivity" that's bullcrap! I am circumcised and it's so fucking sensitive I get wood if my phone vibrates too close to my schlong in my pocket! Stop making out you know all when you don't - and no neither do I but I find it insulting to be told I'm missing out or I'm not so good because I'm circumcised! And as a gay guy I'd rather see a guy was circumcised because - well I won't say why but yeah.

I'm heavily against the parents not deciding either way and letting the kid choose once he's older. Sorry but that's ridiculous.

Majora said:
Why are men obsessed with other men's cocks? Unless you're gay why bother? And to all those who keep saying "massive loss of sensitivity" that's bullcrap! I am circumcised and it's so fucking sensitive I get wood if my phone vibrates too close to my schlong in my pocket! Stop making out you know all when you don't - and no neither do I but I find it insulting to be told I'm missing out or I'm not so good because I'm circumcised! And as a gay guy I'd rather see a guy was circumcised because - well I won't say why but yeah.

When were you circumcised?

If your circumcised as a baby, then to you as an adult things will be no different, the senility you first discovered as a teen is the same as an adult, but if you were circumcised as an adult, then you notice the difference in sensitivity. So please don't be naive enough to think that just because you’re circumcised and can feel your phone vibrate that this somehow invalidates the loss of sensitivity point of view. 

I guess a good example is this, when you have sex with a rubber, it feels less sensitive than without a rubber, so a guy who is circumcised is always wearing rubber while the men with foreskin take off the rubber when it comes time to perform. So when condoms are used, circumcised guys are wearing a double rubber when compared to men with foreskin.


Take this as you will.

The main reason why circumcised guys are defending circumcision is because they don't want to admit that they have a defect and are jealous of fully equipped males.


The reality is that the barbaric practice of genital mutilation is insane and needs to end. The fact that some parents force it on their own children is beyond deplorable.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.