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Turkish said:
With circumcision

-More sexual feeling - This one is a misconception, the penis has allot of sensors which are protected by the foreskin, remove the foreskin and now you penis is on sensory overload (Just ask any adult how sensitive their penis is when they get medically circumcised) it in effect becomes desensitised, it by no means makes it useless, but it is no longer as sensitive as a penis with the foreskin, but I suppose it's a luxury you pay for having a more 'appealing penis' ey.

-More hygienic - if you’re a cave man, but if you ain't a lazy person then you'll scrub where it counts. Just like mum telling you to wash behind your hears...oh teh noes, gotta circumcise the ears to make them hygienic /sarcasm

-Less likely to get STDs - probably only applicable for africa, cuz if you’re in a 1st world country foreskin or not your wearing jimmy (AKA condom)

-Looks more appealing - subjective (But then I'm not looking at cock, I'm too busy enjoying pussy)
