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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your final third party Wii collection vs Total


Third party titles / total:

00 - 10 % 12 19.35%
11 - 20 % 4 6.45%
21 - 30 % 9 14.52%
31 - 40 % 3 4.84%
41 - 50 % 8 12.90%
51 - 60 % 14 22.58%
61 - 70 % 3 4.84%
71 - 80 % 5 8.06%
81 - 90 % 1 1.61%
91 - 100 % 3 4.84%

13 Nintendo
2 EA
1 Codemasters
1 Sega
1 Ubisoft
1 Atlus

So just under 70% Nintendo. Find it hard to believe I've only bought 19 games in 6 years for it.

My gamecube games were 11 Nintendo, 15 third party. So just over 40% were Nintendo.

Around the Network

I have a ton of VC and Wiiware games, and I will be buying Pandora's Tower when it comes out, which are not included in my totals. (I included one game I know I have Tsukimo vs Capcom but I can't find it or the box atm.)

interesting poll results so far.



D3 Publisher-1

That's a lot on 1's. Anyways 61.1111% are Ninty games.

Edit:Note that these are games I actually purchased, if including rental, Ninty's at 70% Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

I broke it down into currently owned and historically owned (since I've sold many) - I'm sure I'm missing a few titles here but anyway...

Currently own

Nintendo 21 (31%)
EA 6 (9%)
Konami/Namco/Temco 6 (9%)
Ubisoft 5 (7%)
Capcom 5 (7%)
LucasArts 3 (4%)
XSeed/NIS 3 (4%)
Rockstar/T2 2 (3%)
Eidos (SE) 2 (3%)
Others 6 (9%)

Going to all titles I've ever purchased - the title count nearly doubles but interestingly the percentages stay the same except Nintendo loses 2% (to 29%) and Others gain 3%.


Around the Network

^ I also sold a few games, some third party and Mario Party 8...

Thanks for the updates! We are nearly halfway there to catch up with the olden votes... when we do, I'll increase the bin size and compare the old results, but it's looking good so far.

@Rol: Nice level of satisfaction. BTW I counted Trauma Center as third party xD

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

1. Nintendo 14
2. Activision 6
3. Ubisoft 5
4. Capcom 3
5. SEGA 2
6. EA 2
7. Codemasters 1
8. Ignition 1


Steam/Origin ID: salorider

Nintendo Network ID: salorider

PSN: salorider

3DS Friend Code: 4983-4984-4179


12 Nintendo

2 Activitision (Guitar Hero craze)

2 Ubisoft (Both Red Steels)

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Nintendo = 47%
3rd Party = 53%

I was recently reminded of this thread, and didn't do the comparison I had planned due to the small sample. But after comparing them, noticed the results are pretty similar!

Mayority of VGCz members continued with their 50-50 ratio of third party software, although it is skewed towards first party.

Remember to keep your libraries balanced

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"