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Forums - Sony Discussion - The winner for hardware revenue in December is.....Sony

theshoe23 said:

erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on

I've got to love the fact that people have to RUSH into this thread to discount the OP just because "OMG TEH SONY CANNOT HAVE GOODNESS EVAR!!!" Seriously, this is getting rediculous. I am not a mean person but I would laugh my ass off if Sony ever CRUSHED Nintendo again like they did the last two generations. I never insulted Nintendo, I own a Wii, a PS3 and a 360 yet every time I come here I feel offended because of the arrogance of Nintendo fanboys.

PS: Lets also remember among graphically next-gen consoles the PS3 is still outselling the 360 WW.

 I had to rush to this thread because it reinforces something I've been observing for the past year: Sony fans tend to be dumb. You people fall for every single bit of PR they put out.

Companies only talk about their revenue when they don't have anything else good to say. When a company issues a press release that only mentions their revenue and dances around everything else, it means they're trying to spin bad news in a positive light.

In the games industry, the important thing is units sold. Units sold mean more customers for developers which attracts more developers which attracts more customers. However, the PS2 is a legacy platform and its sales have no effects on the decisions of any developers (except some small shovelware developers). PS3 and PSP revenue is also inflated relative to Nintendo because those platforms cost double what their Nintendo counterparts cost. 

Sony hasn't even made significant inroads against the 360 which is itself falling way behind the Wii, and you people start talking about the PS3 as though it's making some sort of progress.

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck
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erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on.

Are you a moron? 3 different consoles really doesnt matter does it? If Sony can make revenue and profit off the PS2 and PSP why not? And just because the DS sells more doesnt make the PSP any less profitable for Sony, and "watches the PS3 lose to everybody", have you not been paying attention to the numbers and market shares? The PS3 has continuously outsold the 360 worldwide and gained .2% in market share in the last 2 weeks. Not to mention the success with Blu-ray and all the studios switching worldwide.

So what is the real picture my friend? Well we see the PS3 gaining ground (good news for Sony) the PSP selling hardware and software as usual (good for Sony) even if its not as high as Nintendo, we also see Sony's veteran console the PS2 selling strong still (also good news for Sony), and we see Sony's format making great strides (very good news for Sony).


The point is that Sony like to put out different figures every month to look good, always avoiding the one figure the industry works on: units sold. They hope those half-truths get stuck in a lot of peoples' heads, and it works far too often. You can see why that upsets us.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

Jandre002 said:
With revenue being so high, they arent losing money in hardware department, no matter how you cut it. They didnt make money off of PS3 hardware, not doubt, but they are only losing money on the 40gb at this point. All other hardware sales, including the 80gb are profitable.

Didn't Kaz recently state Sony is hoping to achieve a profitable PS3 next fiscal year.  As in starting in April 08 and ending in April 09.  He also stressed that the profitability goal for next FY isn't a definite commitment but just something he's shooting for.

But why listen to him?  Obviously you have some inside information suggesting the 80GB hardware is profitable now....

theshoe23 said:

erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on

I've got to love the fact that people have to RUSH into this thread to discount the OP just because "OMG TEH SONY CANNOT HAVE GOODNESS EVAR!!!" Seriously, this is getting rediculous. I am not a mean person but I would laugh my ass off if Sony ever CRUSHED Nintendo again like they did the last two generations. I never insulted Nintendo, I own a Wii, a PS3 and a 360 yet every time I come here I feel offended because of the arrogance of Nintendo fanboys.

 PS: Lets also remember among graphically next-gen consoles the PS3 is still outselling the 360 WW.

 Funny thing is for years Nintendo fans have been offended by Sony Fanboys, the point people are making on this forum is that Sony lies to the consumer just like they have the past 2 generations they feel they have to win in some way, weather it's some spin on how the PS2 was in some form better graphically then both last gen consoles, or some pointless figure this generation, Nintendo lost gracefully last gen and a lot of fans are out for revenge this console cycle, then you got the bad crowd being the most popular brings.

At your PS you mean weekly? cause it's not outselling 360 by far, and only 20k more consoles a week isn't much in the big picture of millions of consoles they have to catch up to.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Sony may have been CRUSHED by Nintendo on both the handheldand console front, but at least they made more.........revenue!

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Non Sequor said:
theshoe23 said:

erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on

I've got to love the fact that people have to RUSH into this thread to discount the OP just because "OMG TEH SONY CANNOT HAVE GOODNESS EVAR!!!" Seriously, this is getting rediculous. I am not a mean person but I would laugh my ass off if Sony ever CRUSHED Nintendo again like they did the last two generations. I never insulted Nintendo, I own a Wii, a PS3 and a 360 yet every time I come here I feel offended because of the arrogance of Nintendo fanboys.

PS: Lets also remember among graphically next-gen consoles the PS3 is still outselling the 360 WW.

I had to rush to this thread because it reinforces something I've been observing for the past year: Sony fans tend to be dumb. You people fall for every single bit of PR they put out.

Companies only talk about their revenue when they don't have anything else good to say. When a company issues a press release that only mentions their revenue and dances around everything else, it means they're trying to spin bad news in a positive light.

In the games industry, the important thing is units sold. Units sold mean more customers for developers which attracts more developers which attracts more customers. However, the PS2 is a legacy platform and its sales have no effects on the decisions of any developers (except some small shovelware developers). PS3 and PSP revenue is also inflated relative to Nintendo because those platforms cost double what their Nintendo counterparts cost.

Sony hasn't even made significant inroads against the 360 which is itself falling way behind the Wii, and you people start talking about the PS3 as though it's making some sort of progress.

I definitely agree with you. This post pretty much explain why this site is perceive as 'Wii bias'. There are a whole bunch of people in the past who came here (obviously fanboys) and presented twisted information or interpreted something differently due to their lack of background knowledge. Then, when they are presented with facts, explanations, they simply rejected those and went on blabbing. After that, the story became "Vgchartz is Wii bias".

That's not to say there isn't a large amount of Nintendo advocate, but there is also a number of the same people who make good posts/threads and definitely aren't bias. Ignoring this fact means ignoring the essence of this site and what makes Vgchartz a good place to visit.


Back on topic, I still don't understand Jandre's point... especially since he realizes that revenue =/= profit. 


I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

Brawl FC: 0301-9911-8154

Sony has been doing fine lately, relative to their performance earlier in the year. The only thing ridiculous about this whole topic is the Sony PR department who is presently just painting themselves into a smaller and smaller corner.

No longer leader in console sales, ("um, have to think of something else...")

No longer leader in games industry profit, ("um, have to think of something else...")

Games division no longer making a profit, ("um, have to think of something else...")

No longer leader in Japan, ("um, have to think of something else...")

"aha, we are leaders in revenue in one month of the year, (hehe, they won't realise it's because we have the most expensive consoles.)"

What's even more worrying is what happens when they are no longer leading in revenue.

I can just imagine: Self congratulations are in order to Sony for having the highest revenue for the past week, among graphically next gen consoles, on a per console basis, for consoles sold in the inner Detroit area, to lepers with only one arm.....the left.

Sorry for the rant:)

Poor Sony. To have increased revenues like this. After all, look what happened in the 2nd quarter.

Gaming Division (in Billions of yen)
Revenues Income
Q2/2006 170Byen (43.5)By
Q2/2007 243Byen (96.7)By

Thus proving that increasing their revenues by 43%, more than doubled their losses. Only their accountants know how bad it will be this last quarter, now that their revenues have gone up again.


Of course, poor numbers as well. As one of the posters mentions, torture a number enough and it'll say just about anything you want.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Renar said:
Poor Sony. To have increased revenues like this. After all, look what happened in the 2nd quarter.

Gaming Division (in Billions of yen)
Revenues Income
Q2/2006 170Byen (43.5)By
Q2/2007 243Byen (96.7)By

Thus proving that increasing their revenues by 43%, more than doubled their losses. Only their accountants know how bad it will be this last quarter, now that their revenues have gone up again.


Of course, poor numbers as well. As one of the posters mentions, torture a number enough and it'll say just about anything you want.

Yes the double edged sword strikes!  Revenue going up on a product sold at loss increases loss.

Old article so i'm sure they aren't losing as much per PS3 sold now but the message is one Jandre should learn.