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theshoe23 said:

erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on

I've got to love the fact that people have to RUSH into this thread to discount the OP just because "OMG TEH SONY CANNOT HAVE GOODNESS EVAR!!!" Seriously, this is getting rediculous. I am not a mean person but I would laugh my ass off if Sony ever CRUSHED Nintendo again like they did the last two generations. I never insulted Nintendo, I own a Wii, a PS3 and a 360 yet every time I come here I feel offended because of the arrogance of Nintendo fanboys.

PS: Lets also remember among graphically next-gen consoles the PS3 is still outselling the 360 WW.

 I had to rush to this thread because it reinforces something I've been observing for the past year: Sony fans tend to be dumb. You people fall for every single bit of PR they put out.

Companies only talk about their revenue when they don't have anything else good to say. When a company issues a press release that only mentions their revenue and dances around everything else, it means they're trying to spin bad news in a positive light.

In the games industry, the important thing is units sold. Units sold mean more customers for developers which attracts more developers which attracts more customers. However, the PS2 is a legacy platform and its sales have no effects on the decisions of any developers (except some small shovelware developers). PS3 and PSP revenue is also inflated relative to Nintendo because those platforms cost double what their Nintendo counterparts cost. 

Sony hasn't even made significant inroads against the 360 which is itself falling way behind the Wii, and you people start talking about the PS3 as though it's making some sort of progress.

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck