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Renar said:
Poor Sony. To have increased revenues like this. After all, look what happened in the 2nd quarter.

Gaming Division (in Billions of yen)
Revenues Income
Q2/2006 170Byen (43.5)By
Q2/2007 243Byen (96.7)By

Thus proving that increasing their revenues by 43%, more than doubled their losses. Only their accountants know how bad it will be this last quarter, now that their revenues have gone up again.


Of course, poor numbers as well. As one of the posters mentions, torture a number enough and it'll say just about anything you want.

Yes the double edged sword strikes!  Revenue going up on a product sold at loss increases loss.

Old article so i'm sure they aren't losing as much per PS3 sold now but the message is one Jandre should learn.