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Sony has been doing fine lately, relative to their performance earlier in the year. The only thing ridiculous about this whole topic is the Sony PR department who is presently just painting themselves into a smaller and smaller corner.

No longer leader in console sales, ("um, have to think of something else...")

No longer leader in games industry profit, ("um, have to think of something else...")

Games division no longer making a profit, ("um, have to think of something else...")

No longer leader in Japan, ("um, have to think of something else...")

"aha, we are leaders in revenue in one month of the year, (hehe, they won't realise it's because we have the most expensive consoles.)"

What's even more worrying is what happens when they are no longer leading in revenue.

I can just imagine: Self congratulations are in order to Sony for having the highest revenue for the past week, among graphically next gen consoles, on a per console basis, for consoles sold in the inner Detroit area, to lepers with only one arm.....the left.

Sorry for the rant:)