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Forums - General Discussion - Was 911 an inside job?


Was it?

No 109 98.20%
Gribble said:

I can understand people not listening to nobodies like myself, but how about listening to those who know better than anyone on this site. And PLEASE, watch it all:

If you don't want to watch it now, bookmark it for later. And before anyone notes it, my sig pic has nothing to do with 'Anonymous', whom I loath. It's a mask from one of my favourite films.

Well.There is an even easier explanation for it.


If you want to pull down a building,you need several experts.

you need many weeks of calculation and you must be very accurate,because every little mistake could cause a catastrophy when you try to bring a building down,the building may shift or huge parts wont collapse.

thats the official story.

Lets suppose 911 was no inside job-than the only possibility is a demolition expert conspiracy.

They are telling us for decades that you need static engineers and demolition experts to bring down a building,because the slightest misscalculation and  imbalance can make a building shift to one side.

That must be a lie.

911 has definitivly proven that you just need an impact and some kerrosin burning for a few minutes.

It doesn't matter how massive the impact is(a plane wtc 1/2) or how low (a few stones-building 7)

and it even does not matter how big the imbalance is (wtc 1 and 2 were the most imbalanced buildings ever after they were hit)

the building won't shift to one side,it will ignore all physical laws and collaps into its own footprints.


Why the hell do we still need demolition experts as we know since 911 that building are always collapsing as they should.

You just need some kerrosin burning for a few minutes and a plane.We must stop paying and using demolition experts.noone needs them and they never were needed(hope my english was good enough for some sarcasm)


if you want to go a little deeper into it,search on youtube for aaron russo(former hollywood producer and rockefeller friend,100% no conspiracy theorist)and what he is saying about 911.



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"I'm joe miller, and I have a BA.... and I am a so called "expert" for this film"


Please don't make me laugh a BA is a joke of a degree in the pool of masters and doctorates

Why does it keep cutting in and out? editting enough out there?

Gribble said:

I can understand people not listening to nobodies like myself, but how about listening to those who know better than anyone on this site. And PLEASE, watch it all:

If you don't want to watch it now, bookmark it for later. And before anyone notes it, my sig pic has nothing to do with 'Anonymous', whom I loath. It's a mask from one of my favourite films.

excellent video thank you

Max King of the Wild said:
SxyxS said:
Ckmlb1 said:
Bin Laden claiming responsibility for 9/11 in video:

Sir.please stop posting such stupid disinfo.

Even a dumbed down who does not realize that a 50 year old is speaking with the voice of a 30 year old will realize that this video is not 

lip sync.


the spoken words do not fit with the lip movement.

So many bin laden videos have been proven as fake,but as long as a long nose guy with a beard is supposed to be bin laden,and as long as you hear the words you want to hear everything is fine.

Do you want to know how worthless this video is?just google fbi bin laden warrant,and you will find something interessting.

There is no word about 911 in bin ladens warrant



official fbi statement:no hard evidence.

Youre on a whole different level of ridiculous.

i'm pretty sure you are so amazingly lazy and ignorant that you didn't even try to google the official' fbi bin laden warrant'


If this video and the voice were recorded at the same time and if this was obamas voice than this would be hard evidence.


you will find videos(original and lip sync) in which bin laden is saying that he has nothing to do with the attack.

its freaking disturbing that our buildings fall symetrically with just an ordinary office fire going on...

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DieAppleDie said:
its freaking disturbing that our buildings fall symetrically with just an ordinary office fire going on...

if that were true it would be very disturbing. Except... A GIANT FUCKING SKY SCRAPER TORE A HUGE GASH INTO IT FROM COLLAPSING AND PROJECTING HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF TONS (2,000 pounds for those who don't know what a ton is) OF RUBBLE IN EVERY WHICH DIRECTION

Max King of the Wild said:
DieAppleDie said:
its freaking disturbing that our buildings fall symetrically with just an ordinary office fire going on...

if that were true it would be very disturbing. Except... A GIANT FUCKING SKY SCRAPER TORE A HUGE GASH INTO IT FROM COLLAPSING AND PROJECTING HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF TONS (2,000 pounds for those who don't know what a ton is) OF RUBBLE IN EVERY WHICH DIRECTION

i was talking about building 7 obviously, relax im not your enemy...

"I have a BA and the biggest building i have experience with is a small office building but someone showed me a video clip and it's obvious this doesn't add up"


DieAppleDie said:
its freaking disturbing that our buildings fall symetrically with just an ordinary office fire going on...

Oh look, another "WHAT ABOUT BUILDING 7?!?" moron.

Did you know that bridges have collapsed just from the heat caused by crashed tanker trucks?

So a tanker full of fuel is enough to structurally damage a freaking highway bridge to the point of collapse, but TWO 110 story towers smoldering with jet fuel and collapsing right across the street from a building isnt enough to severely damage the building's structural integrity to the point of collapse?

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

DieAppleDie said:
Max King of the Wild said:
DieAppleDie said:
its freaking disturbing that our buildings fall symetrically with just an ordinary office fire going on...

if that were true it would be very disturbing. Except... A GIANT FUCKING SKY SCRAPER TORE A HUGE GASH INTO IT FROM COLLAPSING AND PROJECTING HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF TONS (2,000 pounds for those who don't know what a ton is) OF RUBBLE IN EVERY WHICH DIRECTION

i was talking about building 7 obviously, relax im not your enemy...

I was too.

for the video... have  seen 1 credible source in 12 minutes. its a joke video