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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2012 - Round 9

5p. Buotros
4p. Axumblade
3p Librolex
2p Moreoningrato
1p c03n2nj0

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5p - axumblade
4p - c03n3nj0
3p - morenoingrato
2p - Boutros
1p - lilbroex

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

5p - Axumblade (I mean, he's Axumblade!)
4p - Boutros (You are amazing, but Axumblade is Axumblade.)
3p - Moreno
2p - c0j0 (Don' t really see him outside of Mafia.)
1p - lilbroex

5p. Boutros
4p. morenoingrato
3p. libroex
2p. c03n3nj0
1p. axumblade

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I was in bed sick yesterday and missed the last round...

5p - Axumblade (If I don't give him 5 points he will whip me with a wet noodle)
4p - Morenoingrato
3p - Boutros
2p - j0
1p - lilbroex

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Around the Network

Another loaded round. I expect the guy who misses out will be in the bonus round.

5p: Axumblade (Sure, he's the head mod, but he gets this spot for being a great guy and great poster)
4p: Morenoingrato (I wish he was more active, but when he does post, he brings so much to this community)
3p: Boutros (The work you put into COMG is amazing, and you're a great poster as well!)
2p: C03n3nj0 (For every pause I took for remembering how to spell your name, I took you down a point. )
1p: Lilbroex (Wasn't he permabanned before we started this contest?)

5p - axumblade (A really nice guy all around, hard-working, always willing to discuss site issues and keep an open mind, and a huge fan of R&C like myself)

4p - Boutros (A long-time and very active member who has contributed a great deal)

3p - c03n3nj0 (A companion in mafia games, on VGC IM and on its successor, and wise and mature beyond his years)

2p - morenoingrato (He's right that we really haven't interacted enough, but a solid user nonetheless)

1p - lilbroex (seriously?)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

5p: Axumblade
4p: Boutros
3p: Morenoingrato
2p: C03n3nj0
1p: Lilbroex

5p Axumblade
4p Boutros
3p Morenoingrato
2p C03n3nj0
1p Lilbroex

5p - morenoingrato (My hosting partner!)
4p - axumblade (Long time VGC friend from back when he was a lowly peasant like me)
3p - Boutros (Great user, did a great job with the Metacritic prediction contest)
2p - c03n3nj0 (Part time Mafia player with an impossible username)
1p - lilbroex (What can I say... he received the necessary amount of nomination votes and removing him would have meant an uneven round at some point)

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