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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The official No More Heroes Thread

^maybe though i thought it would release in all NA simultaniously

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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famousringo said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Oh, WoW, you misunderstand me. I'm not trying to be a fanboy, I'm just keeping the Wiibashers at bay. Nobody so far who has flamed NMH has been a Wii fanboy. 99.9 percent of them are doing it just to anger Wii fanboys. I'm simply a voice to respond, because the game is great, and a lof of people who usually get away with passive-agressively flaming it, I just can't allow to go unresponded too. If you don't wanna get corrected, then don't say silly things, imo.


I just used one example of why IGN is considered a joke, by me. There are several more, within the industry, but on the whole, IGN is one of the least respected review sites on the web, right next to 1up. Do I have proof? How can you prove a common belief? By using anecdotal examples? Nope. That's why I said "in my opinion," or "I've always thought," because I don't feel the need to prove my, not opinion, but belief, is correct. I know it is, but I add "in my opinion" for common courtesy. You flamed me for it.


It's ironic that you flame me for not being certain that the great news source, but mediocre and completely lesser known gametrailers has reviews of most games, yet you assume that IGN is a respectible review site? Is that really how you operate? Start off all high and mighty, and then sink to what you percieve is "my level" at the first chance you get? They're releatively new, and haven't had a chance to prove themselves. Nobody shops for reviews exclusively at their site, except possibly their forum community, because they( reviewers) have yet to prove themselves.


Your next sentence all but confronts the Wii haters and justifies their position based Is that why your against No More Heroes contined success, all because of graphics? I refuse to comment on that. Graphics are cosmetic and just about as meaningless as any aspect of gaming can get. Its fitting that the IGN review docked the most points for graphics, in its review. It's laughable, imo, but you'll probably flame me for having an opinion.


As for "Endless Ocean," well, most people hate that game. I've never played it, but I assume it's probably pretty good. If we're going by the "I doubts" as in, you doubt NMH is a 9/10, then I doubt Endless Ocean is better than Assassin's Creed, but hey, whatever. Probably both good games. Point is, all Wii haters would agree that AC is better than EE, yet when IGN is unfavorable to a Wii game, its their new hero website and it's the only one thats right, even though its completely contrary to popular opinion(and I can prove that)? Can we really allow them to have it both ways?


I realize I can't prove my deductions, otherwise they would be not deductions, but evidence. I have weaker arguments and stronger arguments, but in the end, I'm just stating my opinion, like everyone else. I'm sorry if it offends, but I have to state it as well as I possibly can, or there is no reason for me to post at all. I stand by everything I've said.




You might want to know that some members of this site have done a statistical analysis of review sites and the scores they assign. IGN was found to be one of the least deviate from the mean of all scores for all platforms. They're demonstrably unbiased when compared to sites that tend to score games from one platform up or down five percent from the mean.

In other words, our opinion of IGN is backed up by some facts, not gut instincts, or anecdotes based on what we've read from other people on the internets.

 Actually you can find that on Gamerankings.  Under "lots-a-statistics" and then "Site statistics".

ckmlb said:
3. Overworld feels dead (few cars, few people and nothing going on). 4. Easy, maybe too easy (up to now)? But it's almost guaranteed I'll replay this game on mild difficulty after completion. Overall it's extremely fun, made me laugh several times, has great eccentric characters and is seriously different (in a very good way) from anything out there. Highlight so far (skip if you want a surprise): Hitting a baseball through lined up baseball players with the beam katana and watch them explode into blood. I gotta tell you it beats Wii baseball :)

Yeah, but the question is... is Mild really the last diffculty level? You gotta think there is another one after that. Ending on Mild would be kinda wierd. Gotta figure their is a "Hot" diffculty or something too.

I don't have any complaints 

I like the jobs myself.  They take me back to old Nintendo training segments.   The working out is fun... and hey if you don't like it you can always make the money you need playing baseball.

The having to go back to restart the mission is really a non issue as if you fail it opens up a battle royal to earn you some money.   

The overworld is hilariously oldschool looking, but i think that's the point.  I mean it would take like zero effort to fix the collison boxes on the cars... which are just outright silly and would of been noticed with the slightest playtesting.  I think the overwolrd graphics and other "problems" are just hailbacks to older gaming, just like the sound effects and high score board.

heres the gamedaily review

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I would agree with those that have said that IGN's reviews are inconsistent. I also believe that to be so. What seems to be extremely consistent is that all Wii games are ranked lower than anyone else by Game Informer. To give one example, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games received a 4 from them. I admit that its not the greatest game of all time, but a 4? The review went something like this. I hate party games and I hate the Wii. It gets a 4. I mean come on, No More Heroes gets a 6? Actually that does make sense if Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games gets a 4. Oh, by the way, Letz Shake in No More Heroes is the hardest boss in any game ever. I think the game is brilliant, but then again I own a Wii and that means that I'm missing a chromosome. Ask my good friends Game Informer.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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Yep after having beaten it I can confirm there is a third diffculty level. Hope that's not too much of a spoiler.

My only real cons with this game

1) it's waaay to short. It took me like 9 hours to get through beggining to end.

2) The gameplay is solid but Suda seems to think you'll be bored with it... so later on he comes up with new gameplay modes that are fun and all but just different from the slicing and dicing of bad guys and completely change everything around. Which wouldn't be a problem except you play these modes only once.

It would be nice if there was a way to play these modes again independent of the campaign system.

3) I suck at button mashing. I couldn't raise my strength once in the game.

Still i'll play through it another time or two to collect all the outfits. There is something oddly satisfying about changing clothes... picking the dorkier T-shirts for when you do your lawnwork and minor league assassains and switching to more of the badass gear when your gunning for a ranked opponent.

For all those still bent out of shape over IGN's review, IGN UK just reviewed this game and scored it at 8.9.

Make of that what you will.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I just finished the game about a day or so ago. Enjoyed the heck out of it for sure, but I do kind of agree with IGN's numerical scoring of the game. The visual style of the game is great, but on the technical side it's not exactly top-notch execution. The overworld does a nice job of giving a general feel of the city and Travis being on his turf, but it's awfully empty and void of things to do(besides going from one mission to another. Just adding random, Suda-esque comments from the citizens would have went a long way towards fleshing things out; instead it's like the town is full of robotic drones. You might say that's Suda's artistic intent, but I think it has more to do with budget and time restraints than anything else. Also, the side missions could have used some variety.

Those are the downers, but the game has plenty of great things about it. Like I said earlier, the visual style itself is great. The action is visceral, fast, and very satisfying. I love pulling off the wrestling moves during combat. All of the characters are interesting, neat, and/or funny. The dialogue is superbly cheesy. Then there are some neat things to do on the side as well: buying clothes, weapon upgrades, training at the gym, buying wrestling vids to learn new moves, and bringing the balls to the crazy, drunk Russian guy for new skills.

Based purely on having fun, the game is in the 9 range for me. Considering it as an entire package and it's overall execution, I can see why it scored just below an 8 at IGN. Fantastic fun, but could have used more time and money to be fully realized.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

Kasz216 said:

3) I suck at button mashing. I couldn't raise my strength once in the game.

Yeah, it's pretty hard to bench press by rapidly pressing A with your thumb.  What I find much easier is by placing my thumb on the A button and shaking the wiimote rapidly as if the wiimote is pressing the button into my thumb.  It works so much better.

Even though the game was too short and the gameplay can kind of get repetitive, I thoroughly enjoyed the game.  There is simply nothing like it.

Gamesradar posted a slow down of the fast forwarded plot line during the final fight, here's the video for that part:



Comment: Almost Forget, don't watch it until you get to the ending of the game. 

I am a PC gamer, and also have a NDS now, but without access to a Nintendo Wii until End of 2007.

Currently playing: Super Smash Brothers Brawl(Wii), Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer(DS), Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS), WiiFit(Wii)

Games Recently Beaten: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Normal; Very Hard after the next DLCs become available)

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