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famousringo said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Oh, WoW, you misunderstand me. I'm not trying to be a fanboy, I'm just keeping the Wiibashers at bay. Nobody so far who has flamed NMH has been a Wii fanboy. 99.9 percent of them are doing it just to anger Wii fanboys. I'm simply a voice to respond, because the game is great, and a lof of people who usually get away with passive-agressively flaming it, I just can't allow to go unresponded too. If you don't wanna get corrected, then don't say silly things, imo.


I just used one example of why IGN is considered a joke, by me. There are several more, within the industry, but on the whole, IGN is one of the least respected review sites on the web, right next to 1up. Do I have proof? How can you prove a common belief? By using anecdotal examples? Nope. That's why I said "in my opinion," or "I've always thought," because I don't feel the need to prove my, not opinion, but belief, is correct. I know it is, but I add "in my opinion" for common courtesy. You flamed me for it.


It's ironic that you flame me for not being certain that the great news source, but mediocre and completely lesser known gametrailers has reviews of most games, yet you assume that IGN is a respectible review site? Is that really how you operate? Start off all high and mighty, and then sink to what you percieve is "my level" at the first chance you get? They're releatively new, and haven't had a chance to prove themselves. Nobody shops for reviews exclusively at their site, except possibly their forum community, because they( reviewers) have yet to prove themselves.


Your next sentence all but confronts the Wii haters and justifies their position based Is that why your against No More Heroes contined success, all because of graphics? I refuse to comment on that. Graphics are cosmetic and just about as meaningless as any aspect of gaming can get. Its fitting that the IGN review docked the most points for graphics, in its review. It's laughable, imo, but you'll probably flame me for having an opinion.


As for "Endless Ocean," well, most people hate that game. I've never played it, but I assume it's probably pretty good. If we're going by the "I doubts" as in, you doubt NMH is a 9/10, then I doubt Endless Ocean is better than Assassin's Creed, but hey, whatever. Probably both good games. Point is, all Wii haters would agree that AC is better than EE, yet when IGN is unfavorable to a Wii game, its their new hero website and it's the only one thats right, even though its completely contrary to popular opinion(and I can prove that)? Can we really allow them to have it both ways?


I realize I can't prove my deductions, otherwise they would be not deductions, but evidence. I have weaker arguments and stronger arguments, but in the end, I'm just stating my opinion, like everyone else. I'm sorry if it offends, but I have to state it as well as I possibly can, or there is no reason for me to post at all. I stand by everything I've said.




You might want to know that some members of this site have done a statistical analysis of review sites and the scores they assign. IGN was found to be one of the least deviate from the mean of all scores for all platforms. They're demonstrably unbiased when compared to sites that tend to score games from one platform up or down five percent from the mean.

In other words, our opinion of IGN is backed up by some facts, not gut instincts, or anecdotes based on what we've read from other people on the internets.

 Actually you can find that on Gamerankings.  Under "lots-a-statistics" and then "Site statistics".