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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Wii U will sell under 7m in 2013



No chance. The Wii U will... 415 53.34%
I agree, the Wii U will s... 363 46.66%
Seece said:
Nintentacle said:
The Wii U would need to sell about 3 million units this holiday to reach to 7 million mark. It's definitely in the range, but I'm not completely sure if it can sell that much. 6-8 million.

7m in 2013, not 7m LTD.


So over 5 million left

Like POE said; the year is not over! If it sells on par with the 3DS starting today, it might still do it!

Around the Network

It could still hapen.. :) But i think it will more like the first year of 360.. about 6 mill..

And wii-u are i perfect fit, for the upcomming consol war..

Seece said:
Nintentacle said:
The Wii U would need to sell about 3 million units this holiday to reach to 7 million mark. It's definitely in the range, but I'm not completely sure if it can sell that much. 6-8 million.

7m in 2013, not 7m LTD.


So over 5 million left

If that's the case, than I completely doubt it. Wii U should sell 3.5-4.5 million this year.

Nintentacle said:
Seece said:
Nintentacle said:
The Wii U would need to sell about 3 million units this holiday to reach to 7 million mark. It's definitely in the range, but I'm not completely sure if it can sell that much. 6-8 million.

7m in 2013, not 7m LTD.


So over 5 million left

If that's the case, than I completely doubt it. Wii U should sell 3.5-4.5 million this year.

That would require between 437.000 to 565.000 units on average per week starting last week. Very, very unlikely.

I think the weekly average until January will be closer to 220.000 - 250.000.

Props to MBP and his prophetic skills. 7m WiiUs sold this year just ain't in the cards.

However, 7m LTD by the end of the year? Hopefully.

Around the Network
Seece said:
Nintentacle said:
The Wii U would need to sell about 3 million units this holiday to reach to 7 million mark. It's definitely in the range, but I'm not completely sure if it can sell that much. 6-8 million.

7m in 2013, not 7m LTD.


So over 5 million left

I was going to say there was still a pretty good chance of this happening if holiday sales are decent, until I saw this post.  You're right, he was talking for the entire year, not LTD.  Yep, no chance in hell it's going to sell over 7M, now.

I was going to go through and see if I had wrote in this thread, but got bored around page 4. 

It has only sold 1.5 million so far this year and there's only 2 months left in the year. How on earth could it sell 7 million? Maybe max 4 million but, 7 million? It should end the year at 6 mil max, if they play their cards right.

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PSN ID: atylerman5

bananaking21 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
You will bump this thread until around September when it's proven wrong. Then everyone else will bump it to laugh at you.


lol.  Of course you had to quote me you punk, lol.  

It was still a bad prediction though.  It's like if a fan of lousy sports team predicts a win over a superior opponent and the team pulls of the upset.  The prediction wasn't right because of knowledge, but because of blind faith.

So Wii U has sold 1,563,000 so far.  5,437,000 units to go...   If Wii U can double its launch year Christmas performance (which is typical of most hardware), it could actually make it.

It sold about 1.5 million this year. You expect it to sell about 2 million each last 2 months (despite the holidays boost) ?
Not happening. It will be less than 5 million I think. They already used the price cut boost.

Good for you but I'm sure most people didn't expect a drought so......