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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 outsells Wii in U.S.? What the ...

Dodece said:
Why is the revelation so shocking. This isn't the first time that the 360 has outsold the Wii in North America, and most likely will not be the last. Right now the Wii hasn't had a major game launch in over two months in North America. While the 360 has a larger AAA library filled with a greater variety of games. Further more the machine seems to appeal most to North American gamers then in other regions.

You really do not need to invoke supply constraint. There are ample explanations as to why the 360 outperformed the Wii this particular week. With the heady days of the Christmas season behind us the hardcore gamer market comes on strong. Dedicated gamers right now are making up much more of the purchasing public, and they are the least inclined to buy a Wii. They are looking toward the hardcore scene.

To be brutally honest I feel relatively certain that this week there were enough Wii consoles on the shelf to outsell the 360. There certainly were last week, and the week before that. Right now I cannot see a week where there isn't at least a hundred thousand Wii consoles on the market. The console isn't completely sold out, and if the demand was there people would have snatched every last one up. I am just not seeing this January as sell out time. Not after the holiday wiped the floor with all of us.

I also will say this I have never agreed with this Nintendo stockpiling systems for the holiday logic. I said it before, and I will say it again last year I had no problem finding Wii consoles. They were not universally sold out, and if stockpiling were happening it wasn't Nintendo's doing. Take a long hard look at brick and mortar retailers. That said they did it to drive shoppers to their stores. Right now there is no reason to do that. Why not sell the machine now, and make the money now if you go two months without having the console on your shelves that is going to drive down business.

Good for Microsoft regardless. Looks like the tortoise beat the hare in this particular bend of the track.

 I don't really want to get into this, because I think it is premature (just like that one thread).  I respect you as poster because I think that, while verbose, you really put a lot of thought into what you say.  But how can you make a claim that the Wii is not under supplied in NA?  I know in my area they are nowhere to be found.  How about your area?  Are you saying you can walk into any store and find one?  

Around the Network

Yeah, this isn't making any sense. I thought that Nintendo was pumping out 1.8 million Wiis a month??? WTH is going on?

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


Soriku said:
Dodece is becoming one of my favorite posters. Just for the laughs, of course ;)

like you are mine for the spam

OT : wii is in short supply ( or if you like too call it supply constraint ) the xbox360 some less

but it is a good thing for microsoft

it's a mystery that wii supply is still low....what the ....... is nitnendo waiting for....

Wii console: 0595 8808 5698 2709
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Mario Kart Wii: 1633 4506 4319

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Pokemon Battle Revolution: 3480 2645 9186
Feel free to add me, and sent me a pm with your Friend Code!!



Obviously I cannot speak for every store, as you yourself cannot speak for every store, and that is part of the problem. There is a natural human tendency to go to where the largest pile is to search for the goods rather then the smaller overlooked pile. That is a large problem with the Wii perception.

This is some solid advice for people looking to find any rare item in real life. Don't go to the same place everyone else is going. Go to the smaller out of the way place, and you stand a better chance of getting what you want. Simply because nobody else is flocking there.

That said I have seen the console on multiple occasions since Christmas. I have seen the consoles twice in the last week. Obviously I am not shopping all the time. However I have to assume they are more prevalent then some suppose when in the last two weeks I have seen the machines with my own two eyes, and no they did not sell instantly. In fact one of the retailers has had them in stock for a solid month, and haven't sold out yet.

Honestly I would not assume my perception is atypical, but I will concede that different markets might function differently. The way some markets have a higher standard of living, or might be less affluent. The moral of the story is this in New York it might be a barrel of hassles to find one, but someone in Idaho might be seeing a ass load on the shelves. What this means is I can see a lot of them consistently while you might never see them. The only thing what I am telling proves is that the machine does not sell out universally.

During the holidays I can say that all the consoles were flying off the shelves and both the Wii and the 360 saw real shortages. Honestly that kind of demand doesn't exist right now. Not everyone has to have one right now, and they are not stripping every shelf bare. That is probably just as credible an explanation for the difference this week as any supply shortage. Hardcore gamers with a lot of disposable income are buying the hardcore machine. While casual consumers have more on their plate then getting a Wii.

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@ Dodece...what I'm saying is...wait. You are intelligent...that much is plainly obvious. But declaring that the shortage is over based upon a single week's numbers (or lack thereof) shows a lack of restraint. Your previous thread about this same issue damaged your credibility quite a bit, and I still haven't seen you post on the Crow page.

I don't really care about the outcome of this console war. I think all the systems offer up some pretty inviting aspects that make each worth owning in its own right. But we are on a sales site. And trends cannot be mapped from a single week, or even a month of data. Many have been quick in this thread to call out the Wii Fanboys for making supply-constraint excuses. These aren't excuses. They are well-educated reactions to a single week of miserable Wii sales.

I won't continue this any further, since I know (and you know) that all we have to offer is anecdotal evidence. I respect your judgment as to what this week means, I just feel a bit different about it and only time will tell.

Always nintendo at fault for the 360s sales. It couldn't be that people went out and wanted to buy 360s?? The fact that nintendo is having supply problems does not automaticly mean people will buy an alternative.

Give credit where credit is due. Good Job MS!

SRLemmiwinks said:
Zucas said:
W29 said:
I can't wait till this supply constraint excuse is over.

You better hope it stays cause its the only thing keeping Wi from selling beastly haha. Right now its the only thing that has given the other 2 consoles hope. If there was enough supply to mee the demand, then Wii would have gotten a lead so fast and so large that the competition couldn't have caught up. You should be embracing it.

Oh yeah, because the Wii was selling... 'beastly' in August and September of 07.

Just flying off those shelves.


Actually, it was.

NA August:

Wii - 622k

Xbox360 - 387k

PS3 - 195k

NA/September (Halo 3 launch)

Xbox360 - 481k

Wii - 479k

PS3 - 124k


The biggest launch of the year (Halo 3) provided the Xbox360 the ability to tie the Wii for one month in NA. WW, the Wii still dominated.:

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 29th Jul 2007 to 30th Sep 2007:




I hope you haven't garnered the opinion that I am saying that the console is in ready supply. That I most assuredly know is not the case. Some people undoubtedly are still having a hard time seeing them, and more importantly when they are not on the shelves they cannot compel a spur of the moment purchase. That said I am relatively sure there were enough Wii consoles on the market to have outsold the 360 if there was a serious concerted demand.

Casual consumers don't go hunting as much as they seize the opportunity. They are not put down by deferring a purchase another week, or even another month. There is this perception that the only thing stopping Nintendo from selling half a million units every week is the fact that they do not have them on the shelves. I seriously doubt any console will sell over a hundred thousand a week in North America for a couple more months.

Last week proves nothing of popularity other then who was more motivated last week. Hardcore consumers having finally trudged through the holidays depleting ready cash. Finally having the available cash put it down to buy a hardcore console which they have probably wanted for a few months. Meanwhile the casual console which saw a flurry during the holiday season is less in demand.

Casual consumers have a lot on their minds, and gaming is probably not high on their lists of must resolve issues. They spent a huge wad of cash on the holidays, and are in a lethargy. They have taxes coming up, and either have to pay out, or are happy enough to wait for a refund. They have the additional heating bills, and have to look towards unexpected expenses. Finally no more big expenditures on the kids.

Two very different mindsets while you might get me to make a large purchase in January it would only be something that I really wanted, or really needed to have. A lot of consumers are in this place, and honestly this week its the hardcore people the type of people that really had to have something that won out. I wouldn't say its a trend here during a break in the storm.

Anyway I am sure there were at least a hundred thousand Wii consoles on the market as I am sure there are a quarter million 360s, and I am sure there are probably a million PS3s. Supply constraints can hurt, but not fifteen thousand units worth of sales hurt.

Has anyone heard how that Gamespot/EBGames promotion went....where they were offering rainchecks for Wiis?