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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 outsells Wii in U.S.? What the ...

For those of you doubting the shipping thing, if you actually take the time to research, you will find that Sony did the same thing for the PS3 during launch christmas. They had received a huge amount of flak for the supply issues and started to do air freight shipping on the PS3's direct from the factory to get more supply to the retailers.

The difference between that and the wii is that the PS3 demand died away in January and so they had tons of spare inventory and therefore sales in January were limited by demand rather than supply. The Wii is the opposite, the demand in January is still high and thus supply became even more of a problem than normal.

There's also the chance of them holding some supply back for the launch of Smash Bros in Japan, we've seen several instances of them doing that for big games last year.

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
W29 said:
Metallicube said:
coolestguyever said:
W29 said:
I can't wait till this supply constraint excuse is over.

I agree. Wii fanboys are really milking that excuse. Wiis are finally slowing down in sales and they have to blame something.

...are you kidding me?? You must be insane if you truely believe Wii is not supply contrained in the US. I mean Jesus Christ, dude, just look around you! Have you seen a single Wii in any store lately that wasn't sold within an hour?

I have seen it with my own eyes. Nintendo can have a bigger userbase if they would speed production up. I mean alot of people don't have none because of this.

Nintendo Wii would be around 30M by now if they would of had Wii's avaliable and they would be on store shelves.

Already made a thread about this topic, Wii is in short supply due to company sales predictions 6 MONTHS AGO, Nintendo President Iwata said production levels are based on predictions they made, they were way off and now they don't have enough supply and it will take a couple more months before they can get everything worked out to up production again.

I was trying to find that article, but thanks for the clarification.

as much as i personally favor the xbox 360 one only needs to check out some of the reseller websites online. Ebay, on wii's are going for around 400 dollars and they are selling fast. ps3's and 360 are at retail i know many people who go looking for wii's and snatch them up because they can turn a quick 100 dollars. the wii supply is constrained, plain and simple.

Supplies are going to Japan for next week.... That's why.......

Wii Code: 4819-7684-2396-4558

W29 said:
LeeAdama said:
DMeisterJ said:
W29 said:
I can't wait till this supply constraint excuse is over.

Who are you telling? That excuse is so tired, it needs to be put to rest. If they are producing 1.8 mil/month, I'd like to see where they are, as for the last two weeks, it's well under a million with two weeks to go.

The supply constraint excuse isn't going to be over until people can leave their houses and see Wiis sitting on the shelf at their local Target/ Best Buy/ GameStop/ TRU/ Wal-Mart. If you really want to shut people up about it, go out with your digital camera and take some pics of actual Wiis sitting on the shelf unbought in the wild.

And if you can't find any out there, quit the bitching and accept the fact that you might just might be on the wrong side of the argument.

Either way, for better or for worse the Wii supply constraint thing is conventional wisdom now. It's up to you anti-Wii-ers to disprove it. Good luck.

No need to get defensive, I just said that Nintendo needs to have balls and make more Wii's to meet demand and stop bitching with the supply and actually make some.

I want a Wii, but I don't want to wait the hell outside in cold-ass weather to get a $250 console. Hell no....

 Seriously, you need to get a clue. Nintendo can't just go and "make more Wii's to meet demand". It takes a LOT of money and a LOT of time to up production like that.

ESPECIALLY since 1,800,000 consoles per month this early in a console's lifespan is completely unprecedented.


@LeeAdama - Don't worry about it. You were spot-on when you called DMeisterJ "anti-Wii". He's almost as big a Sony fanboy as Leo-J.


Around the Network
thetonestarr said:
W29 said:
LeeAdama said:
DMeisterJ said:
W29 said:
I can't wait till this supply constraint excuse is over.

Who are you telling? That excuse is so tired, it needs to be put to rest. If they are producing 1.8 mil/month, I'd like to see where they are, as for the last two weeks, it's well under a million with two weeks to go.

The supply constraint excuse isn't going to be over until people can leave their houses and see Wiis sitting on the shelf at their local Target/ Best Buy/ GameStop/ TRU/ Wal-Mart. If you really want to shut people up about it, go out with your digital camera and take some pics of actual Wiis sitting on the shelf unbought in the wild.

And if you can't find any out there, quit the bitching and accept the fact that you might just might be on the wrong side of the argument.

Either way, for better or for worse the Wii supply constraint thing is conventional wisdom now. It's up to you anti-Wii-ers to disprove it. Good luck.

No need to get defensive, I just said that Nintendo needs to have balls and make more Wii's to meet demand and stop bitching with the supply and actually make some.

I want a Wii, but I don't want to wait the hell outside in cold-ass weather to get a $250 console. Hell no....

Seriously, you need to get a clue. Nintendo can't just go and "make more Wii's to meet demand". It takes a LOT of money and a LOT of time to up production like that.

ESPECIALLY since 1,800,000 consoles per month this early in a console's lifespan is completely unprecedented.


@LeeAdama - Don't worry about it. You were spot-on when you called DMeisterJ "anti-Wii". He's almost as big a Sony fanboy as Leo-J.


Whatever dude, I stopped posting awhile ago. I said what I said. There is no need to keep bitching about my post. I understand members already stated before that Nintendo can't up production.

Chill out...

wiiforever said:
Ninty stockpiling for SSBB launch

 Doesn't make any sense. What's the difference between selling it in two months as opposed to now?

probably they are allocating units to the launch in japan of SSBB, it makes sense because the game its a system seller.

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Zucas said:
W29 said:
I can't wait till this supply constraint excuse is over.

You better hope it stays cause its the only thing keeping Wii from selling beastly haha. Right now its the only thing that has given the other 2 consoles hope. If there was enough supply to mee the demand, then Wii would have gotten a lead so fast and so large that the competition couldn't have caught up. You should be embracing it.

Oh yeah, because the Wii was selling... 'beastly' in August and September of 07.


Just flying off those shelves.


Seriously get a grip, the system hit what it will naturally fall to in sales during that time and I wouldnt be suprised to see it stick to that level once Nintendo is done milking this 'supply' issue bull.


W29 said:
I can't wait till this supply constraint excuse is over.

There are millions of people who can't wait for the Wii supply constraint to be over. Hopefully we'll find out how many millions this year, since last year millions and millions of sales resulted in seemingly even more unmet demand.

Oh yeah, because the Wii was selling... 'beastly' in August and September of 07.

Just flying off those shelves.

Well, it was only selling as fast as supply. But, Yes, you're right -- it was flying off of shelves literally hours after stores opened with tons of Wiis they'd be sold out. Crazy, right?

It has been a good move for Nintendo to double its production right now, but it looks as though they're refilling their pipeline and supply is very slow at the moment. I imagine it will bump back up in a couple of weeks and we should be back over half a million units sold in February, although likely many more.

Seriously get a grip, the system hit what it will naturally fall to in sales during that time and I wouldnt be suprised to see it stick to that level once Nintendo is done milking this 'supply' issue bull.

Oh, right.  Like the DS.  You know, when Nintendo stopped milking that 'supply' issue bull back then.  Because now the DS is selling faster than it ever has, and faster than the PS2 ever did as well.  Do you think the Wii will hit the same natural level?