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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan sales: Famitsu & Media create

outlawauron said:
archbrix said:
outlawauron said:
gigaSheik said:
CChaos said:
VGKing said:
Monster Hunter. It is coming one day. 

If there was some kind of falling out between Sony/Capcom, I'm sure we would have heard something.

I'm betting an announcement next year with a release from Q4 '13 to Q2 '14.

I feel the need to ask...

I keep seeing people say that a Monster Hunter for Vita is coming. Over and over and in a dozen other threads now. Is there some proof of this? Something that's been released that actually says, "Yes, there IS a Monster Hunter for Vita coming!" or is the implication of it based off of conjecture? I don't ask to start anything or be mean, I'm honestly curious if this is just reality or people really, really hoping.

Wishful thinking

More like common sense. Monster Hunter released in some form on every console and handheld last gen. It'll do the same this gen.


Surprisingly enough, there doesn't seem to be one for DS, but MH released on 360, Wii, PS3, and PSP. It's tied to one console or handheld. Sony will do what it takes to get one release on a Sony platform.

Im gonna guess there wasn't one for DS because the first MH was on PS2 and where the PSP was a similar tech to the PS2 it was easier to use the same engine and make ports/sequels for that instead.

In fact I'd also wager that why they chose Wii over PS3, again utilising a technically similar console instead of going all out with a PS3 sequel. You could also argue that why they've choose 3DS over PSV, I mean come on... how much has PokeMon changed over the years. Capcom aren't stupid, this keeps production costs down which means more profits.

The only anomalies here are the PS3/360 versions (ports?). TBH im not a fan of the series so dont know much about them but I've always got the impression these are quick cash in ports not pushing the HW in anyway?

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the_dengle said:
VGKing said

Well, the Monster Hunter franchise single-handedly made the PSP competitive against the DS(at least in Japan).

It also single-handedly made the 360.... um, never mind. Let's not talk about that.

360 got a port of the PC MMO. It did well enough.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

VGKing said:
Vinniegambini said:
the_dengle said:
VGKing said:
the_dengle said:
Everyone still waiting on Monster Hunter Vita... this time last year they were saying the announcement was imminent... this time next year they will still be saying the announcement is imminent.

Well it is imminent. Read my comments above.
I myself am not a fan of the series, but it was crucial to the PSPs success in Japan and it will be crucial to the Vita's. 

"Imminent" is not the same as "inevitable." Imminent has a sense of urgency to it. MH Vita was not imminent last year if it still hasn't been announced... especially considering MH4 was announced over a year before its intended release.

It may well be that MH Vita will eventually happen, especially given Capcom's love of money. But if it doesn't come until 2015, I don't think it will be the knight in shining armor everyone wants it to be.

This +1

Monster Hunter will remain a Nintendo exclusive for a while. Capcom have stated that Monster Hunter 3 went to the Wii due to high development costs for PS3 - If Capcom follows the same logic, 3DS games are cheaper to make than PS Vita games and Wii U games will be cheaper to make compared to next-gen consoles... I don't see Monster Hunter appearing on Sony platforms for a while.

Well they could develop for Vita and port it over to PS4 later. Seemed to work fine for Portable 3rd.

Besides the potential for a 3rd party game to sell on a Nintendo console is much lower than it is for a Sony one. A Monster Hunter game on Vita would increase sales on that platform and allow Capcom to make OTHER games besides Monster Hunter for it and make a profit from them as well.

Besides a Sony exec said Monster Hunter was supposed to come out this year. Who knows what happened there.

That's not necessarily true, because some third party games sell pretty well on Nintendo consoles like Monster Hunter and some others. Sure, everybody gets distracted by the all first party titles and some of the second party. Capcom has made other series exclusive to Nintendo consoles in the past, like when made resident evil an exculsive on the gamecube. It wasn't because they had any problem with Sony it was because they wanted a more powerful system to develop games for, kinda the opposite of the situtiton with the PS3.

Its probably going to stay on Nintendo for now, why move it to Vita when the install base of 3DS is so much larger(and growing fast) and it sells well on the that system, at least so far. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.


retroking1981 said:
outlawauron said:
archbrix said:
outlawauron said:
gigaSheik said:
CChaos said:
VGKing said:
Monster Hunter. It is coming one day. 

If there was some kind of falling out between Sony/Capcom, I'm sure we would have heard something.

I'm betting an announcement next year with a release from Q4 '13 to Q2 '14.

I feel the need to ask...

I keep seeing people say that a Monster Hunter for Vita is coming. Over and over and in a dozen other threads now. Is there some proof of this? Something that's been released that actually says, "Yes, there IS a Monster Hunter for Vita coming!" or is the implication of it based off of conjecture? I don't ask to start anything or be mean, I'm honestly curious if this is just reality or people really, really hoping.

Wishful thinking

More like common sense. Monster Hunter released in some form on every console and handheld last gen. It'll do the same this gen.


Surprisingly enough, there doesn't seem to be one for DS, but MH released on 360, Wii, PS3, and PSP. It's tied to one console or handheld. Sony will do what it takes to get one release on a Sony platform.

Im gonna guess there wasn't one for DS because the first MH was on PS2 and where the PSP was a similar tech to the PS2 it was easier to use the same engine and make ports/sequels for that instead.

In fact I'd also wager that why they chose Wii over PS3, again utilising a technically similar console instead of going all out with a PS3 sequel. You could also argue that why they've choose 3DS over PSV, I mean come on... how much has PokeMon changed over the years. Capcom aren't stupid, this keeps production costs down which means more profits.

The only anomalies here are the PS3/360 versions (ports?). TBH im not a fan of the series so dont know much about them but I've always got the impression these are quick cash in ports not pushing the HW in anyway?

You are very wrong about it not pushing the hardware. Each MH game is beautiful and looks better than most of what's available for the system. MHU is one of the best looking PSP games and looks better than some Wii/PS2 games.

Capcom originally choose PS3 for the new Monster Hunter. It was announced in 2006, but we heard no news for a long while. Later in October 07, Capcom cancels the game and announces it for the Wii instead. This was due to the sluggish PS3 launch sales and the Wii was still exploding at the time. It honestly wouldn't have mattered and sold similarily regardless, but it is what it is.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

naruball said:
the_dengle said:
naruball said:

Kowenicki writes the same thing every week in Media create threads:

"Wow at Vita. Terrible/horrendous/destroyed by 3ds" or anything along those lines. We've discussed it before and he suggested that he likes pointing out the obvious. At least once every week.

I think barely managing 20k (or not at all) in Japan the week before Christmas is pretty "wow" worthy.

Pointing out how bad vita is doing in Japan with the same remark every week ("wow at vita") is as unnecessary as saying "wow at 360 numbers. Just terrible". We al know both consoles are doing terrible. There is no reason to point out the obvious with the same remark every week. I don't see any sony fans pointing out how bad 360 is doing in Japan.
Just my opinion though

Well the thing is the 360 is a console in its eighth year of life now, so we be hearing that its sales massive dismal for what? like six years now or so? With Vita, the joke isn't thatold yet, but its getting there. Stuff like that to me is trolling Vita fans, but it seems like all the different fan groups do that in these forums.


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VGKing said:

You do realize that Monster Hunter was HUGE on the PSP right? They didn't/don't need Nintendo to handle the marketing..

Don't be so sure, so far 3DS and Wii U have only gotten ports of the Wii Monster Hunter....I would hardly call that a win for Nintendo. Monster Hunter 4 however is a win. Anyway, the only reason Vita is struggling is because the biggest IP on the PSP has yet to be confirmed to be coming to Vita. A simple Monster Hunter V(ita) announcement would increase Vita sales exponentially.

Nintendo handled marketing for the Western release.

And I'm not sure what you're talking about... The 3DS is getting Monster Hunter 4 which is a brand new game in the series - not a port.  You seriously didn't know Monster Hunter 4 was announced for the 3DS?

Any Monster Hunter Vita announcement wouldn't do anything.  It's already on 3DS so any advantage it might have had as a Vita exclusive is already mitigated.  Also, it's most likely never gonna happen anyway, so no use talking about it anymore.

Kenology said:
VGKing said:

You do realize that Monster Hunter was HUGE on the PSP right? They didn't/don't need Nintendo to handle the marketing..

Don't be so sure, so far 3DS and Wii U have only gotten ports of the Wii Monster Hunter....I would hardly call that a win for Nintendo. Monster Hunter 4 however is a win. Anyway, the only reason Vita is struggling is because the biggest IP on the PSP has yet to be confirmed to be coming to Vita. A simple Monster Hunter V(ita) announcement would increase Vita sales exponentially.

Any Monster Hunter Vita announcement wouldn't do anything.  It's already on 3DS so any advantage it might have had as a Vita exclusive is already mitigated.  Also, it's most likely never gonna happen anyway, so no use talking about it anymore.

Seriously, Ken?

Surely you don't think if a new MH game was made for Vita, it would do nothing because there's already one on 3DS? It would do incredibly well on both. It's gotten to the point where your diehard fans will buy it regardless of platform.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Nintendo robbed Sony's handheld market in japan (3DS vs Vita) when capcom started developing MH for it! I mean come on if Capcom was gonna put a MH game on Vita they would of done so already! PSP is doing well also because developers are still developing games for it than Vita.

At least Vita is doing alright in the other regions, and with a price drop next year (hopefully) it will do well, but it'll never come close to 3DS, not even half....

PS4 is a different matter, intill we see wats comin its hard to predict wats/who got the upper hand in the market!!!

Jus being realistic Vita can get better in Japan but there gonna have to pull a wii miracle unless developers stop making games for PSP!!!

ps: if MH did come it will do very well in japan, but a little over half way compare to the 3DS! Only because of its large install base!

outlawauron said:

Seriously, Ken?

Surely you don't think if a new MH game was made for Vita, it would do nothing because there's already one on 3DS? It would do incredibly well on both. It's gotten to the point where your diehard fans will buy it regardless of platform.

Man, seriously... you need to just get over this.  Capcom is not developing a charity Monster Hunter for the Vita.  We can speculate what it'll do or won't do all day.  It's not impossible, but in all likelihood it just ain't happening. 

So, I'll jump into fantasy land one last time and entertain this notion:  If there was a MH for the Vita, I don't think it'll do anything.  Sure, we'll see a spike in sales and the game will do well enough.  But it's severly diluted being as though the 3DS would already have at least two games in the franchise.  If you guys are expecting a serious, PSP-esque, shot in the arm that will fix all of Vita's problems and make it a smashing success, you're just deluding yourselves.

The fact that you all are looking to a third party game to save the Vita is pretty pathetic in itself and it shows just how weak Sony is at pushing it's own platform.  It's a shame.  Capcom has no obligation to save the Vita, the sooner you all accept that, the less disappointed you'll be in the long run.