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outlawauron said:
archbrix said:
outlawauron said:
gigaSheik said:
CChaos said:
VGKing said:
Monster Hunter. It is coming one day. 

If there was some kind of falling out between Sony/Capcom, I'm sure we would have heard something.

I'm betting an announcement next year with a release from Q4 '13 to Q2 '14.

I feel the need to ask...

I keep seeing people say that a Monster Hunter for Vita is coming. Over and over and in a dozen other threads now. Is there some proof of this? Something that's been released that actually says, "Yes, there IS a Monster Hunter for Vita coming!" or is the implication of it based off of conjecture? I don't ask to start anything or be mean, I'm honestly curious if this is just reality or people really, really hoping.

Wishful thinking

More like common sense. Monster Hunter released in some form on every console and handheld last gen. It'll do the same this gen.


Surprisingly enough, there doesn't seem to be one for DS, but MH released on 360, Wii, PS3, and PSP. It's tied to one console or handheld. Sony will do what it takes to get one release on a Sony platform.

Im gonna guess there wasn't one for DS because the first MH was on PS2 and where the PSP was a similar tech to the PS2 it was easier to use the same engine and make ports/sequels for that instead.

In fact I'd also wager that why they chose Wii over PS3, again utilising a technically similar console instead of going all out with a PS3 sequel. You could also argue that why they've choose 3DS over PSV, I mean come on... how much has PokeMon changed over the years. Capcom aren't stupid, this keeps production costs down which means more profits.

The only anomalies here are the PS3/360 versions (ports?). TBH im not a fan of the series so dont know much about them but I've always got the impression these are quick cash in ports not pushing the HW in anyway?