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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan sales: Famitsu & Media create

retroking1981 said:

So about 20m NA + 15m EU + 10m Jap = 45m WW WiiUs when its all said and done. Would that be considered a failure?

Depends on if they make money or not. If a Wii U was $1 they'd sell 45m tomorrow. And the money is going to come from software.

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retroking1981 said:

I reckon there's a decent chance PSV will get a MH title eventually, tbh I can't think of many Capcom games that have remained exclusive for anything. REmake and Resi Zero spring to mind, they're still exclusive to Nintendo consoles.

Either way Nintendo getting MH4 for 3DS is probably the smartest thing someone has done in Japan since Sony got FFVII for PlayStation.

Oh and to people saying the WiiU is selling poor becasue of it not keeping up with the Wii... what the hell were you expecting? The Wii was a phenomenon, next xbox in the US aside I can't see anything coming out the gates so impressively in the near future. Is the SNES a failure for not matching the NES sales?

With that being said I don't think the Japanese console market is big enough to save the WiiU's WW sales the same way it has done for the 3DS. I think Nintendo will be lucky to get 50% of the Wii sales for the WiiU in the west and a healthy 10m in Japan.

So about 20m NA + 15m EU + 10m Jap = 45m WW WiiUs when its all said and done. Would that be considered a failure?

Yes, but I doubt itll sell that badly. I see 60mil as a minimum.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Soleron said:
retroking1981 said:

So about 20m NA + 15m EU + 10m Jap = 45m WW WiiUs when its all said and done. Would that be considered a failure?

Depends on if they make money or not. If a Wii U was $1 they'd sell 45m tomorrow. And the money is going to come from software.

This is true and brings me to a slightly off topic question...

Was the GameCube sold at a profit? If so thats surely considered a success even though it only sold 22ish million?

Like you say it all comes down to profit but this is a sales site so no doubt we're gonna argue numbers right

retroking1981 said:
Soleron said:
retroking1981 said:

So about 20m NA + 15m EU + 10m Jap = 45m WW WiiUs when its all said and done. Would that be considered a failure?

Depends on if they make money or not. If a Wii U was $1 they'd sell 45m tomorrow. And the money is going to come from software.

This is true and brings me to a slightly off topic question...

Was the GameCube sold at a profit? If so thats surely considered a success even though it only sold 22ish million?

Like you say it all comes down to profit but this is a sales site so no doubt we're gonna argue numbers right

Gamecube was sold at profit :) Only had 22 million hardware sales but over 200 million software sales which is amazing. Back then though, Nintendo was much smaller and the yen didn't cause them problem. Now, Nintendo is bigger so expenses have risen and the yen did cause them headache throughout 2011 and the first half of 2012. Mid November and December of this year have been great for Nintendo due to the yen returning to 'normal' levels. Profits this quarter for sure.

archbrix said:
outlawauron said:
gigaSheik said:
CChaos said:
VGKing said:
Monster Hunter. It is coming one day. 

If there was some kind of falling out between Sony/Capcom, I'm sure we would have heard something.

I'm betting an announcement next year with a release from Q4 '13 to Q2 '14.

I feel the need to ask...

I keep seeing people say that a Monster Hunter for Vita is coming. Over and over and in a dozen other threads now. Is there some proof of this? Something that's been released that actually says, "Yes, there IS a Monster Hunter for Vita coming!" or is the implication of it based off of conjecture? I don't ask to start anything or be mean, I'm honestly curious if this is just reality or people really, really hoping.

Wishful thinking

More like common sense. Monster Hunter released in some form on every console and handheld last gen. It'll do the same this gen.


Surprisingly enough, there doesn't seem to be one for DS, but MH released on 360, Wii, PS3, and PSP. It's tied to one console or handheld. Sony will do what it takes to get one release on a Sony platform.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
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retroking1981 said:

This is true and brings me to a slightly off topic question...

Was the GameCube sold at a profit? If so thats surely considered a success even though it only sold 22ish million?

Like you say it all comes down to profit but this is a sales site so no doubt we're gonna argue numbers right

I believe it was, but the majority of Nintendo's profit from that time was from handhelds.

Sales do matter in terms of popularity: we can say the market is not yet sold on Wii U. But it's still possible to make money as the second or third place player in a market, it's just a matter of scaling back extravagance (for example five year 100+ person Zelda games, or $100 tablet controllers).

45m is not even close to be a failure
i think WiiU will do around 50m, after all its just a sequel
disruption will come next gen

Viper1 said:
VGKing said:

You do realize that Monster Hunter was HUGE on the PSP right? They didn't/don't need Nintendo to handle the marketing..

Don't be so sure, so far 3DS and Wii U have only gotten ports of the Wii Monster Hunter....I would hardly call that a win for Nintendo. Monster Hunter 4 however is a win. Anyway, the only reason Vita is struggling is because the biggest IP on the PSP has yet to be confirmed to be coming to Vita. A simple Monster Hunter V(ita) announcement would increase Vita sales exponentially.

MH is like some miracle cure to you, it seems.


And I think one of the reasons they went with Nintendo over Sony lately is because Nintendo has been willing to handle publishing outside of Japan.  In essence, Nintendo is helping spread the brand to a wider, more global audience and this probably fits with Capcom's plan for the IP.

Capcom is able to publishe games everywhere in the world. They just don't want to for some reason. Poor PSP sales in the west is their reason for not brining over the newest titles.

Well, the Monster Hunter franchise single-handedly made the PSP competitive against the DS(at least in Japan).

VGKing said

Well, the Monster Hunter franchise single-handedly made the PSP competitive against the DS(at least in Japan).

It also single-handedly made the 360.... um, never mind. Let's not talk about that.

gigaSheik said:
CChaos said:
VGKing said:
Monster Hunter. It is coming one day. 

If there was some kind of falling out between Sony/Capcom, I'm sure we would have heard something.

I'm betting an announcement next year with a release from Q4 '13 to Q2 '14.

I feel the need to ask...

I keep seeing people say that a Monster Hunter for Vita is coming. Over and over and in a dozen other threads now. Is there some proof of this? Something that's been released that actually says, "Yes, there IS a Monster Hunter for Vita coming!" or is the implication of it based off of conjecture? I don't ask to start anything or be mean, I'm honestly curious if this is just reality or people really, really hoping.

Wishful thinking

It's fact,not wishful thinking.
The mainline numbered Monster Hunter games are usually console-only. This changed recently as the Wii version of Tri got ported to 3DS, and the portable version of Portable 3rd got ported to PS3.....3DS is getting MH4 which was supposed to come to consoles.(maybe a Wii U version in the words?) There is no evidence of Monster Hunter being exclusive to Nintendo consoles as we have yet to see a Monter Hunter Portable to show up on one.  This leads everyone to believe that in fact there is a Monster Hunter Portable 4 coming to Vita, as PSP would probably be dead by the time the game is ready for release.