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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Is Sorry For Wii U Load Times, Is Working On A Fix. Edit: maybe false

coolguy said:
nintendo should have tested the wii u better before launch with all these fw updates but i hope they get this fixed soon.

I guess the secrecy was more important to them. They didn't want to see the kind of leaks that Microsoft and Sony try to fight but fail because they felt they had something special with Miiverse and some of their other ideas and wanted as much time as possible to separate between their launch and the competing system launches.

I think Sony is already exploring the same area as Miiverse as they already are half-way there with what they did on Vita and will now see a working model where people are actually engaged in game centric social network. The one on Vita is barely used.

Microsoft seems content to think that people will remain fine paying for XBox Live Gold when competing platforms don't require such a premium. It was fine when MS was a pioneer and only one in the market, but more recently they are just a more closed system and less appealing. I mean you could play Portal 2 between PS3 and Steam, but not X360 and Steam or X360 and PS3... and only because Microsoft has a closed system. This type of issue is why Dust 514 is only going to PSN and other PC/console cross-over projects will end up choosing such directions for same reason.

The Nintendo Network is more like PSN but it is also a few years behind and will take time to catch up and become as robust as PSN.

I feel right now Steam and PSN are the best gaming networks. XBL is fine but that premium just to play online is no longer justified. If MSFT must charge money for XBL Gold, they need to go the route of PS+ for the value and have the Silver be the same as PSN without PS+.

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selnor said:
The Wii U feels more rushed than the 360 did back when.

It really was slow when I tried it.

Also did anyone else feel the screen on the pad wasnt particularly great? Ipad for example imo has a way better screen.

Did you buy it expecting iPad precision?

It's a gaming console, for 350$.

Oh, come on! Einstein already fixed that problem for you decades ago!

Just sit with a beautiful lady!

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

PullusPardus said:
nintendo seem to always release something then get it updated, yet they used to argue about "the game should be done before release" and "we don't need constant updates when we release finished products" yeah they're being hypocritical.

"always", I thought WiiU is Nintendo´s first product with so many updates...

Everyone bashing the load times probaby doesn't have one. The load times are fine. The only long load time I've experienced was the initial connecting to the interenet. Since it updated (especially the second update), load times are decent. Usually about 5 seconds, but less than 10. If they speed it up, great. I have a much longer load time loading the facebook ap on my new Windows8 phone.

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kljesta64 said:

yea it is better to wait a whole year instead of  2 hours


"Success really is decided at birth, and your life will never be better than it is right now. Sorry about that."

Load time are seriously a bummer, even going between the miiverse and say the web browser. They have a whole gig of ram dedicated to the OS. Why not load the entire OS (browser, miiverse, settings, etc) into a ramdisk and have it constantly in memory. You'd have nigh instant load times between core OS functions.

As far as app loading goes, its about the same as on other consoles. Netflix takes just as long to load on WiiU as it does on 360 as it does on my WDTV. Game loading could be a little quicker, but all games have long boot times at start regardless of platform. I mean, look at most steam games.

Doesn't help my perceptions though that I"m used to USB load speeds for games.

Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

I don't see why people continue complaining; sure it's slow but it isn't too bad. A patch, as expected, is not a deal-breaker.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

FaintZ said:
PullusPardus said:
nintendo seem to always release something then get it updated, yet they used to argue about "the game should be done before release" and "we don't need constant updates when we release finished products" yeah they're being hypocritical.

"always", I thought WiiU is Nintendo´s first product with so many updates...

not talking update as in firmware only, hardware as well.

PullusPardus said:
FaintZ said:
PullusPardus said:
nintendo seem to always release something then get it updated, yet they used to argue about "the game should be done before release" and "we don't need constant updates when we release finished products" yeah they're being hypocritical.

"always", I thought WiiU is Nintendo´s first product with so many updates...

not talking update as in firmware only, hardware as well.

Oh do you mean Ds Lite,i,xl .3ds(xl).Yeah it is really bad for someone who bought a normal 3DS and then Nintendo announced the XL.