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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Criticise your favourite game!

Farsala said:
I do not really have a fav game, but I will pick 2 of the favorites.

FFVIII: WTF, do I have to watch the gf summon every GD time?
Card battle, GD I lost all my good cards

FFX: WTF, do I have to watch the summon every GD time?
1st blitzball match, this is impossible!
Laughing scene lol

well with FFX you can sort of fix 2 of those issues
You don't really have to watch all the summons all the time. You can set it to "short" in the option menu. You still have to watch them some of the time but not every time. I forget exactly how it works.

Get Jecht shot, makes winning the first time not very difficult.

Laughing scene.... LoL voice acting in videgame puberty.

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ishiki said:
Farsala said:
I do not really have a fav game, but I will pick 2 of the favorites.

FFVIII: WTF, do I have to watch the gf summon every GD time?
Card battle, GD I lost all my good cards

FFX: WTF, do I have to watch the summon every GD time?
1st blitzball match, this is impossible!
Laughing scene lol

well with FFX you can sort of fix 2 of those issues
You don't really have to watch all the summons all the time. You can set it to "short" in the option menu. You still have to watch them some of the time but not every time. I forget exactly how it works.

Get Jecht shot, makes winning the first time not very difficult.

Laughing scene.... LoL voice acting in videgame puberty.

Yeah I found that out after a very long time though. And yeah I got so good at Blitzball that it is easy to win now, Wakka is actually better then Tidus at 1st.

Xenogears is my absolute favorite game of all time:

- Why isn't there any instructions on how to learn new moves?
- The battle system music sucks
- Long, un-skippable cut scene followed by a boss fight, followed by another long cut scene, followed by another boss fight. If you die at the last boss fight, you have to go back to the first long cut scene.
- Bledavik sewers made me hate all sewer/aquaduct levels in all games.
- The second disc is just a series of cut scenes and fights.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


GT4 (PS2)

1. Why can't I choose my own AI opponents?
2. Using carrier cars in arcade mode isn't easy.
3.There are more I'm sure but I haven't played the game in bit and it's late here! But I LOOOVVVEEE This game!

Roller Coaster Tycoon:

Why can't I ride my coasters until the crappy sequel? >_>

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tbone51 said:
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars!

Geno 1st and last appearance evaaa!!! (hopefully be in SSB4)
Mallow you god damn cry baby!!! Cry me a storm!!!
Mario has 1hp cant switch him because he has main character plot lmao
Bowser kisses Mario!!!!!!!! on the cheek but stillll
Peach's name is toadstool, when i was a kid i always wanted to believe it was peach but they never used the name so for like 2 or 3 years i thought it was someone else... grrrrr....
No Yoshi bull****!!!
No luigiiii..... Its watever lol!
Game ended!!!! god damn it!!!!

alot more on this classic!!!!

 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Yoshi would meet up with Mario again during events of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. In this adventure, Yoshi has traveled to Yo'ster Isle, a Yoshi-populated island that can be accessed from the mainland via the Pipe Vault, to participate in the various races held there. This racing competition was known as the Mushroom Derby. Unfortunately, the last winner of the Mushroom Derby was an arrogant Yoshi named Boshi. After winning the race, Boshi declared himself the boss of Yo'ster Isle. He suspended the races, allowing only one-on-one races between himself and a lesser competitor (and only when Yoshi Cookies were on the line). No one was able to beat Boshi, until Mario showed up to lend a hand.
Yoshi in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

Upon the plumber's arrival, Yoshi and Mario team up once again, this time to defeat Boshi and end his reign over the small isle. The plan calls for Yoshi (with Mario riding on his saddle) to challenge Boshi to a race and beat him, thus usurping his authority as boss of Yo'ster Isle. To do this, the green dinosaur asks a friend of his to loan him a few Yoshi Cookies (one of Boshi's weaknesses). As such, Yoshi put his cookies on the line, and challenges the arrogant Yoshi champion to a race.

To win the competition, Yoshi had to race to the beat of the Mushroom Derby's music. As such, the player had to alternate between pressing the A and B buttons in sync with the music's tempo. If the player alternates too fast, Yoshi would stop moving. While the tempo of the derby music could stop or even change, the player had to press the A and B buttons to the original beat. Mario could also help in the race by tossing Yoshi a Yoshi Cookie to give the dinosaur a boost of speed.

After a difficult and grueling race, Mario and Yoshi cross the finish line before Boshi. With Boshi defeated, the Yoshis declare Yoshi their new boss, but Yoshi declines the offer, instead suggesting that the races should be owned by everyone. No one was to have control over the races; everyone who wanted to participate could. The green dinosaur even manages to reform the former champion Boshi, convincing the blue Yoshi that an egalitarian approach to racing was superior to a totalitarian one.

As thanks for the plumber's help, Yoshi gives Mario a few Yoshi Cookies. Whenever Mario needs aid in battle, he could use one of these cookies to summon Yoshi to the battlefield. Yoshi would then attempt to eat an enemy and convert it into an item for Mario to use. If Yoshi failed, he would give the plumber a Yoshi Candy, an item that can heal a whopping one hundred HP.

Mario could also return to the island later in his adventure to catch up with his old friend. During these visits, Mario watches and even participated in subsequent Mushroom Derbies. The plumber could either jump back on Yoshi's saddle (and aid the green dinosaur with Yoshi Cookies) or simply encourage Yoshi from the sidelines as the Mushroom Derby championed raced on his own.

Yoshi is depicted in this game as bilingual, for he is able to both speak the Yoshi language and Mario's language. During the events of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Yoshi acted as Mario's interpreter as the Yoshis on Yo'ster Isle only spoke the Yoshi language.

Closest thing to a single favortie game I can come up with:

Link's Awakening -- switching items is a drag, final boss is anticlimactic.

I tried to think of criticism for Ocarina of Time and gave up almost instantly. Likewise with Skyward Sword -- none of the criticisms others have leveled at the game negatively impacted my experience with it.

Ocarina of time.

One thing that made this a game breaker for me almost because as a kid it was just to much. Took me for 3 months to compete .... The water temple.

Why was this level so damn confusing? I play it now and it's easy because I know what to do but damn before I broke like 2 controllers.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

That fucking Water Temple.

And that fucking Water Temple again in the Master Quest.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

persona 4
unskipable cutscenes 
lots of level grinding
relationships don't affect the story
side quest that aren't social link are nothing more then fetch quest