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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Half-Life 2 is the game of the DECADE!

Taken from at rank 12

Hitting in 2004, Half-Life 2 instantly made every previous advancement in the rapidly accelerating FPS genre look like a total joke. The Source Engine brought stunning graphic and lighting effects which, combined with H-L 2’s gorgeously idiosyncratic production design and amazing facial animation, created a living world generations ahead of anything we’d experienced before.

And then there was the physics model. With a heavily modified version of Havok running within Source, Half-Life 2 didn’t simply look like no game before it, it felt completely different too. The groundbreaking interactive design of the first Half-Life suddenly looked stiff and lifeless compared to H-L 2’s free-flowing, organic environmental manipulation. And of course, that led to the Gravity Gun, the most inspired and important weapon and tool yet to hit FPS.

But all this talk of technical achievement misses what really makes Half-Life 2 so special. The narrative journey, characters and sense of attachment to its world are what really stick with you. Here, we’re talking about the best written, best acted and most wonderfully human characters and story in all of games. Nuanced, layered, immaculately paced, and with the ability to fire up the emotions just as much, if not more, than the pulse rate, Valve’s clever decision to eschew cut-scenes in favor of constant first-person exploration and playable narrative means that you’re never pulled out of it for a second.

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I really dislike this game getting so much praise for those stupid physics, the game is not even better than the first one, the gameplay is very limited, puzzles were annoying due to physics, and the rest is just a corridor/checkpoint based FPS
It doesnt stand a chance against Metroid prime

pezus said:
Mazty said:
pezus said:
Mazty said:
Lol why. A corridor crawl with a non-existent story line wins game of the decade? Halo did HL2 but better - the vehicles didn't handle like poop.

Are you confusing this game with something else?

The story of Half-Life 2. You wake up, shit's gone down, then travel from point A -> B -> C -> D and some chick gets an inexpliable crush on you. And you're being stalked by a dude in a suit. Story done.
And it is a corridor crawl most of the time. There is no lean mechanic and cover tends to be lacking in most places.

You must have missed the story. There are few cutscenes as most of the story takes place as you're playing.

It's so far from being a corridor crawl it's ridiculous. No lean mechanic, seriously?

Edit: Post above sums it up very well

What story?? The protaginist says a total of nothing. Zero. Zip. F all. As I'm playing all I could see is that aliens had taken over (combine) and there was a resistance to stop them. You join the resistance and take out the top guy at the end. Then a mystery guy in a suit says some random stuff that makes no sense. That's it. That is the story. It's cliche and forgetable. 

Most of it is a corridor crawl. Oh a few physics puzzles. Big woop. Physics and graphics don't make a game. The post you state sums it up is nonsense. As I have said time & again, what is this great story exactly? Hell, it doesn't even come close to the storylines of many RPG's and frankly is on par with Halo. 

pezus said:
DieAppleDie said:
I really dislike this game getting so much praise for those stupid physics, the game is not even better than the first one, the gameplay is very limited, puzzles were annoying due to physics, and the rest is just a corridor/checkpoint based FPS
It doesnt stand a chance against Metroid prime

What's stupid about the physics? They revolutionized the genre.

The game not being better than the first one would not be a point against it, since the first one didn't qualify because of its release date.

Again with the corridors...I wonder if those who say it's a corridor shooter even played it beyond the first hour. So you're against checkpoints? I don't get that.

How is the gameplay "limited"? The physics alone open up way more possibilities than any FPS games before.

Metroid Prime must be very forgettable since I rarely see it mentioned.

Half-Life 2 and Metroid Prime are BOTH worthy nominees for game of the decade :)

I was there in 2004 and there was no revolution
just upgraded physics , thats all, gameplay wise is a lame game

Im not against checkpoint/corridor based games actually, i really enjoyed the Conduit
you cant compare this gme to Metroid prime, its just unfair and laughable, Metroid is way more complex and interesting

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and yet Warcraft 3 is the game from that decade that I'm still playing...


pezus said:
Mazty said:
pezus said:

You must have missed the story. There are few cutscenes as most of the story takes place as you're playing.

It's so far from being a corridor crawl it's ridiculous. No lean mechanic, seriously?

Edit: Post above sums it up very well

What story?? The protaginist says a total of nothing. Zero. Zip. F all. As I'm playing all I could see is that aliens had taken over (combine) and there was a resistance to stop them. You join the resistance and take out the top guy at the end. Then a mystery guy in a suit says some random stuff that makes no sense. That's it. That is the story. It's cliche and forgetable. 

Most of it is a corridor crawl. Oh a few physics puzzles. Big woop. Physics and graphics don't make a game. The post you state sums it up is nonsense. As I have said time & again, what is this great story exactly? Hell, it doesn't even come close to the storylines of many RPG's and frankly is on par with Halo. 

So your biggest beef with the story is that the main character doesn't speak? Gordon Freeman was voted the greatest video game character ever on Gamespot a few years back and I guess that shows how much a character needs to speak. 

Lol, it's clearly anything but forgettable. What would be a good story to you? Some modern war type of thing with lots of CGI cutscenes where the protagonist has the coolest voice ever and talks nonstop? Also, you missed a few plot points lol. 

The story is told in a way that had not been done before, plus it's original and the characters are likeable and human. Just like the post above says.

No my beef is that the game as a whole is completely forgetable. Because people voted for something it makes their choice correct? 

You haven't delt with any of my qualms. What story? It's moving from point a->b->c->d. Nothing more, nothing less. A good story would be something like FFVII or FFX. How about SotC - the character says nothing, but it is infinately more memorable then HL2 which is nothing more then a generic FPS. Halo was a far better game which was considerably more revolutionary - melee, quick access grenades, decent vehicles, weapon limit, recharging health.

Why is HL2 not forgetable? What exactly makes the story so good or the game so memorable? The characters are not human. Alyx is a joke - develops a liking for a guy who says nothing. Playing on the virgin-geek factor much? It's just the "cool" thing to worship HL2. 

dont compare these 2 games its a different genre

as i said in a previouse post the gravity gun is the only praise i got for HL2 and even so it gets boring after finishing the not so long campagne.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

True its so unfair, Prime has so many more gameplay elements it isnt funny, Half life pales in comparison
Im not saying its a bad game, its just very overrated

2000-2010 decade? Then fair enough.

Why have a 2000-2010 game vote in 2012?

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