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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%
cusman 12 hours ago

Here is what stands out to me

The PS3 launched in EU last and managed to have their first big sales surge finally in Week 18 due to the EU launch. Since then they became the dominant console of choice all over EU which stands today. So the Playstation basically owns the EU market.

The Wii didn't get much of a boost from either the EU or Japan launches.

The Wii U didn't get much of a boost from EU launch, but definitely got a boost from the Japan launch.

The X360 really only sells in the US.

Future prediction

Playstation will continue to own Europe market
Xbox will continue to own American market
Nintendo will dominate Japan market


But XBox doesn't own the US market. Wii is the higher seller. Only in its last, dead years has Xbox been selling more. But even now with the WiiU launch Nintendo is selling more home consoles (Wii+WiiU) than XBox. XBox is strong in America, but I would suggest that Nintendo is still the biggest brand. Sony could also make a dent in that market again with a reasonably priced machine.

Around the Network

Awesome thread Superchunk! Looks like the Wii U is off to a fantastic start. I personally think the first year is going to be better than the Wii but after that it will start to lag behind until about 3-4 years later where it will start selling more than the Wii did in 2011 and 2012 respectively.

BTW you should add a graph or two because graphs are awesome. Heck and while you're at it a pie chart as well because pie is delicious.

There is a very good chance it will get to 5.00 million by the end of March. I doubt that they will make 5.5 though they are currently a little over 1.3 million units currently. (I was sleep deprived when I originally posted a similar one yesterday.) They should break 2 million by the end of the month, that leaves them with 3 million units to sell in three months, which comes up to 250k units on average per week so unless there is a massive sales slouch 5million is fairly obtainable. 5.5 million would need about 295k units on average and I think they will probably achieve 275k a week. So it will be close but will fall short by a small margin. And considering that they have 1.2 attach rate and they only needed 1 game to make a profit they should be profitable by the end of the year.

I will figure out a mock budget and try to pridict their loss/profit for 2012.


EDIT: I decided that it would take me way too long and since I going to need to get some sleep soon. So just quick and dirty and using the figures that I have above. I will go on the low end and say that they need the one game to break even, with an attach rate of .2 that would bring them in $2 of profit for each console sold with just the physical sales. ($10 a physical copy is the genralized Publisher take of the sales, so .2*$10=$2) That would come to $10,600,000-to-$15,900,000 (assuming by the end of March the attach rate would only go up by .1)


This is just for the physical copy games and doesn't include preiphials, digital and the impact that the increased sales for the Wii, DS and 3DS system and software are going to have for this quarter.


If any one wants to take a shot at it I'm guessing for full sized games they are still going to take $15 but $5 of that is fees for bandwidth and the DDP where the rest of what would be the retail share would go to the developer/financer. And the smaller titles the take will be less and probally something like 10% or $1-to-$2

Updated OP with using Google Docs charting tools to make dynamic images out of the various parts of data. OP will now auto update as I manage the original document.

yo_john117 said:

BTW you should add a graph or two because graphs are awesome. Heck and while you're at it a pie chart as well because pie is delicious.

Done and I will add more as I add the regional data.

Around the Network

Wow, looking at your graph, WiiU is tracking much closer to the Wii than to the 360 or PS3. But it's still doomed according to some.

I love the addition of the chart! Makes it very easy to compare ^^

And what's up with those European numbers?! Is the economic climate really that bad that people don't buy electronics? I thought Northern Europe were doing decent...?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

great work. bumping for next weeks chart :)



Same here. Bumping.

Honestly, I think its going really good. I never expected it to beat the Wii but its coming pretty close to its sales. I think Nintendo has a smash hit on its hands. It's just up to them to make sure the momentum continues.