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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%
superchunk said:

Have you tried setting up some other internet payment system like paypal, etc?

Yes, but then I cannot choose the shipping address it picks it up directly from my paypal account, so they will directly to my house and that means paying a huge shipping cost and a ton of taxes, losing the point of buying the bundle.

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February 23rd data is up.

No big changes, but WiiU is still on track to just barely miss beating PS3s launch to Q1.

Still don't see anything or any changes that will enable Nintendo to ship 4m by the end of March. In fact at this point knowing they shipped 3m by Jan1, I don't see how they've been able to ship anything from say mid-January.

It's such a brutal flatline for the Wii U. I'm sure Nintendo didn't expect this in their worst dreams. I figured a flatline might happen but not until 5 million. There are millions of Nintendo fans out there who haven't picked it up. I think sales will start to pick up once a 3D Mario is announced and when Wind Waker HD is launched. That's what the core N-fan wants. The casual Nintendo fan loves 2D Mario, but they won't buy an expensive system at launch for it. I guess that's the fundamental flaw of the Wii U launch.

Don't worry, Nintendo's unveiled their upcoming Wii U lineup, it can't fail:

Mario Kart U
Super Mario 3D
Super Mario 4D
New Super Mario Bros. Z
Old Super Mario Bros.
Mario's Mansion
Mario: A Mario to the Past
Mario Party: The Hangover
Mario Vs. Mario
Paper Cardboard Mario
Clay Mario
Macaroni Mario
Paperclip Mario
Zombi Mario
Just Mario!
MBA 2K14 (Mario Basketball Association)
F-Ze… Mario Race
New IP (starring Mario)

If that doesn't sell systems nothing will.

Mario 3D and Mario Kart are my favorite gaming franchises, just poking a little fun. I think Nintendo will double down on Mario to try and save the Wii U.

What else can they do? Not a chance a new Smash Bros (especially with Sakurai's problems) or Zelda could be ready this year, and they already played the 2D Mario card. It's basically all on Mario Kart's shoulders. 

Ok March 2nd data is up. February is done. ouch.

~200k separates WiiU from where PS3 ended up at the end of March. (keep in mind this is two extra weeks for PS3 overall, but really shouldn't matter)

WiiU needs to sell 1m this month to have justification that they actually shipped anywhere close to 4m overall. While games are finally releasing, I see no changes in Nintendo's marketing or approach to demonstrate they have any chance at making the 4m goal.

Their shares will drop come April shareholders meeting.

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superchunk said:
WiiU needs to sell 1m this month to have justification that they actually shipped anywhere close to 4m overall. While games are finally releasing, I see no changes in Nintendo's marketing or approach to demonstrate they have any chance at making the 4m goal. 

Their shares will drop come April shareholders meeting.

Will they make new predictions in April? How does it normally work?

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

Osc89 said:
superchunk said:
WiiU needs to sell 1m this month to have justification that they actually shipped anywhere close to 4m overall. While games are finally releasing, I see no changes in Nintendo's marketing or approach to demonstrate they have any chance at making the 4m goal. 

Their shares will drop come April shareholders meeting.

Will they make new predictions in April? How does it normally work?

By April, this quarter will be over and they'll be telling the shareholders that they failed to meet WiiU shipment predictions.

They will say why and what they will do to correct this going forward.

They will then give new goals for the next quarter.

Actually, the falling yen could mean they end up making more money than projected even with worse sales. If Nintendo returns to black and projects a large profit this year - which I expect they will - share price will probably start to rise. But I would expect them to miss sales targets. DQX may give a boost, but it's not out till the very end of the month.

superchunk said:

~200k separates WiiU from where PS3 ended up at the end of March. (keep in mind this is two extra weeks for PS3 overall, but really shouldn't matter)

WiiU needs to sell 1m this month to have justification that they actually shipped anywhere close to 4m overall. While games are finally releasing, I see no changes in Nintendo's marketing or approach to demonstrate they have any chance at making the 4m goal.

Their shares will drop come April shareholders meeting.

I was just extending the WiiU line with my finger and they actually meet xD

Hopefully we'll have a WiiU re-launch soon with game releases, OS updates and marketing?

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Sales for the 9th are up. The Wii U had another sub 30,000 week & will likely have one more before some new games launch for it.