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Forums - Sony Discussion - God of War Ascension Graphics Improved!

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Pictures are a bad example of graphics but it does look nice :)


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I owe Sony Santa Monica an apology... I moaned at them on Twitter after seeing the single player demo that was shown during E3 saying that God of War 3 looked better and that the graphics disappointed me, but looking at these screenshots now, holy fuck, I'm so sorry for doubting you SSM! The single player at E3 must have been a really early build because even the multiplayer looked better, these screens however look fucking stunning!

 I have never seen a console game look so beautiful, the lighting and film-like motion blur is light-years ahead of anything else and the modelling and texture detail is just spectacular, not to mention the game will be fully v-sync so no tearing at all, will have a variable framerate which will average 45-50fps (like GoW3) and uses an even more advanced version of MLAA which was introduced to consoles by GoW3 meaning the AA and image quality is going to be better than anything else on consoles.

And we're still 4 months away from release and as everyone knows, the last couple of months/weeks is when the majority of the polishing and optimising is done. Just like God of War 2 did on the PS2 and GoW: Ghost of Sparta did on the PSP, God of War: Ascension will be the best looking game on the PS3 and push it to it's absolute limits. I can't wait to see what Sony Santa Monica can do on the PS4!

With how mediocre GOW3 was Im more interested in the story and gameplay improving.


Crazy beautiful.

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SSM are technical wizards. I'd love to see them working on a new IP, something other then a hack and slash. Even though GOW is a great franchise.


Very nice.

The Kratos character stll looks a lot better in GOW3...why did they change him????

Ocelot said:
With how mediocre GOW3 was Im more interested in the story and gameplay improving.

And I bet you're just yet another alternate account of that same mediocre person who constantly trolls God of War III. 

God of War III is the most critically acclaimed, beloved and bestselling game in the genre of all time, that isn't mediocre by anybody's standards. Many people consider it to be one of the best games this generation, a masterpiece, the absolute pinnacle of the genre. You're just an insignificant little troll with ADHD who has nothing better to do with your life but make alternate accounts to troll this game, you could die tomorrow and nobody would care whereas God of war III will be remembered fondly for decades, philistine.


moderated Kasz216

Player1x3 said:
The Kratos character stll looks a lot better in GOW3...why did they change him????

Do you mean style-wise? Because he's definitely much better in God of War: Ascension in terms of texture detail and polygon count. They changed him to make him look 10 years younger and a little less buff, also notice how his skirt is in great condition now and his skin looks less worn and torn and more white as the ashes of his family were only fastened to his skin 6 months before the events of GoW: Ascension. I asked the developers about his character model and Todd Papy said that it's something that will be constantly assessed, adjusted and perfected until they release the game so don't worry too much yet.