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Forums - Sales Discussion - Halo 4 Outsells All 2012 PS3 Exclusives Combined (70+ Metacritic)

kowenicki said:
This is hilarious. Sony fans would have been better served ignoring the thread.

You're really enjoying this aren't you?

I'll give credit where credit is due, but 2012 isn't over yet. PSABR is probably Sonys biggest exclusive for the year and we don't have sales for it yet.

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dsgrue3 said:
Wow, I hadn't realized what a terrible offering Sony had for exclusives on the year. Crazy! Then again, I don't mind saving money and multiplats have been solid.

Forgive Sony for trying to create new IP.  They know not what they do.

VGKing said:
Sal.Paradise said:
VGKing said:
2012 isn't over yet. PSABR + Wonderbook should put PS3 exclusvies above Halo 4 if they sell well enough.
Will you be updating this page every week as the numbers get updated?

They already are, by quite a margin, read back a bit :)

Saw the list, are those games above 70 on Metacritic?

I don't think any are on there yet, as they're Japan-only releases for now.

Luckily though, sales2099 added this addendum to his OP: "Ive only included games over 70 on metacritic to filter out the shovelware, but I can add those games too if you were to ask." 

He was quite happy to add One Piece despite it being lower than 70 on metacritic, as someone asked, so he should be fine with adding these others I think.

kowenicki said:
VGKing said:
kowenicki said:
This is hilarious. Sony fans would have been better served ignoring the thread.

You're really enjoying this aren't you?

I'll give credit where credit is due, but 2012 isn't over yet. PSABR is probably Sonys biggest exclusive for the year and we don't have sales for it yet.

I just think its a bit silly to fall into the trap and start adding and suggesting  more games for the list.... It makes it look even worse. 

With a title like that, he did ask for it.

Ok I added the shovelware.

Now I think by years end Halo 4 has a chance to even outsell that. We shall see.

But resorting to shovelware to disprove Halo 4s might doesn't make the PS3 look any better.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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kowenicki said:
VGKing said:
kowenicki said:
This is hilarious. Sony fans would have been better served ignoring the thread.

You're really enjoying this aren't you?

I'll give credit where credit is due, but 2012 isn't over yet. PSABR is probably Sonys biggest exclusive for the year and we don't have sales for it yet.

I just think its a bit silly to fall into the trap and start adding and suggesting  more games for the list.... It makes it look even worse. 

It's a flamebait thread, its designed to make it PS3 look bad no matter what.

If the PS3 exclusvies outsell Halo 4 people like you will say "hahah! took a dozen games to barely outsell 1 360 exclusive!lolzzz"
If PS3 exclusves don't outsell Halo 4 people will say "not even combined these games couldn't outsell halo 4! LOLZ!"

I'll just report this to the mods before it gets even more chaotic in here.

VGKing said:
man-bear-pig said:
PSASBR isn't an exclusive. It's also available on PS Vita

It's not on Xbox 360 or PC, it's an exclusive. 
Vita is irrelevant. It's not like we're counting Vita sales.

Exclusive means only available on 1 console. PSASBR is available on 2 consoles...therefore it's not an exclusive.

VGKing said:
kowenicki said:
This is hilarious. Sony fans would have been better served ignoring the thread.

You're really enjoying this aren't you?

I'll give credit where credit is due, but 2012 isn't over yet. PSABR is probably Sonys biggest exclusive for the year and we don't have sales for it yet.


Lol at the new title


Anyway, this should be an interesting race!

VGKing said:
dsgrue3 said:
Wow, I hadn't realized what a terrible offering Sony had for exclusives on the year. Crazy! Then again, I don't mind saving money and multiplats have been solid.

Forgive Sony for trying to create new IP.  They know not what they do.

I'm all for new IPs, but this year none of those are interesting. PSABR was somewhat enjoyable for an hour or so, but punching to fill a power bar for a finishing move didn't appeal to me. SSB on N64 is one of my favorite games of all time so I was unable to appreciate Superbot's take on this genre.