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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 720 Might Lack A Years Advantage

riderz13371 said:

Earlier this week we informed you about the fact that the transition into next-generation Sony PS4 and Xbox 720 consoles had been too slow – the words of Ubisoft’s CEO. Now we have some related comments to share with you from that man Michael Pachter again. He has pinpointed a release date period for Sony’s console specifically, adding that the company will not want to make the same mistake of being a year behind Microsoft – as we saw with this current generation.

As most of you are well aware, the Xbox 360 launched in 2005, a full year ahead of Sony who only managed to release their Playstation 3 console in 2006. Sony has admitted in the past that this perhaps wasn’t the best business move in hindsight, with Jack Tretton also saying that the move is unlikely to be repeated when the next-generation PS4 finally does arrive.

That means that for the first time, we are in line to have both next-generation consoles releasing in the same period as each other and come this time next year, we could see an almighty sales pitch from both Sony and Microsoft who will be desperate to secure respective console purchases ahead each other.

This week, Michael Pachter has again echoed the thoughts of Jack Tretton, by saying that Sony doesn’t want to launch behind Microsoft again, adding that developers have already been working on PS4 games for a year now making a launch next holiday season very likely.


He has pinpointed a PS4 release in October or November 2013 and also believes that there will be further price cuts to the PS3 as well ensuring that the console still lives on while other gamers make the transition up to next gen. What does a simultaneous release mean for Microsoft though, if they no longer have a year’s advantage as we saw with the PS3?

Will we see a situation occur where gamers will just pick up one console or the other based on hardware and specs, or will gamers just choose their next gen console simply due to their allegiance and brand awareness? First week sales for both respective consoles are going to be key and it will be interesting to see what happens if both consoles launch around the exact same period.

Where is your money going next year? Do you think Microsoft will suffer this time around without a year’s advantage, or will the Xbox 720 still win the next-gen battle regardless? Give us your thoughts on this predicament.

*I replaced Patchers face*

i don't care about who "wins" as this does not matter to me - if x3ox "only" is third or second is only of importance if numbers are so low that 3rd-party-support is bad which i highly doubt. who "wins" is only important fpr fanboys, gamers play their games instead of arguing in threads who is "better".

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JoeTheBro said:
Legend11 said:
JoeTheBro said:
I can only laugh at people thinking next gen is already decided. Brand loyalty is much weaker than you guys think. Sony was king yet clever marketing and business strategies allowed both the Wii and 360 to beat them, at least at launch. In two years time Xbox8 could be the hot product or the joke machine. A year advantage would have allowed Microsoft to create their own image.

The PS2 never had an online community like Xbox Live that many people have a lot invested in.  The next Xbox is going to be backwards compatible if the rumors are true and we know that it will have a lot of third party support so it's hard to imagine it not attracting current 360 owners.

Same with the PS2 to PS3, at least before the 360 came out. People think Live will keep people on XBOX but it wont. People buy multiplats on xbox to play with their friends. That's about as strong as their loyalty goes. They won't however buy a worse system especially when their friends aren't already upgraded.

If you look at the last 3 generations it was the least powerful console that won, why do you think that is going to change now?  Do you feel that Sony for example is in a better financial position now than when the PS3 launched and will be willing to take the same financial losses they did with PS3?  Please explain why they cut over half the Playstation PR team and over 10,000 employees if that is the case.  Also explain why their recent hardware launches (Go, Vita, Wonderbook, Move) have been either outright flops or lost to the competition.  Isn't Vita more powerful than 3DS?

Legend11 said:
JoeTheBro said:
Legend11 said:
JoeTheBro said:
I can only laugh at people thinking next gen is already decided. Brand loyalty is much weaker than you guys think. Sony was king yet clever marketing and business strategies allowed both the Wii and 360 to beat them, at least at launch. In two years time Xbox8 could be the hot product or the joke machine. A year advantage would have allowed Microsoft to create their own image.

The PS2 never had an online community like Xbox Live that many people have a lot invested in.  The next Xbox is going to be backwards compatible if the rumors are true and we know that it will have a lot of third party support so it's hard to imagine it not attracting current 360 owners.

Same with the PS2 to PS3, at least before the 360 came out. People think Live will keep people on XBOX but it wont. People buy multiplats on xbox to play with their friends. That's about as strong as their loyalty goes. They won't however buy a worse system especially when their friends aren't already upgraded.

If you look at the last 3 generations it was the least powerful console that won, why do you think that is going to change now?  Do you feel that Sony for example is in a better financial position now than when the PS3 launched and will be willing to take the same financial losses they did with PS3?  Please explain why they cut over half the Playstation PR team and over 10,000 employees if that is the case.  Also explain why their recent hardware launches (Go, Vita, Wonderbook, Move) have been either outright flops or lost to the competition.  Isn't Vita more powerful than 3DS?

Way to switch the subject and indirectly prove my point. Glad to know you agree with me.

J_Allard said:
Wow it's amazing that you know the 360 sold exactly that much and PS3 exactly that much. Are you sure PS3 didn't sell 10,672,695?

I am talking about numbers right from Sony and MS. Not sure what numbers you're referencing.

That's sales up until 11/24/11. VGchartz has Sony outselling MS for the full year aswell but I've just found that VGchartz was wrong haha. I apologize for my incorrect conclusion. However, my statement that the PS3 has sold (and still sells) more per year is still correct.

Normando said:
I bet both launch next year. There was some news recently that MS has said that's the plan for them but it's not news that they've been having some trouble so it might be a "soft" launch like some have been saying.

As for what Sales2099 (pretty much anything I've seen him say actually). I'm pretty new to this site but his kind isn't rare. Sales matter when it suits him and don't when it doesn't. He leaves out information and gives "half truths" just to try and sound right.

Yes, the 360 has sold more lifetime than the PS3. But it's been out and extra year. Every year that the PS3 has been out it has outsold the 360. Even if you align the launches the PS3 has outsold the 360 every year. The ONLY reason the 360 has sold more is its year advantage.

Nobody said this industry was fair. Nov 05-Nov06 PS3 sold a fat zero. It was PS3 fans hearts. Too bad it doesn't translate into actual retail lol.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

Duplicate thread. We allready agreed like 100% that whatever Patcher says is wrong. Ergo PS4 is a 2014 console.

Besides, Sony says they "want" to launch with MS, but want and actually do are two different things. Personally, I dont think Sony knows what they are doing anymore from a business perspective (Vita being the most recent example)

do you have more industry info and contacts than pachter does?

All gamers know that whatever Patcher says is opposite of reality. Dont shoot the messenger

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sony and nintendo are going to dominate microsoft in the next few years. fact is, microsoft NEED a head start to stay relevant.

sales2099 said:
maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

Duplicate thread. We allready agreed like 100% that whatever Patcher says is wrong. Ergo PS4 is a 2014 console.

Besides, Sony says they "want" to launch with MS, but want and actually do are two different things. Personally, I dont think Sony knows what they are doing anymore from a business perspective (Vita being the most recent example)

do you have more industry info and contacts than pachter does?

All gamers know that whatever Patcher says is opposite of reality. Dont shoot the messenger

What a ridiculous thing to say. He is an analyst, that is his job and the fact you came to the conclusion out of thin air that ps4 is launching in 2014, means your statement is baseless. 


sony and nintendo are going to dominate microsoft in the next few years. fact is, microsoft NEED a head start to stay relevant.

lol says who. This gen has been the opposite and another head start would only continue this trend.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:
maverick40 said:
sales2099 said:

Duplicate thread. We allready agreed like 100% that whatever Patcher says is wrong. Ergo PS4 is a 2014 console.

Besides, Sony says they "want" to launch with MS, but want and actually do are two different things. Personally, I dont think Sony knows what they are doing anymore from a business perspective (Vita being the most recent example)

do you have more industry info and contacts than pachter does?

All gamers know that whatever Patcher says is opposite of reality. Dont shoot the messenger

What a ridiculous thing to say. He is an analyst, that is his job and the fact you came to the conclusion out of thin air that ps4 is launching in 2014, your statement is baseless. 

If it was baseless then you should have ignored it. But then again the rumor mill of a 2013 Xbox is very strong. 2013 PS4....not so much. If anything we got news this year that devs only just got the next gen PS dev kits. Next gen games would take 2 years to make id imagine. Educated guesstimates at this point.

Dont have to tell me what Patcher is, im just saying the gamer consensus about him.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.