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riderz13371 said:

Earlier this week we informed you about the fact that the transition into next-generation Sony PS4 and Xbox 720 consoles had been too slow – the words of Ubisoft’s CEO. Now we have some related comments to share with you from that man Michael Pachter again. He has pinpointed a release date period for Sony’s console specifically, adding that the company will not want to make the same mistake of being a year behind Microsoft – as we saw with this current generation.

As most of you are well aware, the Xbox 360 launched in 2005, a full year ahead of Sony who only managed to release their Playstation 3 console in 2006. Sony has admitted in the past that this perhaps wasn’t the best business move in hindsight, with Jack Tretton also saying that the move is unlikely to be repeated when the next-generation PS4 finally does arrive.

That means that for the first time, we are in line to have both next-generation consoles releasing in the same period as each other and come this time next year, we could see an almighty sales pitch from both Sony and Microsoft who will be desperate to secure respective console purchases ahead each other.

This week, Michael Pachter has again echoed the thoughts of Jack Tretton, by saying that Sony doesn’t want to launch behind Microsoft again, adding that developers have already been working on PS4 games for a year now making a launch next holiday season very likely.


He has pinpointed a PS4 release in October or November 2013 and also believes that there will be further price cuts to the PS3 as well ensuring that the console still lives on while other gamers make the transition up to next gen. What does a simultaneous release mean for Microsoft though, if they no longer have a year’s advantage as we saw with the PS3?

Will we see a situation occur where gamers will just pick up one console or the other based on hardware and specs, or will gamers just choose their next gen console simply due to their allegiance and brand awareness? First week sales for both respective consoles are going to be key and it will be interesting to see what happens if both consoles launch around the exact same period.

Where is your money going next year? Do you think Microsoft will suffer this time around without a year’s advantage, or will the Xbox 720 still win the next-gen battle regardless? Give us your thoughts on this predicament.

*I replaced Patchers face*

i don't care about who "wins" as this does not matter to me - if x3ox "only" is third or second is only of importance if numbers are so low that 3rd-party-support is bad which i highly doubt. who "wins" is only important fpr fanboys, gamers play their games instead of arguing in threads who is "better".