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Forums - Sales Discussion - USA hates Ps3 confirmed. Edited AC3 sales (my bad :)

KeptoKnight said:

Its an American console with American games (part of the answer).

And we all know how much Americans hate themselves...

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Xbox has the name of a company based in the USA on it.

Xbox being ahead helps sell more units, because people buy new systems to play with friends that already have 360.

In America we are all made of money and would rather pay to play online, because only street rats play for free.

That's what I see, but I am also only 20 minutes outside of Redmond, Washington. Perhaps things are different elsewhere. With all that said, I don't get it either.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Where i live in Canada the price of the 360 is always cheaper and comes with more games compared to the PS3, i assume this would hold true for the US aswell. A few months back the 360cheap version was going for $150 then it went back to 200 with 100 store credit. The main 250gb 360 on many occasions comes with 5 games and the ps3 at most comes with 2 games, both are listed at the same price. These are not bad games either listed in the bundles, halo, forza, gears, fable are included most of the time.

The 360 is also leading in the UK and some other places, so to say everyone else in the World prefers the PS3 over the 360 is load of misinformed bollox.

Microsoft have simply done a good job at capturing the American market. In order to take a specific market from a competitor you have to target the franchises that people play the most in that market. The PS2 pretty much shows what games are preferred in each market.

America: Americans mainly played Grand Theft Auto so in Microsofts position they couldn't just get it fully exclusive on Xbox 360 so they opted for the next best thing and that was Exclusive DLC. The majority of Americans bought their favorite game on the Xbox 360 because it was simply the better choice at the time.

Call Of Duty came out of know here with its American success. You should already know that MS did a good job keeping COD close and getting stuff earlier on 360 so of course Americans bought their other favorite franchise on the 360

MS also has Halo which is a series that Americans also love

Sony doesn't really have their own exclusive that Americans go crazy for and also PS3 launched at a crazy price in a recession with no Trophies and not so good online

Europeans: their favorite franchises are FIFA and Gran Turismo(excluding GTA and COD which I believe both sell better on ps3 over there if I'm not mistaken)

Europeans buy their favorite games on PlayStation

Japanese: their favorite games are Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. MS did a good job with getting jrpgs but they didn't have their way with THE biggest franchises that the Japanese like

So yea the American lead is pretty much justified because MS got the American people to mostly buy their favorite games on the Xbox 360

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Nsanity said:
The 360 is also leading in the UK and some other places, so to say everyone else in the World prefers the PS3 over the 360 is load of misinformed bollox.

Not everyone as that's impossible, but the majority, yes.  PS3 wouldn't be outselling the 360 yearly if that wasn't the case.

Halo and COD, marketing, kinect > Move, friends tell their friends to get one.

FYI, AC3 has a exclusive PS3 bundle.

But I know, confusing isn't it? lol. Must be weird living in a continent that loves 360 so much and yet you don't feel that way.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

Halo and COD, marketing, kinect > Move, friends tell their friends to get one.

FYI, AC3 has a exclusive PS3 bundle.

But I know, confusing isn't it? lol. Must be weird living in a continent that loves 360 so much and yet you don't feel that way.

Not sure if sarcasm haha.. But I don't hate the 360. I used to have one, it's a great console! Xbox live is still a better overall experience than PSN (although PS+ is simply amazing)

I don't mind the 360 outselling the Ps3, it's just more popular. But you'd think the gap would be shinking a bit and the margin would be getting closer.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

PS3 is not associated with games which are appealing for US gamers like X360 is with Halo and Cod.

This is an odd generation. Microsoft,Sony and Nintendo, each has dominated North America,Europe and Japan respectively. Don't think this will change next gen.

Xbox is just more popular in America, but it don't mean they hate PS3 . It's just Americans supporting there own product like how Japan supports Nintendo/ Sony

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018