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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

Roma said:
gigaSheik said:
This is preposterous.

Wait till christmas.

don't expect a graphical leap this Christmas

we only say wait for Christmas when a console sells bad and it will be boosted at that time and if not for this one then wait for the next one ;) oand if that doesn't work then we can always say COD will save it!

But it did save it, right? RIGHT?

Wait for Ramadan!

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this is perplexing, werent they one of the devs that got a Wii U kit early on? Didnt they praise it back then? Now they do a 180? Its strange. Either THQ is worst of than we thought and resources had to be cut, or these devs are really lame as they are struggling with a PS3 version in this day and age.

On a side note glad to see people arent slinging mud, i remember some were hyped about the game on Wii U.

Wii U will sell great. Its crazy the amount of hate against Nintendo. It just came out, and it is just going to get better. Always some problems at launch. It happens.

Let's face it the WiiU is all about its nintendo made games, 80% of all third party games are going to be inferior to its ps360 counter parts and when ps4/nextbox comes out WiiU will be in the same position as the Wii was selling really really well but still getting horrible ports.

I don't think people ran out to stores to buy a launch WiiU so they could get a copy of Darksiders 2 or Batman arkham city, they want there Nintendo exclusives.

Oh and back on the OP didn't third party games tend to sell horrible on the Wii? could be another reason small devs like this one don't want to waste there time porting games over it the WiiU out of fear they pay perform the same.

Teriol said:
Roma said:
Teriol said:
Roma said:
GianCarmen said:

Remember what Epic's Mark Rein said this summer about the Wii U. Here is the quote about Unreal 3 and 4.

You saw games at the Nintendo press conference again this year - a fantastic demo by our friends at Warner Bros. showing Arkham City running on Wii U. And Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming on Wii U, that's also Unreal. There's, I'm sure, several others. Mass Effect [3] was announced for it as well. So we're certainly playing a role there with Unreal Engine 3.
I'll state that I don't think it's our intention to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but Unreal Engine 4 is going to be supremely scalable. We'll run on mobile phones and on a wide variety of things, so if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game to Wii U, they could. But Unreal Engine 3 is a really good fit for that platform.

it doesn't matter what links you give people they will still only believe what sounds good in their minds!

yeah... just look at that guy.. VGking he only comes when he see negative things about wii U or nintendo systems, and forget the positive things  developers say, and the fanboy negative rumors are facts for him... but that always makes me lol hahaha

well kids are kids

well you are rigth, but at least he makes my day of lol's and yep "mature" and "hardcoregamer" are another two things that always make me laugth :)

well at first it was annoying but then it gets kind of funny because its expected :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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Nintendo fans hate to see it, but your shiny new console just isn't that powerful. I'd be surprised if it ran any of these third-party ports as well than the Xbox 360 or Ps3.
With that said, Nintendo doesn't really care. It'll still sell like hotcakes besides of new and innovative games like Mari-, I mean ZombieU.

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Roma said:
Teriol said:
Roma said:
Teriol said:
Roma said:
GianCarmen said:

Remember what Epic's Mark Rein said this summer about the Wii U. Here is the quote about Unreal 3 and 4.

You saw games at the Nintendo press conference again this year - a fantastic demo by our friends at Warner Bros. showing Arkham City running on Wii U. And Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming on Wii U, that's also Unreal. There's, I'm sure, several others. Mass Effect [3] was announced for it as well. So we're certainly playing a role there with Unreal Engine 3.
I'll state that I don't think it's our intention to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but Unreal Engine 4 is going to be supremely scalable. We'll run on mobile phones and on a wide variety of things, so if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game to Wii U, they could. But Unreal Engine 3 is a really good fit for that platform.

it doesn't matter what links you give people they will still only believe what sounds good in their minds!

yeah... just look at that guy.. VGking he only comes when he see negative things about wii U or nintendo systems, and forget the positive things  developers say, and the fanboy negative rumors are facts for him... but that always makes me lol hahaha

well kids are kids

well you are rigth, but at least he makes my day of lol's and yep "mature" and "hardcoregamer" are another two things that always make me laugth :)

well at first it was annoying but then it gets kind of funny because its expected :P

Lol you guys are unreal. Grow up. The Wii U is not perfect. Stop putting words in my mouth and instead why dont you have and intelligent conversation. But looks like thats not going to happen.

ps3-sales! said:
Nintendo fans hate to see it, but your shiny new console just isn't that powerful. I'd be surprised if it ran any of these third-party ports as well than the Xbox 360 or Ps3.
With that said, Nintendo doesn't really care. It'll still sell like hotcakes besides of new and innovative games like Mari-, I mean ZombieU.

They're running those games just fine.

It's this rush to believe the worst about the Wii U that makes me doubt the ingenuousness of certain posters.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Torillian said:
Roma said:
Teriol said:


yeah... just look at that guy.. VGking he only comes when he see negative things about wii U or nintendo systems, and forget the positive things  developers say, and the fanboy negative rumors are facts for him... but that always makes me lol hahaha

well kids are kids

Your moral high ground is pretty unstable after that first post you had to edit, and I see you edited this as well.  I guess learning self restraint is a part of growing up, so you've got that going for you even if you can't seem to stop yourself from trolling in the first place.

nah it's that I have a hard time lying and sometimes stating the truth is trolling so that's why I edit them out. What can I say I suffer from foot in the mouth syndrome I am a Sagittarius after all!

practicing self restraint is something every body lives with until they die

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Still going to buy it regardless of tech. Nintendo has the franchises I want. Nuff said.

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD