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Torillian said:
Roma said:
Teriol said:


yeah... just look at that guy.. VGking he only comes when he see negative things about wii U or nintendo systems, and forget the positive things  developers say, and the fanboy negative rumors are facts for him... but that always makes me lol hahaha

well kids are kids

Your moral high ground is pretty unstable after that first post you had to edit, and I see you edited this as well.  I guess learning self restraint is a part of growing up, so you've got that going for you even if you can't seem to stop yourself from trolling in the first place.

nah it's that I have a hard time lying and sometimes stating the truth is trolling so that's why I edit them out. What can I say I suffer from foot in the mouth syndrome I am a Sagittarius after all!

practicing self restraint is something every body lives with until they die

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(