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Forums - General Discussion - Atheism VS Satanism VS Christianity


What are you?

Christian 2 15.38%
Satanist 3 23.08%
Atheist 7 53.85%
After this thread, I'm not sure 1 7.69%

Warning: This is the truth and as I believe it, do not participate in this thread if you're easily offended or closed minded. The exchange of contradictory ideas is what keeps this thing called the search for knowledge going. This thread is for people who are open minded, logical, and don't deny facts. If you are christian, you can try to post in this thread, but if you are too offended and are just going to insult and blasheme my God and creator Satan, just please go away now. I say offensive things about this christian God in this thread and if you do not want to read that, please leave now.

This thread is to discuss the attributes and concepts of christianity, Satanism, and atheism. First, let's discuss atheism.

Atheist believe there was nothing and then something happened to nothing and there was a big explosion that somehow made the universe. LOL Atleast that's what christians say. The truth is they believe in science, logic, and reason. That's something they have in common with Satanists. They believe the world came from natural circumstance within the universe, and life came to be on it's own. Satanists believe that too. Atheists base their morals upon logic and gut feelings, not an ages old book of unverifiable validity. I respect atheists for their reason, but I look down on them for never opening themselves up to the wonderful spiritual world that exists thinly veiled behind the obvious reality.

Satanism is complex. There's many different kinds of Satanist, from LaVeyan atheistic Satanism to theistic Satanism. I myself am a theistic Satanism, I believe Satan/Lucifer is a real being. He speaks to me through diverse manners and tells me all the truths and lies. He gives me magickal powers that christians and their false religion can never have. Anything I want comes to me without effort. When I pray he listens, considers what I want, and then gives me what I need, unlike the christian God who you pray to and absolutely nothing happens, and you look for the smallest things which could be considered "signs" that he answered your prayer. How many time have you known christians to say "Give me a sign" then they take something small and insignificant as a sign when it's really just an irrelivant circumstance. When you ask Satan for a sign, you better believe you will get a sign, and you will know 100% that it is a sign from Satan directly to you. So, I've gone a bit off topic, just slightly, let's get back to Satanism, not the glory of Satan... Atheistic satanism is based upon the Satanic bible. Anton LaVey was himself actually a theistic Satanist who believed Satan to be a real being, it's quite obvious that's true if you study him. He created the Satanic bible to make Satanism mainstream. he made it atheistic so it would be accepted. He gave all the glory to Satan he could without directly expressing that Satan is a real being that will bless your life in ways you cannot imagine. LeVayan Satanism has MUCH better morals then christianity, is relatively free of contradictions unlike the christian bible. It is a very good and respectable religion. 

Now, let's talk about my beliefs, theistic Satanism. Theistic/Spiritual Satanism is based upon the ancient religions of mankind that predate judaism and christianity by hundreds to thousands of years. We revere and give glory to the oldest God in recorded history, the ancient Sumerian God known as Enki. En means Lord, and Ki means earth. He is Lord of the Earth. He was worshipped long before the judeo/christian lie YHWH. (Wikipedia Enki for proof) We as theistic Satanists believe Judaism/Christianity to be a lie spread by the Jews to remove occult and spiritual knowledge from the general populace and place power in the hands of a select "Chosen" few, to the detriment of all mankind. If you truly study history, it will be revealed to you that Enki is the worlds oldest God and the story of the bible and the Judeo/Christian God YHWH was made up and stolen from the stories of Enki by the Jews to systimatically try to gain control of the world. All their doctrines are about spiritual enslavement to the false God YHWH and his vile lie of a son Jesus Christ. It is quite obvious from history that Jesus never existed, if you study history it's very clear that the events of the new testament never took place. There was something like a 30-50 year gap to when the story of Jesus supposedly happened, and when the gospels were written. True christian schollars know that the gospels were allegory of a mythical being, not a real story. The early christian church took the gospels and used them for their own twisted goals, and presented them as fact when there is little to no real historical evidence that Jesus of Nazereth ever existed.

Let's talk about Christianity now. The basis of christianity is that you need the blood sacrifice of Jesus to save your soul from eternal hellfire. Well let me ask you this, what kind of God(a fake one obviously). curses his children for eating some magical fruit that HE KNEW they were going to eat. If he's really all knowing, which he isn't, he would know Adam and Even were going to eat from the tree of knowledge. So he set them up to fail, and then he punishes all their descendants for something he knew they would do. Real great guy isn't he? Back on the topic of blood sacrifice, blood sacrifice is neither required or encouraged in the the worlds oldest and most valid religion, Satanism. SATAN NEVER ASKS YOU TO WORSHIP HIMSELF OR ANY OTHER GOD. In fact it's strictly forbidden in The Black Book of Satan. You should never worship anyone but yourself. You do not need to slaughter animals like the Jews used to do to gain salvation and Good tidings. You don't need the blood sacrifice of some mythical man on a wooden cross to bring you salvation. Heaven is a lie spread by the Jews. YOU DO NOT NEED JESUS. OR THE ROTTEN VILE HOLY SPIRIT. All you need to do to save yourself from "hell" (the cycle of reincarnation) is to progress spiritually enough that you reincarnate as a God in the next life. No blood sacrifice of some dude from Nazereth can save you. You need to meditate, practise magic, study all the knowledge you can, and work out and progress your physicaly being. Doing all this will raise your spiritual power threshhold and greaten your chances of reincarnating into a God and saving yourself from the cycle of reincarnation. Praying and giving yourself over and being a slave(AKA having a personal relationship with Christ) to some mythical man from Nazareth won't save you from anything. Nothing good comes without work. NO ONE will forgive you for your sins, they will be a blight of bad karma upon your soul until you've paid your dues. The idea that you need blood sacrifice to save you is vile, repulsive, and sick. The idea that all your sins can be forgiven just at the flick of a wrist of some mythical God-Man named Jesus is immoral and complete and utter bullshit.

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TheEvilBanana said:

Warning: This is the truth and as I believe it, do not participate in this thread if you're easily offended or closed minded. The exchange of contradictory ideas is what keeps this thing called the search for knowledge going. This thread is for people who are open minded, logical, and don't deny facts. If you are christian, you can try to post in this thread, but if you are too offended and are just going to insult and blasheme my God and creator Satan, just please go away now. I say offensive things about this christian God in this thread and if you do not want to read that, please leave now.

This thread is to discuss the attributes and concepts of christianity, Satanism, and atheism. First, let's discuss atheism.

Atheist believe there was nothing and then something happened to nothing and there was a big explosion that somehow made the universe. LOL Atleast that's what christians say. The truth is they believe in science, logic, and reason. That's something they have in common with Satanists. They believe the world came from natural circumstance within the universe, and life came to be on it's own. Satanists believe that too. Atheists base their morals upon logic and gut feelings, not an ages old book of unverifiable validity. I respect atheists for their reason, but I look down on them for never opening themselves up to the wonderful spiritual world that exists thinly veiled behind the obvious reality.

Satanism is complex. There's many different kinds of Satanist, from LaVeyan atheistic Satanism to theistic Satanism. I myself am a theistic Satanism, I believe Satan/Lucifer is a real being. He speaks to me through diverse manners and tells me all the truths and lies. He gives me magickal powers that christians and their false religion can never have. Anything I want comes to me without effort. When I pray he listens, considers what I want, and then gives me what I need, unlike the christian God who you pray to and absolutely nothing happens, and you look for the smallest things which could be considered "signs" that he answered your prayer. How many time have you known christians to say "Give me a sign" then they take something small and insignificant as a sign when it's really just an irrelivant circumstance. When you ask Satan for a sign, you better believe you will get a sign, and you will know 100% that it is a sign from Satan directly to you. So, I've gone a bit off topic, just slightly, let's get back to Satanism, not the glory of Satan... Atheistic satanism is based upon the Satanic bible. Anton LaVey was himself actually a theistic Satanist who believed Satan to be a real being, it's quite obvious that's true if you study him. He created the Satanic bible to make Satanism mainstream. he made it atheistic so it would be accepted. He gave all the glory to Satan he could without directly expressing that Satan is a real being that will bless your life in ways you cannot imagine. LeVayan Satanism has MUCH better morals then christianity, is relatively free of contradictions unlike the christian bible. It is a very good and respectable religion. 

Now, let's talk about my beliefs, theistic Satanism. Theistic/Spiritual Satanism is based upon the ancient religions of mankind that predate judaism and christianity by hundreds to thousands of years. We revere and give glory to the oldest God in recorded history, the ancient Sumerian God known as Enki. En means Lord, and Ki means earth. He is Lord of the Earth. He was worshipped long before the judeo/christian lie YHWH. (Wikipedia Enki for proof) We as theistic Satanists believe Judaism/Christianity to be a lie spread by the Jews to remove occult and spiritual knowledge from the general populace and place power in the hands of a select "Chosen" few, to the detriment of all mankind. If you truly study history, it will be revealed to you that Enki is the worlds oldest God and the story of the bible and the Judeo/Christian God YHWH was made up and stolen from the stories of Enki by the Jews to systimatically try to gain control of the world. All their doctrines are about spiritual enslavement to the false God YHWH and his vile lie of a son Jesus Christ. It is quite obvious from history that Jesus never existed, if you study history it's very clear that the events of the new testament never took place. There was something like a 30-50 year gap to when the story of Jesus supposedly happened, and when the gospels were written. True christian schollars know that the gospels were allegory of a mythical being, not a real story. The early christian church took the gospels and used them for their own twisted goals, and presented them as fact when there is little to no real historical evidence that Jesus of Nazereth ever existed.

Let's talk about Christianity now. The basis of christianity is that you need the blood sacrifice of Jesus to save your soul from eternal hellfire. Well let me ask you this, what kind of God(a fake one obviously). curses his children for eating some magical fruit that HE KNEW they were going to eat. If he's really all knowing, which he isn't, he would know Adam and Even were going to eat from the tree of knowledge. So he set them up to fail, and then he punishes all their descendants for something he knew they would do. Real great guy isn't he? Back on the topic of blood sacrifice, blood sacrifice is neither required or encouraged in the the worlds oldest and most valid religion, Satanism. SATAN NEVER ASKS YOU TO WORSHIP HIMSELF OR ANY OTHER GOD. In fact it's strictly forbidden in The Black Book of Satan. You should never worship anyone but yourself. You do not need to slaughter animals like the Jews used to do to gain salvation and Good tidings. You don't need the blood sacrifice of some mythical man on a wooden cross to bring you salvation. Heaven is a lie spread by the Jews. YOU DO NOT NEED JESUS. OR THE ROTTEN VILE HOLY SPIRIT. All you need to do to save yourself from "hell" (the cycle of reincarnation) is to progress spiritually enough that you reincarnate as a God in the next life. No blood sacrifice of some dude from Nazereth can save you. You need to meditate, practise magic, study all the knowledge you can, and work out and progress your physicaly being. Doing all this will raise your spiritual power threshhold and greaten your chances of reincarnating into a God and saving yourself from the cycle of reincarnation. Praying and giving yourself over and being a slave(AKA having a personal relationship with Christ) to some mythical man from Nazareth won't save you from anything. Nothing good comes without work. NO ONE will forgive you for your sins, they will be a blight of bad karma upon your soul until you've paid your dues. The idea that you need blood sacrifice to save you is vile, repulsive, and sick. The idea that all your sins can be forgiven just at the flick of a wrist of some mythical God-Man named Jesus is immoral and complete and utter bullshit.

This is literally to dumb to respond to.

not attacking you or calling you dumb just saying what you wrote is on the level of to dumb to respond to. I mean I can't even begin to touch this without correcting you on basic understanding of everything. Btwi feel like your trolling in the Christianity part competely because no one Can be that off on anything.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

Atheism is just the lack of belief in a God. You don't have to believe in anything else. You can believe sentient spaghetti created the universe and that science is all made up.

If you are indeed open to discussion, I would ask what evidence you have for the following things:

"I believe Satan/Lucifer is a real being."
"He speaks to me through diverse manners and tells me all the truths and lies."
"He gives me magickal powers"
"When I pray he gives me what I need"
"When you ask Satan for a sign, you better believe you will get a sign, and you will know 100% that it is a sign from Satan directly to you."

Preferably suggest the design of controlled, repeatable studies that can be used to test for these things.

Your criticisms of Christianity are i) not useful, because Christians generally cannot be persuaded by logical argument and ii) don't go anything towards showing that if Christianity isn't true, then Satanism must be.



So you like Satan... I have my own "religion" (nature) but I also have a fondness for the Norse Gods. I don't think any religion is correct and I especially don't like the religions that condemn non believers to a hell.

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Whatever one SONY fans are most likely to be.

ninetailschris said:
TheEvilBanana said:


This is literally to dumb to respond to.

not attacking you or calling you dumb just saying what you wrote is on the level of to dumb to respond to. I mean I can't even begin to touch this without correcting you on basic understanding of everything. Btwi feel like your trolling in the Christianity part competely because no one Can be that off on anything.

You must be very small minded and have no real arguments over the truth I have presented here if all you can to is resort to calling my post dumb. Idiots often resort to calling logical, well presented arguments dumb to make themselves feel better about the fact that they have no real arguments against the subject at hand. Not calling you an idiot, just saying it's something idiots do. You can't begin to correct me because you have no real arguments and I would most likely desimate you in debate. I am not trolling, I am being completely truthful an honest on my part. I am not "Off" on anything. I have done my research and know the truths I have presented here to be self evidence if you would take just a bit of time out of your life to research this and discover the truth for yourself.

Tagging for later.

Please get help and stop posting disturbing threads like this.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Tl:dr version of this thread: Satanism is awesome. Atheism is awesome because it uses science. Christianity sucks because God is sadistic. All yje "cool trends of post-modern thought. You think you're cool, but you are just another number in a sea.od people who caress each others backs for thinking like everyone else. In a world where everyone gets tatooa to be cool, I suddenly feek special not to jave any, those with tatoos suddenly seem so uncommon. I feel more speci thinking different than.everykne else in my epoc, and I take oride in that. Tell me, how does satan like that, an era where the Christians become the rebels? I personally can't wait and am vet excited. It will.give a nice Fuck you to all the other devious thoughts that pretend ro be awesome for being differenr. Your rurn is over fuckers.