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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does sony have a franchise that will sell the PS4 out of the gate

JayWood2010 said:

Everybody wants to predict how well the PS4/ NeXbox and the WiiU will sell, however people has left out important info on why they think each will sell well.  So here is my question, what does Sony have that will make the PS4 sell well.  Microsoft has Halo and Gears which are both system sellers to a mass amount of people and on top of that the XBOX brand is higher than ever in America, as well as Nintendo having Mario, DK, Zelda, and this list never ends.  Sony has a ton of franchises but does any of them really have that mass appeal that people will just blindly go in and buy the system right off of the bat for a high price?  The three biggest franchises that they have is Uncharted ,God of War, and Gran Turismo, but are they big enough?  

Explain your answers and try not argueing.

The 3 you named are just as big as every other game you mentioned for MS and Nintendo except Mario and no one would buy a playstation to play Mario

so there you go, you answered your own question


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I honestly do not think so.

Uncharted and God of War are not console sellers in my oppinion.
Gran Turismo may actually do the job but I doubt it; as it is more a slow start, long run franchise. (do not get me wrong, it sells well but it is not as high the first week as blockbusters like Halo or COD, which is what is needed in my oppinion for a new console seller).

I think that this time, without the help of Metal Gear Solid (going multi plat.), Sony needs to come out with a new and VERY original franchise if they want to sell the console just with that.

But frankly, I would not be worried anyways, even without a killer game, the console will sell well enough if they are coming with a good pricing this time. The fan base is healthy enough.

TheLastStarFighter said:
I don't know what first party games are better, that's purely subjective. But as far as franchises that are bigger, based on the number of people that buy the product over this past generation, clearly Halo is bigger than anything on Playstation including GT, and Halo is literally 1/3 of the draw of games like Mario Kart and NSMB. So does Sony have a franchise that will sell its system? It has games that people will buy the system to play, but less so than XBox and much less so than Nintendo. 1st party software is a major dissadvantage for Sony.

Gran turismo is every bit as big as halo, and Uncharted is on track to surpass gears sales. God of war and a slew of other 2-3 million selling mid-tire franchises and sony has more then xbox but a good margin.

Imaginedvl said:

I honestly do not think so.

Uncharted and God of War are not console sellers in my oppinion.
Gran Turismo may actually do the job but I doubt it; as it is more a slow start, long run franchise. (do not get me wrong, it sells well but it is not as high the first week as blockbusters like Halo or COD, which is what is needed in my oppinion for a new console seller).

I think that this time, without the help of Metal Gear Solid (going multi plat.), Sony needs to come out with a new and VERY original franchise if they want to sell the console just with that.

But frankly, I would not be worried anyways, even without a killer game, the console will sell well enough if they are coming with a good pricing this time. The fan base is healthy enough.

Yes they are system sellers as much as halo, gears are.  GT pulls in big first week numbrs and has long legs. Why does sony need a new innovative IP and MS with way less IP's not? BS.

Jay520 said:

How can you say GT isn't comparable to Halo when GT sells only a tiny bit lower?

Was GT5 the turning point for PS3? Does it prove a jump in PS3 sales that carry forward similar to NSMBWii or Wii Fit?

Its a big title and I did say it was Sony's largest, but its not a Halo or Mario title. Its still a niche genre.

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superchunk said:
Jay520 said:

How can you say GT isn't comparable to Halo when GT sells only a tiny bit lower?

Was GT5 the turning point for PS3? Does it prove a jump in PS3 sales that carry forward similar to NSMBWii or Wii Fit?

Its a big title and I did say it was Sony's largest, but its not a Halo or Mario title. Its still a niche genre.

you seriously need to put the keyboard down for a second and read your post. GT is the only franchise i know of that sells 5 million  games with a demo. Go see how many PSP games sold over 3million games, and how many  First party games sells 10 million each generation on a sony console . Tell me how many 3rd place console have 10 million seller in their library.

GT is Sonys Halo, just  sell in reverse. huge in europe, ok everwhere else, while Halo is huge in the US and ok everywhere else.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

They don't have just one single franchise that can sell consoles worldwide. However, they do have plenty of franchises that help sell consoles in the long run in different regions.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

Personally UC is going to get me to buy the console on day one if it releases at launch for ps4. I'm just a Drake whore..

The Last Guardian


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Yes, only 10million sellers can push hardware sales. Crash Bandicoot and Tekken and Final Fantasy on the PS1 were complete failures.